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How long after conception do symptoms appear? Stages of development of HIV infection. I often want to go to the toilet

Many girls are waiting for the onset of a happy conception, dreaming of a long-awaited child, so they constantly listen to their own feelings. In the first hours after conception, serious changes in organic activity already begin, which noticeably affects the mother’s well-being. When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, and how to recognize them?

Each female body is individual, therefore the signs of pregnancy appear differently. Some mothers wait so long to conceive that they become fixated on pregnancy, seeing in every dizziness and nausea a sign that pregnancy has finally happened, even when it is not there. There are also women who do not even think about procreation, remaining in the dark until their periods are delayed. And some, indeed, feel the impending conception on a subconscious level. When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception?

Fertilization occurs when the sperm joins the female egg. Signs of pregnancy in the first days are quite difficult to recognize. Such manifestations may be subjective in nature and therefore go unnoticed. Each patient has individual hormonal characteristics, therefore the corresponding changes are different for everyone. Some people already feel the changes that have occurred from the first day, and some live their usual lives, not expecting happy motherhood until two months later.

If a woman is healthy and the development of pregnancy proceeds according to plan, then already in the 1st or second week after conception one or more signs appear. But it is necessary to take into account that the first symptoms may appear only after egg implantation. So start recognizing the symptoms possible pregnancy possible after 6 days from the day of ovulation and fertilization.

First signs of conception

As mentioned above, the first symptoms of conception occur approximately on the 6-7th day, i.e. already in the first week after fertilization. If you listen more carefully to own body, then you can find out about pregnancy. At first, the female body treats the fertilized female cell as a foreign body, so it tries to fight it. At the same time, the woman herself, immediately after conception, may experience all the delights of pregnancy, such as nausea and ailments, or may not feel anything at all until the delay occurs. But the bulk of pregnancy symptoms in the first days after conception can be observed around the sixth week. Often the clinic is similar to pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

In the first days of pregnancy after conception, a woman can observe:

  • Fatigue and irritability;
  • An increase in temperature due to the fact that the body, when pregnancy occurs, perceives it as a virus until it readjusts to new way;
  • Postconception bleeding may occur approximately 6 days after conception;
  • Bleeding is often accompanied by nagging pain in the uterus and cramps, which indicates implantation of the cell into the endometrial uterine layer;
  • Emotionality and excessive sentimentality, a feeling of self-pity;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Sudden mood changes;
  • Tearfulness and irritability;
  • Unjustified aggressiveness;
  • Apathy.

By such manifestations after conception, pregnancy can be determined. Such symptoms occur against the background of the activity of progesterone production. This hormone is necessary for the maintenance and normal development of pregnancy. In addition, you can find out that fertilization has occurred by an increase in rectal temperature, which normally should decrease before the onset of menstruation. If you manage to get pregnant, your temperature remains elevated.

Additional signs

Also, during pregnancy, the mammary glandular structures increase, the nipples become painfully sensitive, which is caused by the preparation of the breasts for the upcoming lactation. The breasts quickly enlarge, become hot to the touch, and the color of the areolas changes to a darker, browner color. How many days later can such symptoms be noticed? According to experts, such signs can appear as early as the fifth day after pregnancy occurs. Such metamorphoses are due to hormonal changes in the body.

As pregnancy progresses, colostrum begins to be released, which is incredibly beneficial for the baby immediately after birth. Based on these signs, a woman will be able to determine that the pregnant period of her life has begun. In parallel with the symptoms described above, girls are often bothered by migraine pain, also caused by hormonal changes. It seems that complex manifestations may begin, similar to a cold, food poisoning, or problems with the functioning of the bladder.

I have a cold

Quite often, when pregnant women become pregnant, they immediately begin to experience symptoms reminiscent of a cold or flu. The patient experiences similar signs a week or two after the days of conception have passed. Restructuring of organic activity and hormonal levels often lead to sudden dizziness and fainting. The pituitary gland begins to intensively produce hormones, and the period of pituitary activity that has begun leads to pressure drops and hyperthermia. If before conception a woman already suffered from pressure, then in pregnancy she will definitely encounter similar problems. If you are concerned about severe migraine headaches, it is recommended to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist regarding ways to relieve them.

In general, the onset of pregnancy can manifest itself with such “cold” symptoms as:

  1. Hyperthermia;
  2. Hot flashes followed by chills;
  3. General ailments and dizziness;
  4. Darkening in the eyes;
  5. Signs of shortness of breath;
  6. Severe headaches;
  7. Cough and rhinitis, sore throat;
  8. Pressure surges;
  9. Excessive sleepiness.

A runny nose and lethargy are associated with immune restructuring, because the egg is only in the endometrium, but has not yet become native to the body, so the immune system is trying to “overcome” it. Colds are the very first signs of pregnancy, since many patients experience them already in the second week after fertilization. If you immediately contact a specialist if such symptoms occur, he will help warn her, which will save the mother from the manifestations of gestosis and reduce the likely risks of complications when carrying a baby.

Digestive disorders

When the embryo grows into the uterine wall, large-scale changes in the hormonal sphere occur, as has already been mentioned several times above. The changed hormonal system provokes disturbances in the functioning of many organs, including structures gastrointestinal tract. The manifestation of such disorders is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting attacks. At the same time, the girl literally turns away from aromas that could previously have been among her favorites. Nausea can come even from the thought of certain foods. Against the background of all this, taste priorities clearly appear. If such a condition is accompanied by vomiting, then such a condition is easily mistaken for banal food poisoning.

There is no threat from such conditions if they are of a weakly expressed nature, because this is how protective intraorganic reactions manifest themselves. If early toxicosis leads to a deterioration of the condition, then this is dangerous for the fetus, so pronounced prolonged vomiting requires medical attention. But there is also a completely opposite picture, when a woman develops a brutal appetite, which can even frighten her. Moreover characteristic feature Such unbridled appetite is a strong desire to eat a certain dish or foods that are often incompatible with each other, for example, strawberries and herring, etc.

Changes with the bladder

Also, when pregnancy occurs after conception, frequent trips to the toilet become a characteristic symptom. Typically, such a sign manifests itself approximately a couple of weeks after conception has occurred. This sign has a dual position, since the uterus begins to put pressure on the urinary tract only at the third stage of gestation. And the presence of such a sign in early pregnancy is explained by the restructuring of the hormonal spheres of the body in a new way. Sometimes a pregnant woman can run to the toilet more than a dozen times.

At the same time, the resulting excessive diuresis seriously increases the load on the renal structures, which begin to function in an enhanced mode, which is dangerous due to inflammatory renal lesions. If a girl notices an increased urge for no apparent reason, then it is necessary to visit a urologist. To facilitate renal activity, it is necessary to reduce the load on the organ. To do this, it is better to avoid drinking too much, especially before going to bed at night. Also, to facilitate kidney work, it is worth removing spicy and highly salty dishes from the menu.

Emotional sphere

The process of conception is quite complex, until fertilization occurs, until the egg implants into the endometrium - all this takes time. Manifestations can begin within the first hours after implantation. In addition to the symptoms described above, the first manifestations include emotional imbalance. A woman may experience unmotivated outbursts of aggression, she feels irritated and may even react inappropriately to seemingly ordinary things. Such changes make you think seriously about the likely interesting situation.

But it should be taken into account that emotional imbalance must be complemented by other signs confirming conception. As a separate sign, such a manifestation is untenable.

Reliable diagnostics

If there is the slightest delay, conception can be determined using more reliable methods such as a pharmacy test or laboratory tests in antenatal clinic. How to determine pregnancy?

  • If the choice falls on pharmacy strip strips, then it is better to immediately purchase at least three tests, and ideally they should be from different manufacturers. Such tests have a special hormonal sensitivity to components in the urine of a pregnant woman, namely hCG, the pregnancy hormone. This hormone appears approximately 10 days after conception, from which date it is advisable to conduct such a study.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics performed in the pelvic area is considered a more reliable method. Pregnancy is determined by certain changes in the organic structures in question. Such diagnostics can detect pregnancy from the first week after conception.
  • A laboratory blood test for a specific hormone, hCG, is also considered an excellent diagnostic method. It is advisable to take such an analysis approximately a week and a half after conception.

Such methods are considered the most reliable and practically error-free.

Why is it important to detect pregnancy?

The health of the future human depends on the time of diagnosis of conception. After all, if a woman does not know about the life growing in her, then she leads a familiar life, which may include conditions that are dangerous for pregnancy, such as overwork at work and frequent stress, antibiotic therapy or unhealthy food, drinking alcohol or smoking.

Such factors have an extremely negative impact on the health of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Therefore, the sooner a mother knows about the baby in her tummy, the sooner she will change her lifestyle and eradicate habits that are dangerous for the baby. Therefore, in order to recognize pregnancy in a timely manner, you need to listen to the sensations and signals given by the body.

If a woman wants to have a baby, then she wants to confirm as quickly as possible the fact that conception has occurred. Quite rarely, a woman may feel the first symptoms or signs of this condition almost immediately.

But if you listen to yourself very well and be attentive, then it is quite possible to recognize pregnancy at the very early stages, even before your period is delayed.

How long does it take for pregnancy to appear on a test after conception?

To understand how long it takes for a test to show the presence of pregnancy, you must first understand how it works. The usual test is a cardboard strip coated with a reagent.

Once urine comes into contact with this reagent, it begins to change color. This occurs due to the fact that this fluid contains a high amount of the pregnancy hormone - hCG. This hormone begins to be produced immediately after conception occurs.

This means that you can take a pregnancy test even before your expected period is delayed, because the hormone in question is actively produced in a woman’s body in the very early stages of pregnancy.

During fertilization, the pregnancy hormone hCG begins to appear in the blood in small concentrations, but over the next 14 days it increases 1000 times.

The conventional test is not super sensitive, so in the first week it is not able to respond to the small amount of hormones present. It is necessary that at least two weeks pass from the moment of conception, since it is after this time that the amount of hCG becomes such that the test can determine it.

For many women, this period coincides with the beginning of their expected periods. That is, test strips should be used no earlier than from the 1st day of the delay.

To date, other tests have been developed, which are called inkjet tests. They are much more sensitive and give reliable result 5-6 days before menstruation should begin.

Concluding from everything said earlier, the earliest time to carry out reliable test- on the first day after your period was delayed. Sometimes there may be changes in the physiology of the menstrual cycle. This can happen for a variety of reasons - illness, stress, use of certain medications.

Even if a woman knows for sure that her menstruation always comes exactly on time, she may not even be aware of the onset of ovulation a couple of days earlier. This may fail the test.

Gynecologists say that the preferred time to conduct the study is in the morning. In this case, it is very desirable that the woman does not empty her bladder a couple of hours before. If the period is long, then hCG level then it grew a lot, and the test can be done at any convenient time of the day.

It often happens that the test result is not accurate and is questionable. That is, the 2nd stripe does not appear much, it is barely visible. This may indicate that the gestational age is very short. The brighter the stripe, the longer the pregnancy period.

When do signs of pregnancy appear?

Symptoms of the onset interesting situation“begin to make themselves felt around the 20th day of the cycle. It is by this period that the fetus reaches the uterus and attaches very well to one of its walls.

IN female body After this, a radical restructuring begins. The body begins to prepare and adapt to the needs of the fetus, which will actively develop.

So, the very first symptoms of pregnancy and changes in the body are:

  • drowsy state, even if the woman slept well;
  • scanty discharge in the form of blood or implantation discharge;
  • not severe swelling and tenderness of the breast, its sensitivity increases very much;
  • increased basal temperature;
  • general ailments;
  • of course, a delay in menstruation;
  • frequent headaches, dizziness;
  • urination becomes more frequent;
  • clear vaginal discharge;
  • increased salivation;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • intolerance to certain smells, even those that you previously really liked, change taste preferences;
  • nausea, and in some cases vomiting;
  • not strong tingling in the uterus;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • high level of fatigue.

Separately, it should be said about bloody discharge, because it is they that can “scare” a woman - she may think that there are some problems. But in fact, this phenomenon is completely normal. Such bloody issues are called implantation. They begin to appear at the moment when the egg reaches its destination - the uterus, and tries to securely attach to its wall.

Symptoms such as headache, extreme fatigue, drowsiness, and apathy appear due to the fact that the level of hormones in the body greatly increases.

For the same reason, the shape and structure of the breast changes - it becomes elastic and very sensitive. A woman may notice her nipples become darker and swell. Some pregnant women may produce colostrum (a small amount) in the first weeks of conception.

It occurs because the amount of hormones in a woman’s body increases, and the level of blood flow to all organs, including the pelvic organs, also increases, and the activity of the kidneys changes. And already in the later stages of pregnancy, frequent trips to the toilet are justified by the fact that the child begins to put pressure on the mother’s bladder.

What are the methods for determining pregnancy?

Of course, the most accessible and most often used method for determining pregnancy is a test. We have already described when it is best to do it. But it should be said that this option may not always show reliable information.

The test may be false negative if it was done very early and you did not use morning urine. The test has expired; you did not follow the advice in the instructions.

But there are other methods that will help determine the presence of pregnancy.

  1. Change in basal temperature. If such a temperature is measured at the same time within 2-3 days from the moment of the delay and it exceeds normal, then this will indicate the onset of pregnancy. But this method also has its own minutes - the temperature must be measured for three cycles in a row, to have a stable cycle.
  2. Blood analysis. This method can very accurately determine what you are interested in. A woman can donate blood as early as 8-13 days from the moment of potential conception. But you need to know that you will not get the result instantly, it will take some time - they vary depending on the laboratory you choose.
  3. Ultrasound. This study does not make sense in the very first weeks of gestation, since the fertilized egg simply will not be visible, its size for this period will be very small. Such a study is advisable already in the third or fourth week. The big advantage of this option is that it will help to accurately determine that you do not have a pathological, that is, ectopic, pregnancy, which no other method can do.

Can you have periods during pregnancy?

If conception does not occur during ovulation, then menstruation begins at the end of the cycle. This happens as a result of a decrease in hormones, including the female hormone estradiol. Detachment of the uterine endometrium begins, and blood discharge begins from the vagina.

If you know about your pregnancy, celebrate its first signs, then there should be absolutely no period. If this still happens, then you need to be wary and go to the gynecologist, since this phenomenon is not considered normal. The sooner you do this, the greater the likelihood of saving the baby.

Yes, alas, this is not possible in all cases, because spontaneous abortion happens very quickly. Namely, bloody discharge during this period may indicate this.

Quite often, scanty, dark red discharge indicates the presence of a frozen pregnancy. But a miscarriage in this case does not always happen. For this reason, a woman undergoes a cleansing.

Often, the presence of menstruation during pregnancy can indicate the presence. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because this condition is very dangerous.

Small bleeding may be at the beginning of the term if the woman has uterine erosion. But remember, only small discharge, not periods!

Many women and girls are concerned about this question: when do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception? And this, of course, is an important and always relevant topic for the female half of humanity.

Some girls want to know about the possibility of pregnancy earlier than waiting until it is possible to do an ultrasound. After all, this method can confirm pregnancy only in the third or fourth week after conception. Agree that this is long time and many women will not be able to calmly wait for it.

Ultrasound is a sure way to determine pregnancy, but after the third or fourth week

What advice can you give at such a moment? You need to remain calm, and also learn to notice some features of the body that appear as the first signs of pregnancy. They are the ones who can tell a girl that something new is happening to her body. Girls who listen to their bodies will find out about pregnancy before their menstruation is delayed. Of course, there is no clear guarantee that there is a pregnancy, determining it only by certain signs. Therefore it is worth studying carefully this question so as not to mislead yourself and your loved ones.

First signs of pregnancy

At the very beginning of pregnancy, the following symptoms can be noted that may indicate pregnancy:

  • girls visit the toilet quite often;
  • there is specific pain in the lumbar region. These pains are similar to cramps during menstruation. Such pain is not a good sign if you already know about pregnancy, because it may be the tone of the uterus;
  • breasts may swell and become full;
  • toxicosis, drowsiness and fatigue;
  • emotional “swing”;
  • basal temperature readings are thirty-seven degrees, or maybe higher;
  • the level of hCG hormones changes and increases;
  • no menstruation.

Time of pregnancy signs

As soon as conception has occurred, the question is certainly of interest: after what period of time does pregnancy appear?

As for frequent urination, this symptom is noticeable two or three weeks after the expected conception. This is explained by the fact that the expectant mother’s hormones increase.

Everything inside is “working” and preparing for pregnancy; changes in the breasts begin. She becomes painful and may leak colostrum. Such changes are possible in the initial weeks.

How breasts change during pregnancy

Most often, women seeking to become pregnant and planning this period in their lives are familiar with basal temperature. This temperature is measured in the rectum. The procedure is carried out in the morning. At the same time, you cannot get out of bed. If you keep a calendar of measurements of this temperature, then you can calculate pregnancy a couple of days after conception.

A fairly reliable sign of pregnancy is the presence of early toxicosis. This sign is known to many, because even in movies and TV series there are moments where the heroine suffers from nausea and vomiting in the morning. Therefore, if you have morning sickness, then most likely this is a sign of pregnancy. Some girls experience interesting changes already after a few weeks of conception - these are new taste preferences.

Reliable Signs of Pregnancy

If you want to find out whether you are pregnant or not, you should take a test called hCG. HCG is also called the pregnancy hormone. When one week has passed after the expected conception, the level of the hCG hormone will begin to rise. Having handed it over, you will quickly find out about the next replenishment, without waiting for a delay in your period.

When you notice a delay in your period, know that this most often indicates pregnancy. Of course, the absence of menstruation can be for various reasons. For example, this is a hormonal imbalance or an inflammatory disease and much more. If a delay has already occurred, you should contact a gynecologist. Do not ignore the delay, it is dangerous to your health.

The above signs may indicate pregnancy. All of them are quite common in the first time after the intended conception. Remember that all people are different and each person may express symptoms individually.

Best method Determining pregnancy is up to the doctor. A specialist will easily notice the onset of pregnancy by the condition of the uterus, which begins to enlarge during pregnancy.

The timing of symptoms of pregnancy varies. Some women immediately understand their new condition. For others, awareness occurs after an ultrasound or the first kicks of the baby in the stomach.

Some women can tell themselves signs of pregnancy

When a woman is eager to get pregnant, then in any month it seems to her that she became pregnant today. This condition is easy to explain, because the girl only thinks about the child and inspires herself with the desired pregnancy. She will feel like she's feeling sick, which is what she's experiencing. emotional stress, and she notices a change in taste preferences.

When a woman is still breastfeeding and does not have periods due to lactation, she can still become pregnant, but it will be difficult for her to know. The woman will think that she just doesn't feel well. Until it turns out that in the middle of pregnancy she will be disturbed by the obvious movements of the child.
This doesn't necessarily happen to you. There are few examples in reality. If you are an adequate person, you will immediately guess that you may be pregnant. And the reason for this, as a rule, is a delay in menstruation. This sign is the most accurate. All other signs before the delay are often far-fetched. Think about your condition objectively. After all, with PMS there is both nausea and poor health.

The above signs can only suggest pregnancy. Some girls feel nauseous immediately after intercourse, but this does not mean that they are pregnant. Most likely, it's just a feeling of fear.

There are special signs a week before your period and you should believe them. Let's say you ovulate fourteen days before your period and within 24 hours the egg is fertilized with a sperm. Then they form into a zygote, traveling to the uterus through the fallopian tube. At this moment, there can be no signs of pregnancy a priori.

When to expect the first signs of pregnancy?

When a week has passed after fertilization, the egg enters the uterus. The first sign may be at this stage. Since the embryo must be fixed in the uterus, its layer clings to the endometrium of the uterus with special substances. At such times, a woman may have a slight pinkish discharge. They last for about a day. But still, women mistake this phenomenon for menstruation, which is not surprising.

During implantation, contact between mother and embryo occurs. It is at this time that signs of pregnancy appear. Moreover, they will be justified and real. This usually happens one week before your period, which will not come.

The error in assumptions about pregnancy can still be great. Since there is no delay in menstruation as such. But women can guess their condition on an intuitive level. Many girls confuse the signs of pregnancy with premenstrual syndrome.

The hormonal background changes significantly at the time of embryo implantation. The corpus luteum develops and thereby produces a hormone called progesterone. As a result of rising hormones, new signs of pregnancy become noticeable. Every day the hormone progesterone grows and becomes noticeable in a blood test. During this period, the breasts may swell. The nipples of the breast may darken. The first nausea, loss of strength, and drowsiness appear.

When a delay in menstruation occurs, then we can already talk about a sign of pregnancy. You just need to wait a few days and the issue of possible pregnancy will be resolved.

When a woman finds out that her period is late, she starts taking pregnancy tests. And with a positive result, he begins to think about who is there. Girl or boy? An ultrasound can resolve this issue. An ultrasound examination can show what kind of pregnancy you have, how many fetuses there are, and whether there are any abnormalities. On an ultrasound, the doctor may notice signs of a frozen pregnancy in very early stages. Such a diagnosis can be made only with this examination and nothing more.

Toxicosis often accompanies the onset of pregnancy

After a few weeks from conception, toxicosis begins. Almost half of mothers are familiar with this sign. Although pregnancy is a wonderful time, nausea in the morning is quite annoying for girls.

It is difficult to recognize the first signs in the first week. Some do not have them at all, while others appear early. Gynecologists believe that the very first signs appear only after ten days.
Since the first week the egg only divides and grows, creating an embryo. At this time, women cannot feel anything at all. But after this, when the embryo is attached to the wall, the release of hormones begins, which manifest themselves in signs. You should expect signs only in the second, or better yet, the third week.

Folk signs you need to know

After conception, a woman’s body performs a tremendous amount of work. Therefore, a woman may become very tired and feel some discomfort. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers could detect pregnancy early based on folk signs. Although at that time there were no ultrasounds or various tests.

Among the first folk signs in the initial week of pregnancy are:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • drowsiness and loss of strength;
  • salivation;
  • a strange taste in the mouth, such as a metallic taste;
  • the feeling of a bloated stomach appears not only after eating and drinking;
  • some nasal congestion, frequent sneezing;
  • veins in the chest area become more noticeable, as blood flow in the body increases;
  • pigmentation appears on the body, for example, new moles or birthmarks.

A pregnant woman may have all these signs, but you should not rely on them alone. Pay attention to how you feel, but don't give in to suggestion. It is better to wait a while so as not to be upset by a negative result later.

If a woman has been planning a pregnancy for a long time, she waits literally in every new cycle for signs of pregnancy in the first days. It’s worth saying right away that it is impossible to feel pregnancy the very next day after conception; for about a week the fertilized egg is not connected to the mother’s body, and moves into the uterine cavity through the tube to be implanted in it.

And after sexual intercourse, you should not immediately expect signs of pregnancy in the first days - you should not worry in vain.

The very first signs of pregnancy in the first days

Naturally, the very first signs of pregnancy in the first days will be, in fact, the absence of menstruation (delayed menstruation). But many of us know that a delay may not always be associated with pregnancy, and for many, the cycle is not stable at all.

Therefore, the question of how many days after the first signs of pregnancy appear is relevant for many women.

Usually, after about three to four weeks, you can quite clearly identify the signs of your interesting situation based on typical manifestations.

Some women notice signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception, but these are more psychological than physical manifestations (dreams, emotional sensations).

As such, the physical sensations of pregnancy should be expected no less than a couple of weeks from the moment of conception.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days of delay

It is impossible to say exactly on what day the first signs of pregnancy appear in a particular woman, everyone tolerates pregnancy differently, some may feel sick from the very first weeks, while others have no toxicosis at all.

This individual characteristics body, but there are certain symptoms that appear one way or another in many pregnant women.

What are the first signs of pregnancy in the first days after a missed period?

  1. Lack of regular menstruation. But sometimes the presence of implantation bleeding 7-10 days after conception at the time of implantation can be mistaken for menstruation ovum into the uterine mucosa. But such discharge is scanty and stops quickly.
  2. A change with a sharp decrease by about the 10th day and then a sharp increase on the next day with a stable high level in the future and the absence of a decrease during the expected period of menstruation. If the delay is due to stress or hormonal imbalances, problems with the ovaries, etc., there will be no fluctuations in the basal temperature schedule.
  3. General malaise and increased drowsiness due to increased levels of progesterone and hormone. You may also experience sensations similar to the onset of a cold.
  4. Increased sensitivity of the breast with a sharp reaction to the slightest touch, up to soreness of the nipples and darkening of the skin around them. There may be engorgement or swelling of the breast, or its hardening.
  5. A feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lower abdomen that occurs due to increased blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  6. A constant increase in temperature within 37.0-37.2 degrees, fluctuations in blood pressure, reduced pressure due to the action of the hormone progesterone. This can lead to headaches and dizziness and even fainting.
  7. Increased salivation, as well as morning sickness and even vomiting. They appear around 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. There may also be increased sensitivity to odors and motion sickness in transport, and malaise in stuffy rooms. These symptoms are classified as toxicosis of pregnant women.
  8. Frequent urination due to the diuretic effect of the hormone progesterone, fluid retention in the body due to increased estrogen levels.

All these signs of pregnancy in early dates are not constant and not all expectant mothers can detect them. Therefore, the most reliable sign will be a positive pregnancy test and determination of the fact of pregnancy in the doctor’s office.

Other information on the topic

  • How to get pregnant the first time or lessons for successful planning

  • Critical periods of pregnancy by trimester

  • Cardiotocography (CTG) - recording of the fetal heartbeat

  • Discomfort in the perineal area in pregnant women

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