
What to do if colleagues don’t respect you. How to gain the respect of your classmates at school. A fine line between a twig and a gingerbread

If an employee is valued by management and the team, broad prospects for career growth open up for him, working conditions become more comfortable, and wages increase steadily. In addition, a person who is respected in the team has the opportunity to approach tasks creatively, i.e. he has more ways to self-realize. And since self-realization and self-expression are the top of the pyramid of hierarchical human needs, the employee’s need for recognition is almost always high.

There can be many reasons why you are not appreciated at work. And they can be both objective, i.e. both really existing and subjective, i.e. far-fetched. Objective reasons include incompetence, a tendency to make mistakes, inattention, laziness, etc. The subjective reason may be age (colleagues who are too young or too old are often treated with disdain), personal rejection, etc.

How to make yourself valued and respected

To begin to appreciate you for professional quality, it is necessary to clearly demonstrate them. Work hard, improve your skills, raise your professional level. Since highly skilled workers are valued much more, master any operations that improve your skills.

Learn to correctly present the results of your work and do not allow them to be appropriated by another person. Sometimes it is useful to focus management's attention on the difficulties you faced while completing a task and how you successfully overcame them. Modesty is good, but only in moderation. Additionally, if you don't emphasize your accomplishments, management will likely only learn about your mistakes, which is unlikely to serve you well.

Be a man of action - don't allow yourself to make promises and not keep them. If you have worked hard but failed to achieve good result, before reporting to management, analyze the reasons for the failure and immediately after the report make practical suggestions to correct the situation.

Build relationships with colleagues. A person who is unpleasant to the people who work with him will never be appreciated and respected. Be neat, polite, respond to requests for help, and participate in corporate events.

» The art of ordering

© Victor Sorochenko

The art of ordering.
How to manage subordinates

Long gone are the days when subordinates were ready to endure all the nagging and whims of their boss because of the danger of ending up on the street. Today, managers increasingly deal not with the resigned “gray masses,” but with ambitious and ambitious employees who know their worth. In terms of intelligence, education or professional experience, and in general, as a person, as a person, a subordinate can be in no way inferior to his boss. And often surpass it in all these parameters. Threats, complaints from his superiors and the prospect of dismissal do not frighten him at all. A highly qualified specialist is so confident in his abilities and professional competence that, given the opportunity, he can easily “slam the door” and leave you to work for another company. Therefore, experienced managers today are interested, first of all, in soft and conflict-free management methods. Creating a non-aggressive, non-offensive atmosphere creates a favorable psychological climate of mutual trust and cooperation. Methods of gentle “stroking” stimulate work much better than insults and punishments.

The reason for the failures of young managers does not necessarily lie in low professional qualifications and lack of knowledge, psychologists say. Much more often, newly minted bosses fail due to their inability to properly build relationships with subordinates. The ability to command plays an important role in this. This is an art that every leader needs to master.

Why are orders not being carried out?

The success of any organization largely depends on the clear and coordinated execution of management orders. And the higher the management level, the more expensive it is to fail or incorrectly carry out orders. The average manager gives dozens, or even hundreds of orders per day. Most of them, at first glance, are so obvious that they do not require much effort to understand and implement. Therefore, managers rarely think about the importance of correctly formulating their requirements. And completely in vain! What mistakes can management make when formulating orders? What should you consider when giving orders?

There are several reasons for non-fulfillment or poor execution of orders. The first is a simple misunderstanding of your order. It just seems like we all speak the same language. In fact, different people can perceive the same words in completely different ways. There are a number of conditions that determine whether subordinates will understand the essence of your order:

  • unity of professional language,
  • intelligence level,
  • the level of education,
  • logic of presentation,
  • concentration of attention (after all, often a subordinate listens to the boss, but does not hear him, but “has his head in the clouds” because his consciousness is blocked by his thoughts)
  • and many others

The most common cause of misunderstanding is vague orders. Unfortunately, many managers are likened to characters from a children's fairy tale, constantly demanding from their subordinates something like: “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what.” The result is appropriate. Managers often confuse an order (which is always specific: “dig from the fence until lunch...”) with an abstract call (“work efficiently...”). The function of the first is managerial and incentive, and the second is evaluative and motivational.

However, understanding the order is not the most important thing. Experienced managers know that subordinates can very well understand what their boss wants from them. But this is not always done. Often they simply pretend that they don’t understand, playing “not understanding.” We can talk about the reasons for a long time. Most often, the problem lies at the level of interpersonal likes/dislikes.

This leads to the second reason for non-compliance with orders - the subordinate’s failure to accept the demands of the leader (and the leader himself as an individual). After all, understanding does not mean accepting. The point usually is not a lack of understanding (which is what many managers complain about), but rather the achievement of the subordinate’s agreement with the boss’s position.

Non-acceptance can take various forms: from publicly challenging the received order to covert sabotage. Here, managers often make a big mistake: they say, “Now I’ll prove it to you...” and begin to pour a stream of arguments on the subordinate’s head. But the point is not at all to convince a person of the benefits for the cause! Rejection usually occurs not because the employee misunderstood something or does not see practical benefits for the organization. First of all, he does not see the benefits for himself personally! It is important to understand that the staff, for the most part, have completely different goals and objectives: they did not come to do BUSINESS, but to somehow earn their due salary. After all, this is NOT THEIR COMPANY!

You definitely need to find out why your subordinate does not accept your point of view. What is behind non-acceptance? Disagreement with your views on running a business or the purely “selfish” interest and ambitions of a particular employee, no matter how beautiful arguments they are disguised (“I care about the good of the organization,” etc.)? Disagreement with management methods or personal dislike for the boss? Hence the conclusion: one must act not on external manifestations (“he doesn’t understand anything...”), but on the internal cause.

It should be remembered that conflicts between a manager and a subordinate are not so much open as they are hidden, veiled. The reasons are clear - after all, not everyone will dare to openly oppose their boss. And most often they arise precisely when orders are issued. After all, it is at this stage of managerial communication that the manager most invades the privacy of another person, i.e. actively forces him to take any actions that may fundamentally contradict his views, beliefs, and life values.

A few secrets

To increase the effectiveness of orders, psychologists advise sticking to several simple rules. They can be productively used in management practice at the level of interpersonal contacts. Firstly, to raise the image of the leader. Secondly, to soften the form of coercion, which, alas, no boss can do without. Thirdly, to eliminate contradictions between the personal desires of subordinates and the goals of the organization.

1. Accounting for the information fund of a communication partner

A person correlates all words addressed to him with his own information vocabulary, formed on the basis of unique life experience. It stores interpretations of many terms. To avoid misunderstandings, the boss always needs to take into account the intelligence of the subordinate, the level of education (the person graduated from 5th grade or university) and adjust his speech accordingly.

2. One meaning

The order should not carry irony or double meaning. Moreover, it should not contain abstract metaphors and other artistic images that different people may be perceived differently. The order must be as specific as possible, eliminating double interpretation. Remember the old saying: “If something can be misunderstood, it will certainly be misunderstood.”

3. Don't personalize

You should not say in a peremptory tone “I want...”, “I need...”, “I said...”, since in the subordinate’s mind the transformation immediately occurs from “I want...” to “Oh, you see, he wants...". Emotional withdrawal occurs. The manager involuntarily translates the official order into the plane interpersonal relationships. But the personal desire of the boss may not be fulfilled, and if fulfilled, it will be purely formal, somehow. The following options are more preferable: “This is necessary for our company...”, “It will be better if you...”, “This is necessary so that it doesn’t happen to us...”. In this way, requirements are not related to the whim of the big boss, but to the needs and goals of the organization.

4. Remember intonation!

It happens that a manager says quite the right things, but does it very rudely, aggressively, and in a manner offensive to the employee. This includes offensive jokes to the subordinate that accompany the order, and ironic remarks, and sarcastic smiles, and the politely dismissive tone of orders, and contemptuous notes in the boss’s voice... The process of giving orders is often used as another reason to show one’s superiority. In this way, some managers try to solve their own psychological problems at the expense of their subordinates.

Understanding an order given in this form is always difficult. All the attention of the subordinate is concentrated not on the essence of the order, but on the attitude towards his personality. A defensive emotional reaction immediately arises, which blocks the analytical activity of the brain, and the words are almost not realized. Understanding of the order is blocked. This is how Mother Nature made us all: human brain can simultaneously work with either logic or emotions. Moreover, emerging negative emotions always block logical thinking!

It is important that the order fulfills its function and at the same time does not psychologically traumatize the employee, is not offensive or offensive. Gone are the days when subordinates were ready to endure all the antics of their superiors because of the threat of ending up on the street! It was in the second half of the 90s that qualified specialists were scared to death by the specter of unemployment. Today, managers increasingly deal not with the resigned “gray masses,” but with ambitious, ambitious employees who know their worth. In terms of intelligence, education or professional experience, and in general, as a person, as an individual, a subordinate can be in no way inferior to the manager, and often surpasses him in all respects. Threats from superiors and the prospect of dismissal do not frighten them at all. Therefore, an experienced manager is interested, first of all, in soft management methods that spare the subordinate’s pride. Creating a non-aggressive, non-offensive atmosphere creates a favorable psychological climate of mutual trust and cooperation.

We should also not forget that an employee who is offended by the boss’s too harsh behavior may try to take revenge. For example, not so long ago, an employee of a large Russian pharmaceutical company, outraged by the boorish habits of his boss, as revenge, found nothing better than to inform the concerned authorities about the “peculiarities of work” of his company. The result is a trial with all that it entails. Of course, no one is safe from “snitches,” but the manager should still behave carefully with those who have access to confidential information so as not to provoke a “set-up.”

5. No negativity!

The order should not begin with negative words, so as not to form a negative attitude in the subordinate even before he knows its content. Perception should not take place against a negative emotional background (see previous paragraph). For the same reason, you cannot combine issuing an order with criticism, or talk simultaneously about the essence of the work ahead and about the personal or professional shortcomings of the employee. When formulating orders, you should avoid critical “seasonings” such as “Do it, but not the same way as last time...”.

6. Rule “Proper name”

Addressing a subordinate by name and patronymic is always preferable to a faceless one: “Hey, how are you…”. There are no more pleasant sounds for a person than the sounds of his name, the ancients said. Addressing a person by name emphasizes respect for his personality, implicitly gives rise to a feeling of satisfaction, positive emotions (which, by the way, are not always realized) and, as a result, arouses affection towards the source of positive emotions. Psychologists have found that, other things being equal, subordinates more easily accept the orders of the leader towards whom they have a positive attitude and much more often reject (challenge) the demands of the one towards whom they have antipathy.

7. Using compliments

If a subordinate is strongly negative, managers may try to reduce resistance with praise or compliments at the beginning of the conversation. The most effective compliment is a compliment accompanied by a small anti-compliment to yourself (especially with those employees who, presumably, have antipathy towards their boss). Example: “How do you manage to resolve these issues so quickly? I spent two hours yesterday, and you sorted everything out in ten minutes. Please do more and...” Naturally, every employee likes to look better than his boss in a particular matter. Especially if the boss himself emphasizes this. This is how a person’s need for recognition is satisfied.

Let me remind you that a compliment is considered a SMALL exaggeration of real-life advantages that the interlocutor sees or wants to see in himself. This distinguishes a compliment from rude flattery, which has a much greater chance of being rejected. All people love praise. This satisfies their need for positive emotions. And positive emotions, as already mentioned, give rise to a disposition towards their source. There is a suggestion effect.

Unfortunately, our country has developed a tradition of rather harsh treatment of subordinates. Many managers do not like to praise an employee, especially publicly. They are afraid to “over-praise” or “spoil”. Much more often, our bosses resort to goading and intimidation, trying to “motivate” the staff in this simple way. At the same time, it has long been established that gentle “stroking” methods stimulate work much better than insults and punishments.

8. "Knight's move"

If passive or active resistance to an order is expected, it is better not to give an order “head-on”, but to use a tricky workaround: first ask a subordinate for advice. Something like “What do you think...?” and so on. When a person is consulted by someone at a higher hierarchical level, this always evokes a feeling of self-respect, which is naturally accompanied positive emotions, which by law of association are associated with their source. This tactic guarantees the manager the loyalty and gratitude of the employee. But this method cannot be practiced with everyone, and it loses its impact over time. There are people who don't appreciate generous gestures. They may mistake a “human” attitude towards them for the leader’s weakness and an opportunity to “sit on his head.”

9. Question form

In most cases, the interrogative form of orders is best perceived by subordinates. Everyone understands that the boss’s request is a veiled order, but with this form it is psychologically more difficult to refuse: “Dear V.V., could you tomorrow...?”, “Would you agree...?”, “Do you have Do you have the opportunity...?”

10. Personal benefit rule

The order will be carried out much more effectively if the subordinate sees in it not only a benefit for the organization, but also a benefit for himself personally. When a person works without personal interest, he does only as much as necessary (a “C”) in order to formally satisfy the demands of his superiors.


In the best way, an employee does what he himself considers necessary, and not what his superiors tell him to do (as we know, this does not always coincide). Therefore, it is desirable that the subordinate himself comes to a decision that meets the manager’s plan. The latter’s task is to push the employee to take independent action and help him independently draw the right conclusions. Ideally, a leader should not order, but create a situation in which the subordinate himself comes to the desired decision. This represents a specific management style - a specially organized process of communication between a manager and his subordinates. In the West, this style is currently very popular. Employee management is structured in such a way that they act virtually independently, while remaining under the supervision of a manager-mentor. Such observation is included in everyday business conversation managers and subordinates: consulting during meetings, negotiations, ongoing monitoring of employees’ performance of their duties, etc.

Naturally, this requires a good knowledge of psychology and the motivation of subordinates. This is a real art, the highest class of managing people who in this case feel completely independent. The trust they feel and the demonstration of respect for their subordinates is the best motivation for their effective work. And they are more willing to go to work, more proactive and satisfied with their work.

Unfortunately, given the current level of development of managerial and business culture in our country, this style of leadership is perceived as nothing more than science fiction. Alas. Therefore, in our conditions, the creation of the desired situations can be carried out, for example, by simply asking a chain of questions that allow us to lead the interlocutor to the desired solution. The logic of sequentially asked questions is such that after each answer the number of degrees of freedom of the answerer narrows, because by answering each question, a person determines his position and becomes a prisoner of previous answers.

For example, you need to give a task to a careless employee who (this is known from experience) will definitely begin to be indignant, prove that this is not part of his duties, etc. Here is a possible dialogue option:

Chief: “Of course, you are familiar with the job description, which outlines your job responsibilities?”
Subordinate: “Mmm-yes, of course.”
Chief: “In that case, you must remember well paragraph five of paragraph four of section two?”
Subordinate: “Uh-uh, what is it?”
Chief: “This point is directly addressed to you: you need to do...” (an order is given and a deadline is determined).

A careless subordinate, of course, is new to job description, and if I ever read it, I long ago forgot its contents. But he won’t dare say “no” to his boss. And by saying “yes,” he cuts off his own path of retreat.

The target of influence can also be various personal qualities subordinate: ambition, ambition, desire to prove one’s exclusivity, characteristics of temperament and character, etc. The author of these lines once witnessed a situation where the head of a department told his employee: “Vasily Ignatievich, you need to complete one task. I won’t hide it, this is a very difficult task. Therefore, you obviously cannot do it (transparent hint: they say, not with your qualifications...). Which of your colleagues do you think can be entrusted with this?” An ambitious and ambitious employee, who loves to contradict his boss in everything and is looking for an opportunity to show that he should have been appointed boss, and not the current one, immediately flares up:

From what? I can do it too!
- Are you joking?
- No, I'm not joking. I know how to get everything done quickly!
- Really?
- Exactly!
- Wow! Fantastic! (the boss feigns sincere surprise)
- In 3 days I will bring you the result!
- You're just great! Well, thank you! A weight has been lifted from my soul! After 3 days, report on completion! etc.

“Failing” such a task means admitting your complete professional failure, so the employee will approach this task much more responsibly than the usual order from management issued “from above.”

Conclusion. What can you learn from the Japanese samurai?

In ancient times, Japanese samurai improved their martial arts by constantly performing special exercises. Possession of a samurai sword was divided into separate techniques, which were carefully practiced until mastery was achieved: perfection, automatism, ease and ease of execution.

The art of managing people also requires constant training. The ability to command lies in the dosed and differentiated use of the techniques listed above. It is not difficult to understand (including with the help of this article) what the required skills are. But understanding does not mean mastering skills! Knowing and being able to are not the same thing! Ideas can be easily learned today and forgotten tomorrow. Only with patience and practice can you master them. Remember: samurai skill requires that every sword technique be honed to complete perfection!

Work has long ceased to be just a way to get money for your work. To make the work process easier, people unite in groups where they try to maximize their potential. This problem becomes especially relevant when you find yourself in new team: I want to immediately become a respected person. There are many ways to increase your authority in the eyes of others.

The first 10 ways to make yourself respected at work

  • professional- you act as a senior mentor and willingly share the secrets of your craft;
  • psychological- you support the person, give him advice “for life” (the main thing is not to overdo it and not become a vest for tears).

  • Work conscientiously
  • Ideally, work should bring us pleasure. Reality, of course, shatters the rose-colored glasses. But if you fall in love with your line of work, a very favorable “aura” will automatically arise around you, which people always flock to, like moths to a light.

    ADVICE! Charge and infect everyone around you with your energy and interest, make far-reaching plans.

  • Constantly improve
  • At the very least, this will help you earn the respect of your boss. A good specialist is always interested in further development. The world is changing rapidly, and resting on your laurels is a path that leads to a dead end. Look for advanced training courses, work on your shortcomings, offer fresh ideas.

  • Rejoice in other people's successes
  • A very destructive feeling, it will not lead you to success. The ability to be happy for others - important sign accomplished personality. Praise your colleague for a successfully completed project, congratulate him on a good performance at the conference. This will help you make yourself respected in the team.

  • Take criticism appropriately
  • It is very unpleasant to admit your mistakes, but without them full development impossible. If mistakes are pointed out to you, pay attention to them to avoid mistakes in the future.

    BY THE WAY! Don’t start arguing for no reason - just thank them for the detailed analysis of your work.

  • Don't show your excitement
  • Take your time to show this emotion. It shows that you have lost control of the situation for some time. Try to cope with the experience without bringing it into public discussion. Confidence in your own abilities will help you earn respect in the team.

  • Don't consider yourself smarter than others
  • Even if this is true. Nobody likes teaching.

    • Avoid moralizing. If a colleague complains about life, talks about problems in the family, do not give categorical assessments, be softer.
    • Don't teach your co-workers how to work, they will figure out their craft without yours valuable recommendations. Help correctly so as not to lower the self-esteem of the person who needs help.

    The following 10 ways to gain authority

    1. Don't reveal yourself completely
    2. It is necessary to create a deficit of yourself, to put a slight veil of mystery on your appearance so that people begin to listen to your thoughts and words - daily chatter about nothing turns your voice into monotonous noise, people lose interest. However, you shouldn’t remain silent 24/7 either.

    3. No chatter
    4. Speaking of chatter. Try to avoid being intrusive. Uncontrolled flows of words do not make anyone look good and create the feeling that you are a very unreliable person.

      ADVICE! Speak only to the point to create the image of an expert who understands his business and become an authority among his colleagues.

    5. Don't obey
    6. Especially if you are new to a large team. Immediately there will be a group of people willing to teach you something new. There is a risk of addiction. Immediately determine who is your boss: take advice from other people very scrupulously.

    7. Don't try to please everyone at once
    8. Firstly, this is impossible: each person has his own idea of ​​an ideal personality, and you will not be able to please everyone. The main thing is that your ill-wishers know about your originality and ability to value yourself. You don't need to love, you need to respect.

    9. Forget about gossip
      • A simple rule: never collect rumors and later spread them throughout the office. You'll probably get new things to talk about with your colleagues, but sooner or later your reputation will suffer.
      • The same applies to “feedback”: if they are gossiping about you, try not to react or egg on those who are engaged in such an unseemly activity. This means that people around you are interested in you and they are discussing you.

      Only by forgetting about gossip can you become a respected person at work.

    10. Participate in the life of the team
    11. From time to time in the life of any team there are corporate events that are designed to strengthen companionship within a group of people.

      IMPORTANT! Attend events in any case: shared experiences and memories bring you incredibly closer together, an informal atmosphere liberates and shows people in a different light.

    12. Be a scout
    13. Never let your guard down: watch the lives of your employees, watch for changes in mood and appearance. This collection of information is necessary. You will be able to predict some of the actions of your colleagues in advance and benefit for yourself.

    14. Respect other people's space and time
    15. Don't be late for important meetings and events, and if being late cannot be avoided, try to warn your colleagues about it. It’s the same with personal space. Don't take other people's things without permission, don't ask too personal questions. This behavior is common. Tactfulness and respect have never harmed anyone, but do not forget about your interests, defend them. In this case, it will be easier for you to earn authority in the team.

    16. More positive
    17. No one wants to have anything to do with negative and eternally dissatisfied people. Try to stay in good mood and share it with others.

      IMPORTANT! A gloomy face is simply repulsive; they won’t even want to talk to you, no matter how interesting person you were not.

    18. Don't take it out on other people
    19. Your problems should not concern your colleagues, so shouting and scandals out of the blue are not The best decision. Resolve emerging issues peacefully. Otherwise, later you will have to lament: “Why am I not respected in the team?

      I advise you to watch an interesting video about how to position yourself in a new team:

      Final 10 Ways to Become an Influencer to Your Peers

      Only a strong personality who has grown so much that he has the right to make a mistake can admit that he is wrong. Failures happen to everyone, they mean you are moving forward. Have you let the team down? Apologize and move on with new knowledge and experience.

      I can offer a useful video on how to generally make people respect you:

      Thus, you can achieve respect in the team different ways. To do this, of course, you will have to make an effort. But nothing is impossible. You will be able to gain authority in the team and become a respected person.

    A person wants universal recognition more than money and love. This has long been a proven fact. But sometimes you have to step over your moral principles in order to achieve your cherished goal. How to force people to respect yourself and at the same time not catch the judgmental glances of those who are aware of all the ins and outs? About this in today's article.

    1. Are you doing your job?

    Don't waste your time worrying about what people think of you. Better take care of something that directly relates to your career advancement: finally get to work, and do your job well. Not only will this save you from mental anguish, it will help you spend your time productively.

    2. Never ignore deadlines.

    By showing up to meetings on time and completing your projects on time, you will earn a reputation for reliability.

    3. Dress code.

    They meet you by their clothes. If you don’t want any difficulties at the very beginning, then think through your wardrobe. An employee is the face of the company. You need to decorate it properly. Some companies do not have specific criteria for work clothes, so try not to be too familiar with suits, but also not to spoil the public with miniskirts. Look at your colleagues.

    4. Treat everyone with respect.

    To be respected, learn to respect yourself. People will gravitate toward someone who can communicate with management respectfully and treat the janitor courteously.

    5. Make friends with the right people.

    Try to associate with people who are similar to who you want to be. We are not talking about bosses, but about those who have earned a good reputation and whom everyone listens to. Of course, this person could be your boss, but not always.

    6. Become a mediator.

    Know someone at another company who can help your colleague? So share your friend's contacts. This will prove that you are not only a sociable person with impressive connections, but also ready to help.

    7. Invite people.

    Have you figured out how to brighten up your evening? Don't become isolated. Invite one of your colleagues who would be interested. This will help build bridges and get to know the person better.

    8. Use the word “I” less.

    Psychologists say that a person uses a personal pronoun when communicating with people when he considers himself superior to them. To match them, simply omit this word. Without knowing why, they will begin to treat you with more respect.

    9. Ask for help.

    Yes, asking for help will help you gain respect. It will show you with the best side: Firstly, because you are smart enough not to waste your time figuring everything out on your own, and because you know that it is more productive to ask someone to help. Secondly, whoever you asked realizes that you consider him a qualified specialist and respect his opinion.

    10. Help your comrades.

    Have some free time? Ask your boss or colleagues if they need your help. Go to the buffet, ask “what to bring?” This way you will free them from unnecessary work, but will not punish yourself.

    11. Hear and listen.

    Nothing irritates people more than the moment when they are animatedly telling you something, and you are distracted by something else. When you listen to your interlocutor, really listen. Ask clarifying questions, nod to prove your understanding, take a comfortable position that will help your interlocutor understand that he is telling you things that are important to you.

    12. Ask about business.

    With today's frantic pace of life, many people simply forget to ask about business. The simple cliché “How are you?” lifts people's spirits in an amazing way.

    13. Remember the little things.

    Names of children, spouses, favorite brands of wine, hobbies, plans for the future. This will make it clear that you care about the person. Bad memory? Repeat all the little things after a conversation with your friend, so there is a greater chance that they will stick in your memory. Remember only half? Don't be afraid to ask again what you forgot.

    14. Be ashamed of your mistakes.

    I all know that no one is perfect. This is far from a secret. If someone pretends to be a robot who never makes mistakes, then a lot of suspicion falls on him. Mistakes in themselves are not the end of the world, they just lead to negative consequences, and admitting your mistake is a feat.

    15. ...but explain what you will do to correct them.

    Confessing and then doing nothing is not the best policy for achieving universal recognition. Before you confess, make sure you have at least one plan in place. Better yet, come up with a few. Say them all, and then ask an authority figure to choose the most correct one if you are not sure what to do.

    16. Look for reviews.

    Regularly ask people what you are bad at and work on your shortcomings. They will notice that you are looking for imperfections in yourself and are ready to eliminate them. Try to arrange monthly meetings with your boss and colleagues where they can express absolutely the whole reasoned truth about you.

    17. Give feedback.

    From time to time you should give out advice. But you need to be careful, because you risk becoming an office critic. So, along with advice, tell people about their successes.

    18. Never say: “That’s not my job!”

    Trash bin crowded, and you go out to smoke? Throw out trash along the way. A comrade has gathered in a conference room, and his hands are busy with drawings? Help him carry his bag. This is not your responsibility, but people will do the same for you.

    19. Anticipate needs.

    "I've already done it!" - your boss's favorite soul balm. This way, you will make it clear to your superiors that there is someone else who cares about the fate of the company. In the future, you will become the one whose advice your boss will listen to.

    20. And again little things.

    Grab coffee for your partner or flowers for your older colleague who got a promotion today, or let the pizza delivery surprise all members of your team, which you will pay for from the bonus for the completed project. Everyone has a hard day ahead, and small signs of attention will do wonders.

    21. Say “no” more often.

    Rejection can help gain respect. Yes, yes, that's not a typo. When people think that you cannot refuse, they will start wiping their feet on you. Having your own opinion, and defending it with the confidence of a righteous person, you will earn unprecedented respect. You believe in your beliefs, are determined only for success and are ready to do anything for the sake of a goal - this should be your prayer in the morning.

    22. Have your own opinion.

    True leaders don't agree with everything. They have their own opinion on everything. But oh own opinion you need to take care in advance: formulate it, justify it, prove it and, just in case, refute it yourself. Your opinion may coincide with someone else's, but it should always be your own.

    23. Respect other people's opinions.

    Don't dig a grave for others. When proving your opinion, take into account someone else’s. Learn to compromise. You will always have to weigh decisions to make sure everyone is comfortable. This is the only way for each team member to work with full dedication.

    24. Speak loudly.

    Nothing indicates insecurity more clearly than muttering. Always speak so that everyone can hear you from anywhere in the room. Speak clearly without swallowing your endings. Avoid vague words: “I think we can do it...” or “I think it will work...”.

    25. Avoid gossip.

    People always discuss strong people. Rise above this, don't waste time on empty chatter. Talk to your colleagues as individuals, rather than just asking about their business. Be willing to help them if they are willing to open up to you.

    26. Don't waste other people's time.

    There is no greater way to show someone respect than to show how much you value their time. Don't ask questions that you can answer yourself. Don't make appointments you don't need.

    27. Organize useful meetings.

    People are always thinking about what they could be doing instead of what they are doing at the moment. This is how human nature works. So make sure you all enjoy your time together and take care worthwhile cause for meeting.

    28. Work independently.

    Now I'm talking about the moment when you are faced with a responsible task, and you don't know what to do or what to do next. Before going to your superiors to resolve the issue, work through each option yourself. It is better to ask your bosses for approval than to appear on the carpet with the question: “What should I do?”

    29. Don’t say: “I don’t know!”

    Never respond this way to someone asking for help. Better refer him to someone who knows or try to solve the problem together. You may have been his last hope.

    30. Become a leading speaker.

    Firstly, a good speech gives you an advantage in meetings - everyone will think that you are a consummate leader (in other words, you will gain a certain amount of credibility). Secondly, you will be comfortable when people perceive you as a confident person. Moreover, such practice will bear fruit in daily communication.

    31. Work on empathy and authority at the same time.

    You need to find that balance when people appreciate the warmth in communicating with you, but also recognize your authority. In this situation, they know who to trust, but they will also listen. You won't be a tyrant for them, but you won't be that friend with whom you can only talk about girls and have a drink at the bar.

    32. Separate personal and work time.

    People will value your time more if they know you don't work after 6 because you have dinner with your family, or don't check email on the weekends because your vacation home doesn't have internet.

    33. Don't leave at 17:00.

    Follow through. Especially when the job really needs to be completed today. But don't let your boss think you're willing to sleep at work.

    34. Be considerate of your colleagues.

    Chat with your colleagues, find out about their preferences. Maybe some people work better in silence, others like it when all the information is presented in written form rather than in lengthy voice messages. Help them improve their performance.

    35. Be a helper.

    When something goes wrong with your partner, instead of being angry, show initiative. Your work together will be more effective if you help him. He will probably appreciate it.

    36. Be a mentor.

    Take junior employees under your wing, even if they don't ask for it. Consult them on all issues: from simple unspoken rules to issues of career advancement. Higher-ranking employees will probably notice this.

    37. Help newbies.

    As soon as a newcomer comes to your company, immediately greet him and let him know that you are ready to help. He will immediately note in you the image of a responsive leader.

    38. Raise champions.

    Are you proud of your students/subordinates? Share your employees' goals and do everything in your power to help them achieve their goals. Help develop the necessary skills, organize courses and seminars for your employees.

    39. Go up.

    Don't wait for your manager to tell you. Ask him yourself. Initiative is an important trait for a leader. When your boss realizes that he is grooming a successor, everyone in your office will understand it.

    40. Don't complain.

    Are you tired, stuck in one place, feeling like a broken record, sick, staying overtime every day, etc.? Never whine. At least in the workplace. Let everyone think that you have a positive attitude towards work, that you love what you do.

    41. Watch the world.

    Keep track of what's happening in your industry around the world. Read relevant articles, share them with colleagues and management. Give them the opportunity to also follow the latest developments in the world of your business.

    42. Ask yourself.

    What makes great leaders different is that they can ask themselves, are they really on the right track?

    Marcel Garipov based on website material

    A young specialist, receiving a leadership position, faces a lot of problems. The main one is lack of authority. And if people much older than him fall under the command of the “young and promising” person, the situation gets worse. So how can a boss win respect from the old-timers of the company and maintain a healthy atmosphere in the team?

    The head of the financial department of a manufacturing enterprise, Mikhail Petrenko, once almost resigned from his leadership position because he could not find a common language with subordinates much older than him.

    “It happened in the late 90s, I was then a little over 30 years old. I had already achieved some success and received an offer to head the financial department of one plant,” recalls Mr. Petrenko. The team consisted of four people, all of them were at least 15 years older than the boss and had worked at the plant almost their entire lives.

    Naturally, subordinates perceived the new leadership with caution. The main problem there was a rejection of new methods of work, because Mikhail’s task was to computerize the work process.

    Employees ignored the computers and continued to write paper reports. And Mikhail had to enter data into the program himself. At the same time, the team seemed to be trying to put a spoke in the wheels of the department head.

    After three months of stubborn confrontation, the young boss gave up and went to write a statement. The director listened to Mikhail, but did not sign the paper. Instead, he set a strict condition for the employees of the financial department - either they fulfill all the boss’s demands, or they quit “of their own free will.”

    Some actually left - their places were taken by young employees. The remaining old-timers learned to work on a computer and came to terms with the state of things.

    Mikhail's example is very typical. After all, the main problem of a young leader is a lack of authority, especially among subordinates older than him.

    Business consultant at Core Business School, expert in the development of management competencies Tatyana Gromova believes that this can be avoided by making a proper presentation to the young manager. “The optimal option is when the new manager is introduced to his subordinates by the boss more than high level, summarizing it strengths as a leader and specialist,” she says. Thus, Ms. Gromova explains, senior management seems to transfer part of their authority to the young boss. In addition, employees receive an explanation of why this particular person was appointed.

    If the director had immediately correctly introduced the employees to their new boss, perhaps difficult situation could have been warned. And Mikhail would not “sneak” at his subordinates.

    No fuss

    The head of the sales department of a light industry enterprise, Valeria Ternopolskaya, was introduced to the employees according to all the rules. The management had high hopes for her. Products of the enterprise - bed sheets- was not in great demand, and Valeria had to develop a new concept for promoting the product and establish sales channels.

    “My subordinates look at me like I’m crazy. They slow down all my projects and constantly find excuses not to carry out orders,” Valeria is indignant.

    A classic mistake of young managers is that they begin to fuss, imitate hectic management activities and assess the state of affairs without deeply studying the situation, says Tatyana Gromova. Which naturally irritates subordinates, especially if they have more professional experience.

    “The main thing is not to rush, be consistent and committed, make informed management decisions and be ready for dialogue with employees,” says the business consultant.

    Another aspect of the problem is the older generation’s rejection of new methods of work, which Mikhail encountered. It's no secret that if a person is used to doing something one way and not another, it is difficult to retrain him.

    In order for older employees to take the ideas of the young leader seriously, innovations should be introduced gradually, justifying each step. This is already politics, that is, art.

    Teach your grandmother to suck eggs

    The chief accountant of the supermarket chain Galina Sereda spent a long time gaining the authority of her subordinates. “In my department there was an accountant much older than me. She is a professional, I respect her very much. But our relationship did not work out,” says the girl.

    The accountant believed that Galina received her position undeservedly and in every possible way emphasized her rich professional experience. “She constantly argued with me, tried to do everything against me,” complains Galina.

    This continued until an obstinate subordinate made a serious mistake, causing the company to lose a large amount of money. “This situation made my life much easier. After it, my opponent calmed down and stopped getting on my nerves; perhaps she felt guilty,” says Ms. Sereda. A year later, the accountant decided to quit altogether.

    Indeed, it is very difficult for older employees to accept advice and guidance from a manager who is decades younger than them, especially if they are ambitious. Wounded pride plays - “why is this little girl and not me?!”

    Director of the personal insurance department of Allianz Insurance Company Oksana Rudenko does not see big problem in managing those older than her. When she got a job at her previous job, the team entrusted to her included many older employees. And many of the former team even followed her to Allianz Insurance Company.

    The secret of success, Ms. Rudenko believes, is respect for the professionalism of the old-timers. Under no circumstances should you say “You don’t know that” or categorically defend your point of view.

    “In some cases, if the risk is small, I am ready to accommodate my colleague, although I am sure that his decision is not optimal. And when the situation begins to develop according to my scenario, he himself will understand that I was right,” the director of the department shares his experience.

    Respect does not mean fear

    Some people are psychologically uncomfortable managing employees who are older than them. The head of the retail products department of a commercial bank, Sergei Melnik (27 years old), treats his elderly subordinates with such respect that they make ropes out of him.

    “I have a woman in my department who is over 50. She often takes time off from work, gives me reports with a bunch of errors, and I can’t object to her. It’s inconvenient for me,” Sergei complains. In addition, the employee allows herself to call her boss Serezhenka :), while for the rest of her subordinates he has long been Sergei Viktorovich.

    In such situations, it is necessary to separate the desires to receive professional and personal respect, says Anna Ulitich, development and personnel selection manager for the BBH Ukraine group of enterprises.

    The manager has every moral right to draw the attention of his subordinate to the mistakes made and force him to redo the report. But criticism must be reasoned and expressed in a soft, polite manner.

    “You may be smarter, more educated and more savvy in modern business than your older colleagues. But do not forget that they are older!” warns Ms. Ulitich.

    Some young managers go to the other extreme - they immediately begin to demonstrate the presence of levers of power. “This is also wrong. The policy of “I’m the boss, so everything will be my way” is obviously a losing one. This approach will turn any subordinate against the leader, regardless of age,” warns psychologist Olga Antonenko.

    Winter generation

    Managers are getting “younger” every year, and it is no longer uncommon for people to take a managerial position at the age of 24-25. At the same time, the age of subordinates can be 40, or even 50 years.

    These people began their careers back in Soviet times, when ideas about, for example, competition or financial accounting were completely different. Of course, old-timers have invaluable experience in their field. However, it is young professionals who understand well the importance of marketing, the features of international accounting standards, and so on.

    That is, young people and older people think differently. Therefore, it can be difficult to deal with “old people”: they have their own vision of solving work problems, they do not like innovations and, which is absolutely understandable, they are offended by the very fact of subordinating to someone who is younger than them in age.

    But if a young leader chooses the right tactics of behavior, he will be able not only to gain authority, but also to enlist the support of professionals.

    TOTAL: Voiced respect for their professional experience will help a young manager find a common language with subordinates who are older in age. And it will be possible to earn authority over time, when managerial successes become obvious.