Useful tips

What a professional definition. Your professional diagnostics. Types of career guidance tests

Professional diagnostics- assessment of interests, personal qualities and student abilities.

  • we diagnosearea of ​​interest
  • assessing the level of development of various abilities
  • identify personal characteristics

Professional diagnostics
represents psychological tests aimed at identifying individual abilities, interests and preferences. Based on the test results, you can draw a conclusion about your intellectual abilities and the level of development of your personal qualities. Based on the test results, you will receive recommendations on which profession you should prefer in the future.Each personality type is characterized by certain characteristics:
  • certain character traits and mentality;
  • abilities for certain types of activities;
  • preferences for a certain type of occupation;
  • content of hobbies;
  • professional opportunities.
Each personality type corresponds to a certain type of profession. If a person chooses a profession that matches his personality type, then he can achieve the greatest success in it and receive the greatest satisfaction from work.Personality types according to the systematization of J. Holland:
  • realistic
  • artistic
  • intellectual
  • conventional
  • enterprising
  • social.

To determine your personality type, you are asked to
take J. Holland's professional self-determination questionnaire


A person who works according to his abilities is healthy in moral and psychological terms. He works without overexerting himself. The process of work itself gives him a feeling of satisfaction and exaltation of creative powers. Such a person is constantly in a good mood and has an overall positive tone in life.He is happy

Choosing a profession is a rather serious issue that should be approached carefully. Firstly , you need to take into account your personal interests. Secondly , evaluate your own abilities. Third , analyze the correspondence of your personal qualities with those qualities required by the chosen profession.
The world of professions is not something frozen. Professions may die out and disappear as obsolete, and new ones may appear. It happens that several professions are combined into one new one or, conversely, one is split into several new ones.
  • Type "Man - Nature" combines professions in which the main, leading subject of labor is plants, animals or microorganisms.
  • Type "Man - Technology" combines professions in which the main, leading subject of labor is technical systems, material objects, materials, types of energy.
  • Type “Man – Sign System” combines professions in which the main, leading subject of labor is symbols, numbers, codes, languages.
  • Type "Man - Man" combines professions in which the main, leading subject of labor is people, groups, teams, communities of people.
  • Type "Man - Artistic Image" combines professions in which the main, leading subject of labor is artistic images and the conditions for their construction
To determine your professional preferences, you are invited to take tests:

Young people are constantly told: look for a profession you like. And any mature person will confirm these words - only employment, for which there is an internal desire, allows you to receive satisfaction from work, motivates you to new heights and professional self-development. But how to find it? The simplest and affordable way- determine the professional personality type. To do this, you need to pass one of the simple tests available today in printed reference books, the Internet, and mobile applications. They can be used not only by a young person, but also by a specialist, for example school psychologist.

Personality and profession

Before we move on to professionally oriented personality types, let’s consider what a profession is in psychological terms. Here, the judgments of the domestic scientist K. M. Gurevich are authoritative. He argued that a profession is an objective and regulated organization of a person’s activity. The demands that it makes on a person leave a mark on his entire lifestyle.

One professional type is characterized by common goals and objectives, working conditions, living conditions, career paths and self-realization. On this basis, similar manners of behavior and communication are developed, as well as interests and life attitudes, values ​​and traditions. What does this ultimately lead to? People of similar professions develop similar psychological traits and characteristics. The profession also influences the development of certain traits of memory, attention, thinking, etc.

Important research by scientists

Professional personality types have been the subject of research by many prominent scientists. These include the following:

  • K. M. Gurevich.
  • M. Ya. Basov.
  • A. F. Lazursky.
  • J. Holland.
  • E. Spranger.
  • Le Senne.
  • A. Szondi.
  • E. Ro.
  • D. Guilford.
  • A. A. Bodalev.
  • E. S. Chugunov.

We will consider some studies and classifications in detail.

Holland test

The most common definition of a professional personality type is Holland (J. Holland), an American psychologist. The test helps to identify personal characteristics that will have a direct impact on future work activity and interaction with the team.

Professional personality types according to J. Holland are six varieties:

  1. Realistic. This is a bright, energetic personality. Stands out aggressive behavior, unsociability in the team. Strives to work on specific material objects. Has outstanding mathematical abilities and motor dexterity. People in this category are wonderful engineers, builders, mechanics, and agronomists.
  2. Research. This personality is characterized by a fundamental cognitive spirit. He is a curious, creative, original, independent person with analytical warehouse thinking. Theoretical values ​​will dominate in his mind. Strives to solve problems that require developed abstract thinking and intellectual effort. J. Holland recommends that individual researchers devote themselves to biology, astronomy, physics, chemistry and other exact sciences.
  3. Social. The aspirations of the individual are mainly directed towards the external environment. She prefers emotional and sensual activities. Active social contacts are necessary for such a person. He does not hide his desire to teach and educate. The personality is characterized by developed The desired field of activity for such people is medicine, education, social work.
  4. Conventional. And this type of personality is characterized by a clear craving for clearly structured activities. The person is conservative, practical, loves specifics. Differs in developed mathematical abilities. Holland recommends that people of this type pay attention to the field of finance and accounting.
  5. Artistic. This personality most of all strives for self-expression. She has vivid emotions, developed imagination and intuition. This person is independent and original in his decisions. Society's opinion never comes first. His motor and verbal abilities are excellent. Naturally, such a person is directly shown creative activity - music, cinema, theater, writing, etc.
  6. Enterprising. First of all, this personality is characterized by proactive behavior. She is only interested in those goals to achieve which she can show her enthusiasm, impulsiveness, and energy. This person most of all strives for dominance and power, reaching the top. An enterprising person tries himself in business. Also recommended for her are social and political activities, management (leadership positions), and jurisprudence.

That's all six professional types Holland's personality. The scientist in his classification paid great attention environment of the person being tested at the future place of work. He believed that surrounding group- a fundamental factor for a successful career. As you can see, the questionnaire allows you to determine your professional personality type based on many factors. This is the character intellectual development, temperament, interests, as well as the degree of their expression.

Spranger classification

The German philosopher and psychologist E. Spranger proposed his professional personality types. The scientist also divided all workers into six categories:

  1. A theoretical man. Individuals who gravitate toward theory rather than practice. They like to analyze problems and look for answers to questions.
  2. Economic man. For the individual, the main place is the usefulness and practicality of work activity.
  3. An aesthetic person. He cannot imagine everyday work without art and the contemplation of beauty.
  4. A social person. The main object of his attention is the people around him. Loves to help, advise, teach.
  5. A political person. He sees the meaning of his life in constant struggle, the path to unconquered heights, and gaining power.
  6. A religious man. Finds himself in spiritual life.

Stsondi classification

We continue to consider scientific views on the professional personality type. The position of the Italian psychologist A. Szondi is interesting here. In developing his classification, the scientist relied on the ideas of Sigmund Freud. When choosing a profession, he considered the subconscious impulses of the individual to be fundamental.

From this point of view, eight personality types can be distinguished:

  1. Homosexual.
  2. Sadistic.
  3. Hysterical.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Depressive.
  6. Manic.
  7. Catatonic.
  8. Paranoid.

Each type has its own characteristics, as well as professions recommended for it. For example, sadistic individuals are cruel, domineering, aggressive people who also have impressive physical strength. Work as a miner, animal trainer, veterinarian, or surgeon is recommended for them.

This definition of a professional personality type is unpopular today. After all, here future work is considered a platform for demonstrating one’s far from the best subconscious characteristics.

Le Senne classification

How is this different from the Holland Professional Personality Test? The division is based on the biological predetermined qualities of any individual. It can be said that Le Senne's professional types follow a gradation in temperament.

  • phlegmatic;
  • choleric people;
  • sanguine people, etc.

Lazursky classification

Groups according to A.F. Lazursky are based on division according to practicality, the material result of a particular activity. The scientist identifies the following professional types:

  • Impractical idealists and theorists.
  • Practical realists.
  • Mixed types: artistic-practical, scientific-practical, etc.

Classification by E. Ro

One of the main “competitors” of the Holland test for determining a professional personality type is the classification proposed by the American psychologist Ann Roe. It should be noted that in her research she does not consider education to be a profession, but an activity to which a person has devoted most of his life.

According to E. Ro, we can distinguish eight groups:

  1. Service. Social workers workers in the household sector.
  2. Business contacts. Businessmen, corporate agents.
  3. Organizers. Directors, top managers.
  4. Working for outdoors. These are foresters, fishermen, and agricultural workers.
  5. Technical professions. Mechanics, engineers, builders.
  6. Scientific professions.
  7. Cultural workers.
  8. Artists.

Each group is characterized by character traits, psychological attitudes, interest in communication, and interactions in society.

Research by D. Guilford

For professional self-determination, familiarity with the research of American psychologist Joan Guilford is very useful. She found outstanding representatives of several professions who built brilliant careers. Compiled by D. Guilford, the test of 653 questions for each respondent was aimed at determining what factors allowed these people to reach dizzying heights.

The psychologist found out that every profession has its own “secret of success.” For example, journalists could not imagine their life without society and valued aesthetic trends. Entrepreneurship and exact sciences aroused their antipathy. These are emotionally unstable, even irritable people. They do not like to clearly plan their life, but prefer unexpected decisions.

Now you are familiar with the most famous classifications of professional personality types. The most popular of them is based on the J. Holland test.


Very soon you will meet a huge world of professions.

You have a very important, perhaps the most important choice in life to make.
There are very few things in the world that we cannot choose. These include our own body, the historical era in which we were born, our parents, the events of early childhood. Everything else in life depends to one degree or another on our choices. And one of the most responsible choices that determine our destiny is the choice of profession. It makes sense to take this as seriously as possible.
Our attitude towards our life as a whole largely depends on how successful our professional activities are. Having something you love that brings satisfaction and respect from others is a great success in life. Whether this will happen or not largely depends on the desire to make a thorough and reasonable choice of profession.
Vocational determination helps:

If you don’t yet know what you want to become, career guidance will help you choose specialties that best suit your interests and professional expectations.
If you like any professional field (for example, economics), professional determination will help you choose a list of specialties that meet modern labor market requirements.
If you have already chosen a profession, professional determination will help you correlate your choice with your abilities, preferences and professional expectations, as well as navigate your further educational and professional activity.
STEP 1- Professional education includes work to promote information about the world of professions, personal and professionally important qualities of a person that are essential for self-determination, about the system of educational institutions and ways to obtain a profession, about the needs of society in personnel.
Part of vocational education is vocational education, which includes the formation of inclinations and professional interests of schoolchildren. The inclination develops in the process of activity, and professional knowledge is successfully accumulated in the presence of professional interests. Therefore, it is important to try yourself in the most various types activities.
STEP 2- Professional diagnostics and counseling - studying a person’s personality (value orientations, interests, needs, inclinations, abilities, professional orientation, professional intentions, motives for choosing a profession, character traits, temperament, health) and on this basis issuing professional recommendations.
Professional consultation is most often individual in nature.
Why is it important:

Satisfaction of such needs as the need for professional self-determination or self-affirmation occurs in the process practical activities a person, and only if the chosen profession, as they say, is to their liking;
- identifying inclinations that, in relation to knowledge, skills and abilities, act as a certain opportunity, allows you to create conditions under which the likelihood of a person acquiring this knowledge, skills and abilities will increase significantly.
- identification of psychophysiological characteristics of an individual is necessary to identify a person as a performer of certain types of work activity, as a future organizer, commander of the production process in various areas of physical and mental labor.
STEP 3- Pre-profile preparation and specialized education make it possible to concentrate teaching activities on the student’s personality during the transition from apprenticeship to adulthood.

What influences the choice of profession?

What factors determine a person’s choice of a particular profession?

In practice, it turns out that inclinations are taken into account last, but the opinion of parents has a huge influence.

8 factors for choosing a profession /According to E.A. Klimov/:
1. Position of senior family members.

There are elders who are directly responsible for how your life turns out. This concern also extends to the question of your future profession.

2. Position of comrades, girlfriends.

At your age, friendships are already very strong and can greatly influence your choice of profession. We can only give general advice: the correct decision will be one that suits your interests and coincides with the interests of the society in which you live.

3. Position of teachers, school teachers.

By observing the behavior, academic and extracurricular activities of students, an experienced teacher knows a lot about you that is hidden from unprofessional eyes and even from you.

4. Personal professional plans.

In this case, the plan refers to your ideas about the stages of mastering the profession.

5. Abilities.

The uniqueness of one’s abilities must be judged not only by academic success, but also by achievements in the most various types activities.

6. Level of claims for public recognition.

When planning your career path, it is very important to take care of the reality of your aspirations.

7. Awareness.

It is important to ensure that the information you acquire about a particular profession does not turn out to be distorted, incomplete, or one-sided.

8. Tendencies.

Tendencies manifest themselves in favorite activities, on which most of their free time is spent. These are interests backed by certain abilities.

Seven steps to an informed decision about choosing a profession:
1. Make a list of suitable professions.

Make a list of professions that you like, that are interesting, that you would like to work in, that suit you.
2. Make a list of the requirements of the chosen profession.
Make a list of your requirements:
chosen profession and future generation classes;

chosen profession and life values;

chosen profession and life goals;

chosen profession and my current hot issues;

chosen profession and actual employment in the specialty;

desired level of professional training;

chosen profession and my inclinations and abilities;

Desirable content, nature and working conditions.
3. Determine the significance of each requirement.

Determine how significant all of the listed requirements are. Perhaps there are less important requirements that, by and large, can be ignored.
4. Assess your suitability for each of the eligible professions.

In addition to the requirements that you have for the profession, there are also the requirements of the profession itself. Analyze whether you have developed professional quality, do yours answer intellectual abilities, psychological characteristics, health status, profession requirements
5. Calculate and analyze the results.

Analyze which profession from the entire list suits you best in all respects.
6. Check the results.

To make sure your thoughts are correct, discuss your decision with friends, parents, teachers, psychologist, and career counselor.
7. Identify the main practical steps to success.
So, you have made a decision, now it is important to determine: in what educational institution You will be able to receive professional education on how to develop yourself professionally important qualities, how you can gain practical experience in this specialty, how to increase your competitiveness in the labor market.

Mistakes when choosing a profession:
1. Attitude to the choice of profession as unchangeable. In any field of activity, there is a change in occupations and positions as a person’s qualifications increase. At the same time, the greatest success is achieved by those who have passed the initial stages well. Analyze the situation on the labor market. Please note that every year new professions appear. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly improve your skills and master related specialties. Do not be afraid that the choice of profession now, in the 11th grade, will fatally determine your entire destiny. Changing your choice and mastering a new specialty will make you a valuable specialist in demand in interdisciplinary fields of activity. Your first profession, even if you later change your mind and find something more attractive, will come in handy in unexpected situations. For example, the first education of an art critic will help a lawyer with his second education to understand the complex issues of inheritance of antique values...
2. Current opinions about the prestige of the profession. In relation to the profession, prejudice is manifested in the fact that some professions and occupations important to society are considered unworthy and indecent (for example: garbage collector). An economist or a psychologist is no more useful to society than a chemist or mechanic. The prestige of the profession should be taken into account - but after taking into account your interests and abilities. Otherwise, you will have (if you have) a “fashionable” but not enjoyable specialty. Or, what the hell, you will find yourself unfit to perform basic job functions...
3 . Choosing a profession under the influence of friends (for company, so as not to fall behind). We choose a profession according to our “taste” and “size” just like clothes and shoes. The feeling of a group and orientation towards peers are very positive characteristics of children your age. They are needed to master the norms of behavior in society, form the image of “I” and self-esteem. Therefore, look back at others, COMPARING (yourself with friends), and not blindly repeating. Try to see how you differ from your comrades - and how you are similar. This will help you understand that if Vasya becomes a firefighter (and he is a risky person), you may not like this profession (you are very careful and reasonable).
4. Transferring the attitude towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself. When choosing a profession, you must first take into account the characteristics of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or don’t like the person who is engaged in this type of activity. Being fascinated by a teacher is especially dangerous (if you admire the sincerity of a physicist, this does not mean that you like physics in itself, outside the “set”). In addition, guys often make the mistake of trying to get the profession of an idol - an athlete, politician, journalist, artist. Athletes - they are not all like that.
5. Passion only for the external or some private side of the profession. Behind the ease with which an actor creates an image on stage, there is intense, everyday work. And journalists do not always appear on television programs - more often they sift through a lot of information, archives, talk with dozens of people - before preparing a 10-minute report that... who will be announced by another (TV announcer).
6. Identification of a school subject with a profession or poor differentiation of these concepts. There is such a subject as a foreign language, and there are many professions that require language ability - translator, tour guide, international telephone operator, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to take into account what real occupations and professions are behind this subject. To do this, it is best not to just study profession charts or dictionaries of professions. It is worth analyzing newspapers with vacancies on the labor exchange (they usually indicate what education is required for a specific vacancy). For example, a person with a linguistic education ("Russian language and literature", "foreign language" at school) can work as a teacher, translator, editor, and assistant secretary. Moreover, keep in mind that there are more professions than school subjects. You can become a lawyer, marketer, or apparatchik. Professions can usually be associated with several school subjects (usually corresponding entrance exams to a university upon admission to this specialty). For example, a future economist may like both mathematics and geography at school.
7. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production. Complex and interesting technology is being introduced into all professions, and especially blue-collar workers, and the work culture is improving. And computers are being introduced into absolutely all areas of activity - right down to livestock farming.
8. Inability/unwillingness to understand one’s personal qualities (inclinations, abilities). Career consultants, parents, teachers, and comrades will help you understand yourself. Psychological tests, as well as articles and publications on popular psychology, may also be useful. However, keep in mind that many of them are unprofessional, so be critical of both the test results and what is written in psychological books. The task of popular tests is to intensify the activity of self-knowledge (self-observation, introspection), and not to give a ready-made answer to the question of who to be or sticking a label on what kind of person you are.
9. Ignorance/underestimation of one’s physical characteristics and shortcomings that are significant when choosing a profession. There are professions that may be contraindicated for you, because... they may worsen your health. There are few such professions and they include mainly those that require prolonged stress of one kind or another. physiological systems. Computer scientists strain their eyes, but pilots strain their hearts...
10. Ignorance of basic actions, operations and their order when solving, thinking about a problem when choosing a profession. When you solve a math problem, you perform certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession.

Memo for parents
Give your child the right to choose their future profession.

Discuss with them the possible pros and cons of their chosen profession.

Consider choosing a future profession not only from the position of material satisfaction, but also from the position of moral satisfaction.

When choosing a future profession, take into account the personal qualities of your child that he needs in this specialty.

If there are disagreements in choosing a profession, use the opportunity to consult with specialist consultants.

Do not put pressure on your child to choose a profession, otherwise this may result in persistent conflicts.

Support your child if he has the patience and desire to make his dream come true.

If your child makes a mistake in his choice, do not reproach him for it. The error can be corrected.

If your child becomes interested in some profession early on, give him the opportunity to support this interest with the help of literature, activities in clubs, etc.


ChapterITheoretical aspects of professional self-determination of high school students

1.1 Features of the elder school age. Life plan

1.2 Characteristics of professional self-determination in high school age

1.3 Self-knowledge in choosing a profession

1.4 The role of self-esteem in professional self-determination

ChapterIIFeatures of professional self-determination in high school age.

2.1 Goals, objectives, organization of the study

2.2 Study of types of professional activities according to Klimov

2.3 Study of the predominant personality type using Holland’s method


List of used literature

Application Introduction.

At the moment, the situation is such that there are fewer and fewer real specialists working with enthusiasm and raising our country to higher levels of development. Why is this happening? Even though in our country there are many higher and secondary educational institutions with high level and the quality of education that produces “specialists” every year, their competence and professionalism leave much to be desired.

Analyzing the facts of modern reality, one involuntarily thinks: what is the reason for these failures and disappointments of young people?

Perhaps one of the reasons is the wrong choice of profession in his youth. It is known that adolescence (14-18 years) is the age of self-determination. Who to be? What to be? Where am I most needed? These and many questions arise for older schoolchildren.

The world of professions is very large. It includes thousands of different interesting specialties. In adolescence, everyone faces a choice. Every fifth person will talk about their misconceptions and fluctuations in professional self-determination. A high school student is attracted to dozens of professions. What are they? Different types labor requires different and sometimes contradictory qualities from a person. In one case, this is the ability to get along with people, to manage and obey, in another - a high culture of movements, in the third - the acuity of observations. Of course, if you are 15-17 years old, it is not easy to understand such a variety of your personal qualities and abilities.

Making a social and deeply personal choice in professional self-determination is not a simple or easy task.

Independent choice of profession is the “second birth of a person.” After all, the social value of a person, his place among other people, job satisfaction, physical and neuro-mental health, joy and happiness depend on how correctly the path in life is chosen.

The society expands the opportunities for self-determination of young people. She has opportunities to apply her strengths and abilities in a variety of areas of activity for the benefit of society.

Thus, professional work activity, which is preceded by right choice, one of the most important factors that determine much in the life of a modern person.

The great advantage of man lies in his ability to choose.

Purpose: to study the types of professions chosen by schoolchildren.

Object: professional self-determination of high school students.

Subject: personality types and the types of professions they choose

1) analysis of literature on this topic;

2) study types of professions;

3) analyze the results obtained

Hypothesis: the predominance of humanitarian orientation in the choice of professional activity and social type of personality.

Methods: analysis, testing, survey, methods for interpreting the results obtained.

ChapterITheoretical aspects of professional self-determination of a high school student’s personality

1.1 Features of high school age and choice of profession. Life plan.

General ideological searches are grounded and concretized in life plans. Life plan is a broad concept. It covers the entire sphere of personal self-determination - moral character, lifestyle, level of aspirations.

The most important, urgent and difficult thing for a high school student is choosing a profession. Psychologically directed towards the future and inclined to even mentally “jump” over unfinished stages, the young man is already internally burdened by school; school life seems to him temporary, unreal, the threshold of another, richer and more authentic life, which simultaneously attracts and frightens him.

He understands well that the content of this future life, first of all, depends on whether he will be able to choose the right profession. No matter how frivolous and carefree the young man may appear, the choice of profession is his main and constant concern.

During adolescence, the individual appearance of each person becomes more and more definite and distinct. young man, those of his individual characteristics, which in their totality determine the make-up of his personality, become more and more clear.

High school students differ significantly from each other not only in temperament and character, but also in their abilities, needs, aspirations and interests, and varying degrees of self-awareness. Individual characteristics also manifest themselves in the choice of life path. Youth is the age when a worldview takes shape, value orientations and attitudes are formed.

In fact, this is the period when there is a transition from childhood to the beginning of adulthood, a corresponding degree of responsibility, independence, the ability to actively participate in the life of society and in one’s personal life, to constructive solutions to various problems, and professional development. Adolescence, according to Erikson, is built around the process of identity, consisting of a series of social and individual personal choices, identification, and professional development. As already mentioned, professional self-determination begins in childhood and ends in early youth . Experimental study of the significance of motives educational activities

Choosing a profession and mastering it begins with professional self-determination. At this stage, students should quite realistically formulate for themselves the task of choosing a future field of activity, taking into account the available psychological and psychophysiological resources. At this time, students develop attitudes towards certain professions and select educational subjects in accordance with the chosen profession.

1.2. Professional self-determination.

Professional education performing the functions vocational training, identified with the concept of “special education”, suggests 2 ways of obtaining it - self-education or training in educational institutions vocational education. . The success of vocational education is determined by such an important psychological moment as “readiness” (emotional, motivational) to acquire a particular profession.

Career guidance is a set of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at optimizing the employment process in accordance with desires, inclinations and developed abilities, as well as taking into account the needs for specialties in the labor market.

Career guidance is a scientifically based system of preparing young people for the free and independent choice of profession, designed to take into account both the individual characteristics of each person and the need for a full distribution of labor resources in the interests of society.

There are two forms of career guidance. Career guidance on a narrow basis consists in the fact that in an educational institution that trains specialists, students reveal all the features of the activity ahead of them. Career guidance on a broad basis consists in introducing young people who have not yet made their choice to the world of professions.

Career guidance is aimed at solving the following problems:
- introduction to the world of professions;
- study of interests, abilities, inclinations and motives of activity;
- familiarization with the rules for choosing a profession;
- motivation to think about your professional future
Since the object career guidance activities is the process of social and professional self-determination of a person, it is important, first of all, to formulate a group of principles that guide adolescents when choosing a profession and place in the social structure of society.

Principle of Consciousness in choosing a profession is expressed in the desire to satisfy with one’s choice not only personal needs in work, but also to bring as much benefit to society as possible.

Principle of correspondence the chosen profession, the interests, inclinations, abilities of the individual and at the same time the needs of society for personnel in a certain profession expresses the connection between the personal and social aspects of choosing a profession. By analogy with a well-known thought, one cannot live in society and be free from society - one can also say: one cannot choose a profession based only on one’s own interests and regardless of the interests of society. Violation of the principle of matching the needs of the individual and society leads to an imbalance in the professional structure of personnel.

Activity principle in choosing a profession characterizes the type of activity of an individual in the process of professional self-determination. You have to actively look for a profession yourself. The following must play a big role in this: practical testing of the students themselves in the process of labor and professional training, advice from parents and their professional experience, searching and reading literature, work during practice, and much more.

Development principle reflects the idea of ​​​​choosing a profession that would give the individual the opportunity to improve their qualifications, increase earnings, as experience and professional excellence, the opportunity to actively participate in social work, satisfy the cultural needs of the individual, the need for housing, recreation, etc.

Career guidance, which performs the functions of vocational training, involves two ways to obtain it - self-education or training in educational institutions of vocational education. The success of vocational education is determined by such an important psychological moment as readiness (emotional, motivational) to acquire a particular profession.

Choice of profession, carried out by a person as a result of analyzing internal resources and by correlating them with the requirements of the profession, is the basis for a person’s self-affirmation in society, one of the main decisions in life. Choice of profession- this is not an instant act. Choice of profession consists of a number of stages merging into one process. The duration of the stages depends on:
- external conditions;
- individual characteristics of the subject of choice of profession.

The system of professional guidance work includes such a concept as professional self-determination, since choosing a profession and mastering it begins with professional self-determination. is one of the most important components of human self-awareness as a subject of activity.

Professional self-determination- a process that covers the entire period of a person’s professional activity: from the emergence of professional intentions to exit from work.
The formation of professional self-determination occurs on the basis of mastering the social experience of the individual with the inclusion of this experience in the “professional self” of the individual.