
What happens if you swallow gum experience. What happens if you swallow chewing gum? How to get rid of swallowed gum

Many people use chewing gum. Almost everyone has a pack of chewing gum in their pockets, purses, and briefcases. We're used to it. For some, it helps drown out the smell of tobacco after smoking a cigarette.

Sometimes it becomes a substitute for a toothbrush and toothpaste if it is not possible to brush your teeth. For some, the process of chewing mint gum becomes a substitute for taking a sedative.

And children love it for its sweet taste and fruity aroma. You can also blow bubbles from it. And often there is an unconscious desire to swallow chewing gum. Let's figure it out - why can't you swallow gum?

What is chewing gum made from?

Chewing gum does not contain any nutrients or beneficial substances. For its production, only chemicals are used: sugar substitutes, flavorings and dyes. Therefore, you should not swallow chewing gum and expect any benefits from it.

But, nevertheless, chewing gum is a food product that must undergo appropriate testing. Therefore, one swallowed chewing gum will not cause any significant harm to your body.

The substance from which the chewing gum base is made can almost completely dissolve in the stomach. But it’s not worth experimenting and swallowing gum all the time. Chewing gum is not a confectionery product. It is designed to freshen your breath. You can chew it until it loses its pleasant taste and refreshing effect. Then the chewing gum should be thrown away.

Nothing bad will happen from swallowing one or two chewing gums. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach can dissolve almost all chewing gum. And what does not dissolve will still not remain inside you. Over time, the remaining chewing gum will be eliminated naturally.

If it so happens that you accidentally swallowed gum, drink a glass of clean water. Then the process of removing residues will go faster.

But still, among us there are lovers of experiments who may think of swallowing chewing gum in large quantities. They should know that the sugar substitute, which is used in the production of chewing gum, if it enters the human body in large quantities, can cause not only constipation or diarrhea, but also provoke growth retardation and cause nervous disorders.

Why can't you swallow gum? Who should not chew gum?

  • Most often, small children suffer from swallowed chewing gum. Doctors insist on a complete ban on the use of chewing gum by children under 3 years of age. Until the age of 3, children are not able to understand the dangers of swallowed chewing gum.
  • In addition, they still cannot control their actions. It is not advisable for older children to chew brightly colored gum. For them, it is better to choose white chewing gum.
  • People with stomach problems should not chew, let alone swallow, gum.
  • It is harmful for both children and adults to chew gum on an empty stomach. The chewing process promotes the production of gastric juice. And everyone knows that it contains hydrochloric acid. Gastric juice, once in an empty stomach, can begin to digest its walls. And this is a direct path to the occurrence of gastritis, and then ulcers.

When buying chewing gum for children, you should pay attention to the warning from psychologists. They found that the constant process of chewing prevents children from concentrating, remembering information, and distracts their attention. As a result, such children have a lower level of thinking and intelligence than their peers.

And, of course, you shouldn’t buy and chew low-quality gum. The harmful chemicals it contains can harm your health. Such chewing gum very quickly loses its taste and begins to taste bitter. You can't swallow this kind of gum.

The composition of chewing gum is quite simple. It includes:

  • base or chicle;
  • fragrances;
  • sweeteners.

The most dangerous ingested component of all of the above is the base; everything else is digested in the stomach without problems. Chicle consists of resins, elastomers, waxes, emulsifiers and fats. When chewing gum enters the body, its outer shell and sweeteners are first broken down by the action of saliva. The base, under the influence of gastric juice and its enzymes, loses its stickiness and also dissolves.

Is it dangerous if a baby swallows gum? Chewing gum that gets into the stomach will not harm the child’s body. It does not have sharp edges or toxic ingredients and will not scratch the palate or damage the esophagus. Chewing gum is as safe as any ingested non-food item, which the body will get rid of in a few days.

The most dangerous ingested component of all of the above is the base; everything else is digested in the stomach without problems. Chicle consists of resins, elastomers, waxes, emulsifiers and fats. When chewing gum enters the body, its outer shell and sweeteners are first broken down by the action of saliva. The base, under the influence of gastric juice and its enzymes, loses its stickiness and also dissolves.

Digestive disorders

This is the most obvious effect if a child swallows gum. It manifests itself in different ways, because a negative result from the digestive system occurs in several forms. To correctly correlate causes and consequences, let’s pay attention to how this happens.

When swallowed gum causes food poisoning

Food poisoning is only possible if you swallow low-quality chewing gum consisting of poisonous and toxic ingredients. Unfortunately, such chewing gum still exists, all over the world. And it’s not even about underground factories producing counterfeits. Even completely legal manufacturers of chewing gum supply stores with chewing gum containing toxic substances, the harmfulness of which has not yet been “proven.”

Alas, it’s quite difficult for non-specialists to point fingers at bad chewing gum, so just don’t swallow chewing gum from unknown brands.

What to do if you swallowed poisonous gum?

The first step is to induce vomiting (if you still don’t) and see if you can get rid of the toxic gum this way. If it works, observe the reaction of the “patient’s” body and decide according to the circumstances; if not, go to the hospital. Let them decide how to help the victim.

When swallowing chewing gum causes an allergy attack

Sometimes an allergy occurs from just one chewing gum, but it is much more likely that the body will react inappropriately if a large number of chewing gums are swallowed. Don’t think that this doesn’t happen, because often children and adults don’t understand the dangers of chewing gum. They swallow it on a dare, out of curiosity, out of carelessness - in general, it happens.

What to do if you swallowed gum with an allergen?

If, after an adult or child swallows gum, he shows signs of an allergy, first take an anti-allergy drug and try to “extract” the gum by vomiting. At the same time, find out how much harmful rubber was swallowed in order to understand whether there is anything else left in the body.

If you manage to “drive out” the chewing gum yourself, watch the “swallower” with a bottle (or whatever you have) of an antiallergic drug. If the chewing gum does not come out or there is a lot of it, go to the hospital, since it is quite possible that in this case it will be difficult to cope without professional doctors.


To get diarrhea, you need to chew several packs of chewing gum per day. If you swallow gum, you will need much less.

Since this fact raises doubts among many people who have swallowed more than a dozen pieces of chewing gum in their time (usually at different times), let me cite data from the English medical journal “The Lancet” (the entire next paragraph).

Each chewing gum contains some kind of sweetener (sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol or maltitol), which is also a laxative. Therefore, getting a large dose of one of them into your body promises you diarrhea, and sometimes flatulence or abdominal pain. It should be noted that other symptoms are possible.

The same publication describes a slightly different case when a boy chewed about ten packs of gum in a day, after which his heart rate doubled - up to 147 beats per minute, trips to the toilet “for minor needs” became more frequent and excessive aggression appeared. And all this because of the tiny dose of caffeine in each piece of chewing gum, which simply “added up.”

Perhaps, when swallowing, it is also possible to achieve such serious “results”, since if a child swallows several such chewing gums, his level of excitement can jump noticeably, his heart speed up, and so on.

So, if swallowed chewing gum causes diarrhea, get rid of the chewing gum and drink more liquid (water, compote).


How long does it take for chewing gum to be digested? If only one portion is swallowed, the digestion process will take about 6-10 hours, maybe a little more. But what happens if you swallow gum the size of a small cupcake?

Would you say this doesn’t happen? Hmm... If you believe the publication in the American magazine "Pediatrics", then this happens. By the way, it is not necessary to swallow the whole lump at once, because you can gradually - piece by piece... Apparently, this is what two 4-year-old children of different sexes did, from whose rectum, after prolonged constipation, heavy lumps of chewing gum were removed.

Better be on your guard. And if anything happens, go straight to the doctor.

What is hazardous to health in the composition?

To make this delicacy, manufacturers use many ingredients.

The elastic base includes:

  • natural or synthetic latexes;
  • resins;
  • paraffin;
  • talc;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • sweeteners;
  • flavoring additives;
  • dyes;
  • stabilizers;
  • preservatives.

If chewing gum is swallowed frequently, the chemicals can cause significant harm to the child:

  1. The presence of stabilizer E330 and E422 leads to blood diseases.
  2. The presence of the food additive E320, when the substance accumulates in the body, leads to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. E322 disrupts the functioning of the digestive system.
  4. Sweeteners often cause diarrhea and can cause urolithiasis in children.
  5. Saccharin can trigger the growth of a malignant tumor.
  6. Menthol and butyl often cause an allergic reaction and inflammation of the skin around the mouth.
  7. Urea E927 causes oral diseases.
  8. Tartrazine E102 causes asthma attacks. Apple-flavored gum is toxic and is not recommended for infants and young children.
  9. E129 or Red Charming AC is a carcinogen.

What happens if you swallow gum several times?

If a baby has a weak immune defense and his endocrine system does not function well, he has an increased risk of getting general intoxication of the body, which can take the form of diarrhea, rash, decreased immunity, and fever.

A healthy baby may not feel anything and calmly survive this event. With constant swallowing of chewed lumps, other consequences may be observed, the symptoms of which will appear after some time.

First aid

What to do if a child swallows and begins to choke due to a piece stuck in the throat? If any foreign object enters the respiratory system and causes suffocation, you need to turn the baby upside down and tap him on the back.

He will reflexively scream, and the lump can return back and fall out of his mouth. All parents need to know this technique, because children often choke on food while eating and chewing. If this does not help, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If a child swallows gum, what should a parent do at this moment if there are no signs of choking and the baby feels fine? In this case, the child needs to be fed bulk food for several days.

Chewing gum is a delicacy made from an inedible base, richly flavored with flavoring and aromatic additives, and food coloring. Dentists recommend using sugar-free chewing gum every time after eating, if there is no other way to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.

The viscous substance helps remove food particles stuck between the teeth and prevents the formation of plaque.

This is also one of the most favorite treats for children. Chewing gum comes in all sorts of flavors, shapes and sizes: in balls, plates, ribbons, inside caramel, in all sorts of geometric shapes. Adults prefer chewing gum with refreshing flavors; children more often choose fruit and berry flavors.

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This delicacy should not be swallowed. Taking a fresh plate, you can chew it for no more than 10 minutes and then throw it away. During this time, the product will fulfill its hygienic properties and lose its taste. Discarded chewing gum in a hot climate will take at least three decades to decompose, and in a cold climate it can last for centuries. If this substance is so resistant to decay, what happens to the gum if it is swallowed by a child or an adult?

To discourage children from this delicacy, adults invent various horror stories, such as “If you swallow chewing gum, it will remain inside you forever!” The intestines will stick together and your stomach will hurt!” Is it true? Is an accidentally swallowed lump really that dangerous to health?

As soon as chewing gum enters our mouth, the body takes various measures to digest it. First, saliva with its digestive enzymes is used. Then, if the chewing gum has been swallowed, the gastric digestive juices come into play. With those substances that the body cannot cope with, it usually breaks up, that is, it looks for ways to eliminate them. After numerous tests, it was found that the rubber lump will completely leave the body within 24-48 hours.

There seems to be no problem. However, doctors do not recommend swallowing gum frequently. Since it can accumulate and subsequently make defecation difficult. Monitor your child's chewing gum, and if he accidentally swallows it, do the following:

  • You can try to induce vomiting so that the chewed lump comes out. Be careful here so that the child does not choke;
  • Let your baby drink more, this will speed up metabolic processes and facilitate the rapid removal of foreign bodies from the body;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; plant fiber, which is abundant in vegetables and fruits;
  • if no measures lead to a positive result, go to the hospital, specialists will suggest the right solution.

Although it is stated that accidentally swallowed chewing gum will not cause harm to health, and after a certain period will be eliminated from the body naturally, there are still negative consequences of this negligence. Children are more likely to experience atypical reactions, since their bodies are not as strong as those of adults.

  1. The rubber band may not get into the esophagus, but into the respiratory tract, and the baby may simply choke. You need to cough well, to provoke the chewing gum to be spit out. The child needs to be tilted face down and tapped thoroughly between the shoulder blades. It is not recommended to remove a foreign body from the larynx on your own. In extremely severe cases, call an ambulance immediately.
  2. Food poisoning can be caused by toxic substances contained in low-grade chewing gum. Therefore, be careful about the sweets you give to children. If you are buying chewing gum for your child, take the one that says “for children.” In case of poisoning, you need to induce vomiting, rinse the stomach, and take the little patient to the hospital.
  3. Constipation or diarrhea. Such consequences are extremely rare if only one chewing gum is swallowed, and then by accident. But if a child systematically does this, then such stomach upsets may occur. The sweets contain various food additives, which in large quantities can provoke an attack of diarrhea (weakening of intestinal functions). At the same time, each organism has its own reaction, causing diarrhea in some, and constipation in others. Dietary nutrition, plenty of fluids (water, unsweetened compote), and targeted medications are recommended.
  4. An allergic reaction can occur not only due to ingestion, but also during chewing. This can be explained very simply: the product most likely contained allergenic substances for a specific organism. Allergic reactions can be completely different: from skin rashes and itching to swelling of the throat. Antihistamines and maximum exclusion from pathogens will help solve the problem.

Express Newspaper answers current, inconvenient and unexpected questions. Today we asked an expert what happens if you swallow gum and whether swallowed gum can really cause appendicitis.

Everyone knows that chewing gum is not meant to be swallowed. Moreover, it is believed that if you swallow chewing gum, it will remain in the body forever, will interfere with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can even provoke. Is this really so, we asked our expert.

Swallowed chewing gum does not threaten the body

Expert opinion

Olga Polyakova

senior medical consultant of the Teledoctor24 service:

Chewing gum is a special culinary product consisting of an inedible elastic base, glaze, flavorings and flavoring additives. It is the word “inedible” in the definition that makes us wary and gives rise to many myths around chewing gum.

Yes, chewing gum is truly inedible, which means that it is not digested by the body. But it is also elastic, that is, when it enters the body, it begins to soften, losing its shape.

The fear of chewing gum has also arisen because several cases of acute and chronic intestinal obstruction have been reported for this food product when children ate large amounts of chewing gum. They wanted to be given the gum over and over again and swallow the previous pieces, which ultimately led to hospitalization after a month of constipation and abdominal pain.

The amount of chewing gum in such cases exceeded the daily norm - 10 pieces.

What happens if you swallow gum?

The story is scary, but if you swallow one single piece of gum, you are in no danger. Under the influence of saliva and gastric juice, chewing gum loses its sticky properties and ability to glue the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. And thanks to the elastic properties of the base - the chewing gum has no sharp edges - it will not harm the gastrointestinal tract.

So if you swallow one small piece of gum, don't panic, it will leave your body naturally. If a child swallows it, find out the amount he ate, and if the daily norm is exceeded, consult a doctor.

Many people are concerned about the question of what happens if you swallow chewing gum? Mothers are more likely to worry about their children, who manage to swallow chewing gum at the age of 2,3,4 or 12. How dangerous this is and what harm it causes will be discussed in this article.

What should I do if I swallowed chewing gum and is it harmful?

Frequent swallowing of chewing gum occurs in children during adolescence. Adults can also swallow gum. There are characters who manage to do this every day.

Why can't you swallow gum?

The following are the consequences of chronic ingestion:

  • Feeling worse.
  • The temperature rises.
  • Nausea.
  • Rash.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Constipation – can occur if a child has eaten a lot of chewing gum.

Such harmful factors can occur due to an allergic reaction to the dye added to chewing gum. Or this can happen in case of individual intolerance when the child ate chewing gum. If your child has these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. It is also advisable to call an ambulance if the chewing gum is stuck in your throat and you cannot get it out.

But in most cases, even if a teenager swallows chewing gum daily and a lot, then nothing happens to him. It simply gets digested and comes out.

If you accidentally eat expired gum, this won't cause much of a problem either.

There is no particular harm to the body of a child or an adult from swallowing chewing gum, even if it is swallowed from a lollipop. But it’s still better not to do this, so you will be healthier! As they say, God protects the best! Especially if you have Crohn's disease or diverticulitis.

Some women swallow chewing gum when... Well, here, too, there is no particular harm, because it will be digested and released into the air with feces!

Don't worry if yours eats gum.

Komarovsky in the video tells what to do if a child swallows chewing gum?

When chewing gum enters the stomach, the process of digestion of food begins. That is, hydrochloric acid and many enzymes begin to be produced. Chewing gum will begin to break down into small particles in the stomach. As a result, a thick mass will form, somewhat reminiscent of soup. Next, the substances that were sucked out of the gum will go into the circulatory system and then enter the cells of the body. If for some reason digestion of the chewing gum does not occur, it will be released almost unchanged through the sections of the large intestine in the form of feces.

In general, after passing through the esophagus and entering the stomach, the chewing gum goes into the duodenum. Then from the upper parts of the intestine it will move to the lower parts and come out.

How long does it take for chewing gum to be digested?

The process of digesting chewing gum in the human stomach can take 1 day. If you are wondering whether chewing gum helps you digest food quickly, then the answer is of course yes. During the chewing process, saliva, hydrochloric acid, and enzymes are released, and all this is used for digestion.

If someone tells you that this product takes as long as 7 days to break down in the body, then this is just an ordinary adult horror story. It dissolves in the stomach in a couple of hours, a maximum of a day. The speed depends on your metabolism.

It's not very good to chew gum on. This is due to the excessive release of special substances for digestion. They can cause if your gastrointestinal tract is empty.

In general, this is what happens to chewing gum in the stomach.