
Church etiquette and behavior in church. How to behave in church (rules of conduct in church)? How to behave correctly in the Orthodox Church


In ancient Rus' there was a close connection and interaction between the church and home life of our ancestors. Orthodox people paid great attention not only to What cooked for lunch, but also How preparing. They did this with constant prayer, in a peaceful state of mind and with good thoughts. And they also paid special attention church calendar- looked at what day it was - fasting or fasting.

The rules were observed especially strictly in monasteries.

The ancient Russian monasteries owned vast estates and lands, had the most comfortable farms, which gave them the means to make extensive food supplies, which in turn gave them abundant means for the wide hospitality bequeathed to the inhabitants by their holy founders.

But the matter of receiving strangers in monasteries was subordinated to both the general church and private statutes of each monastery, that is, one food was offered to the brethren, servants, wanderers and beggars on holidays and feeding days (commemorated for depositors and benefactors) days, another on weekdays; one - on fast days, the other - on fast days and on fasts: Great, Nativity, Assumption and Petrovka - all this was strictly determined by the statutes, which were also distinguished by place and means.

Nowadays, not all the provisions of the church charter, which were oriented primarily at monasteries and clergy, can be applied in Everyday life. However, an Orthodox person needs to learn some rules, which we have already mentioned above.

First of all, before you start preparing food, you must pray to God.

What does it mean to pray to God?
To pray to God means to glorify, thank and ask Him for the forgiveness of your sins and your needs. Prayer is the reverent striving of the human soul towards God.

Why do you need to pray to God?
God is our Creator and Father. He cares about us all more than any child-loving father and gives us all the blessings in life. By him we live, move and have our being; that is why we must pray to Him.

How do we pray?
We sometimes pray internally - with our mind and heart; but since each of us consists of a soul and a body, for the most part we say the prayer out loud, and also accompany it with some visible signs and bodily actions: the sign of the cross, a bow to the waist, and for the strongest expression of our reverent feelings for God and deep humility We kneel before Him and bow to the ground.

When should you pray?
You should pray at all times, without ceasing.

When is it especially appropriate to pray?
In the morning, upon awakening from sleep, to thank God for keeping us through the night and asking for His blessings on the coming day.
When starting a business - to ask for God's help.
At the end of the case - to thank God for help and success in the case.
Before lunch - so that God will bless us with food for health.
After lunch - to thank God who feeds us.
In the evening, before going to bed, to thank God for the day and ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, for a peaceful and serene sleep.
For all cases, special prayers are prescribed by the Orthodox Church.

Prayer before lunch and dinner

Our Father... or:
The eyes of all trust in You, Lord, and You give them food in good season, You open Your generous hand and fulfill all animal blessings.

On Thea - on You. They hope - they turn with hope. In good time - in due time. If you open it, you open it. An animal is a living being, anything living. Favor - good disposition towards someone, mercy.

What do we ask of God in this prayer?
In this prayer we ask that God bless us with food and drink for health.

What is under the hand of the Lord?
The hand of the Lord is of course here giving us good things.

What does it mean to do every kindness to animals?
These words mean that the Lord cares not only about people, but also about animals, birds, fish, and in general about all living things.

Prayer after lunch and dinner

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings; Do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as You came among Your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us. Amen.

Earthly goods are everything necessary for earthly life, for example, food and drink.

What are we praying for in this prayer?
In this prayer, we thank God for satisfying us with food and drink, and we ask that He not deprive us of His Heavenly Kingdom.

If several people are sitting at the table, the oldest person reads the prayer out loud.

What can be said about someone who crosses himself incorrectly and carelessly during prayer or is ashamed to cross himself?

Such a person does not want to confess his faith in God; Jesus Christ Himself will be ashamed of this at His Last Judgment (Mark 8:38).

How should one be baptized?
To make the sign of the cross, we put the first three fingers of the right hand - thumb, index and middle - together; We bend the last two fingers - the ring and little fingers - to the palm.
We place the fingers folded in this way on the forehead, on the stomach, on the right and left shoulder.

What do we express by folding our fingers like this?
By putting the first three fingers together we express the belief that God is One in Essence, but threefold in Persons.
The two bent fingers show our faith that in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, there are two natures: Divine and human.
By depicting a cross on ourselves with folded fingers, we show that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ crucified on the Cross.

Why do we sign the cross on our forehead, stomach and shoulders?
To enlighten the mind, heart and strengthen strength.

May be, to modern man It will seem strange or even fantastic to say that the taste of dinner can depend on prayer or mood. However, in the lives of the saints there is a very convincing story on this topic.

One day, Prince Izyaslav of Kiev came to the monastery to visit Saint Theodisius of Pechersk (who reposed in 1074) and stayed to dine. On the table there was only black bread, water and vegetables, but these simple dishes seemed sweeter to the prince than overseas dishes.

Izyaslav asked Theodosius why the monastery meal seemed so tasty. To which the monk replied:

“Prince, our brethren, when they cook food or bake bread, first they take a blessing from the abbot, then they make three bows in front of the altar, light a candle from a lamp in front of the icon of the Savior, and with this candle they light a fire in the kitchen and bakery.
When it is necessary to pour water into the cauldron, the minister also asks the elder for a blessing for this.
Thus, everything is done with blessing.
Your servants begin every task with grumbling and annoyance at each other. And where there is sin, there can be no pleasure. In addition, your courtyard managers often beat the servants for the slightest offense, and the tears of the offended add bitterness to the food, no matter how expensive they are.”

The Church does not give any special recommendations regarding food intake, but you cannot eat before the morning service, and even more so before communion. This prohibition exists so that the body, burdened with food, does not distract the soul from prayer and communion.

What is the sacrament of communion?
The fact is that a Christian accepts the true Body of Christ under the guise of bread, and the true Blood of Christ under the guise of wine for union with the Lord Jesus Christ and for eternal blissful life with Him (John 6:54-56).

How should one prepare for Holy Communion?
Anyone who wishes to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ must first fast, i.e. fast, pray more in church and at home, make peace with everyone and then confess.

Should you take communion often?
One should receive communion as often as possible, at least once a month and necessarily during all fasts (Great, Nativity, Assumption and Petrov); otherwise it is unfair to be called an Orthodox Christian.

At what church service is the sacrament of communion celebrated?
During the Divine Liturgy, or mass, which is why this service is considered more important than other church services, for example, Vespers, Matins and others.

In liturgical practice, the Russian Orthodox Church uses the Typikon. Typikon, or Charter, is a liturgical book containing detailed instructions: on what days and hours, at what divine services and in what order the prayers contained in the Service Book, Book of Hours, Octoechos and other liturgical books should be read or sung.

The Typikon also pays great attention and food eaten by believers. However, a secular person should not literally follow all the instructions contained in the Charter, for it is aimed primarily at the monastic brethren.

1 . On the way to the temple, repeat the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

2 . In the temple, according to custom, men should stand with right side, and women - on the left.

3. You should come to church in modest clothing with long sleeve. Women should have their heads covered, lips unpainted, and a skirt of a decent length.

4. A Christian should always wear a cross on his body.

5. Upon entering the temple, make three bows from the waist with the sign of the cross (an image of a cross on yourself).

6. People enter the temple before the start of the service: give a remembrance of the health of the living and the repose of the dead, light candles, venerate the icons. Before kissing an icon, it is customary to make two bows with the sign of the cross in front of it, and a third bow after kissing. When we honor an icon, we bow to the one depicted on it, paying homage to the prototype through the image.

7. When you pass by the Royal Doors (at any distance from them), stop and make a bow with the sign of the cross.

8. It is undesirable to walk around the church during the service and light candles, as this interferes with general prayer. During the reading of the Gospel, the singing of the Cherubic Song and the Eucharistic Canon, it is appropriate to maintain reverent silence; you must not disturb others with questions or requests to pass the candle.

9. In the temple they are not curious, they do not examine the worshipers, but delve into the divine service and participate in common prayer. If the words of prayers and chants are not clear to you, say the Jesus Prayer to yourself.

10 . Teach children to pray, go to church, and behave piously in church.

11. It should be in an Orthodox church. You can sit only while reading kathismas (Psalms) and proverbs, and also when you are sick and extremely tired.

12. In church, do not judge anyone; a reprimand can only be made to someone who clearly violates decorum and interferes with common prayer. Keep peace in your heart, keep prayer, remember your sins, pray for those who sin.

13. You do not need to leave the temple until the end of the service.

14. People approach Holy Communion after repentance of sins - confession and the priest's prayer of permission (an exception is made for children under 7 years of age). Those preparing for Communion must fast for at least 3 days (abstain from meat, dairy and fish); be at the evening service the day before; Having arrived home, read from the Prayer Book the complete rule for Communion, which consists of: 1) the canon of repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ, 2) the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, 3) the canon to the Guardian Angel, 4) the canon of prayer to the Holy Communion; from 12 o'clock at night do not eat or drink anything.

15 . Before Communion, fold your hands on your chest with a cross (top right), with faith and love for Christ, partake of His Holy Body and Blood, kiss the bottom of the cup, but without crossing yourself, and go to the table to wash down the Communion with warmth. Afterwards, listen (read) Prayers of Thanksgiving.

Rules of pious behavior in the temple

Before going to the Temple, every Christian must remember

the main rules for staying in the House of the Lord.

“My house is a house of prayer” (Luke 19.46)

There are many rules for our salvation,
Here’s one – “Churching”
Go to the holy temple with prayer,
And in the unity of Christ,
Join the new Life.

Before entering the cathedral,
Take off your headdress,
Drive away evil thoughts:
You don't need them.
Don't judge anyone
Give help to the beggar
Light a candle and then
Cross yourself with a cross.

Keep the thought of God,
Drive laziness away
Reconcile your soul with God,
Pray for the whole world.

Don’t push Bogomoltsev,
Get used to the order in the temple.
Don't look around -
It's not good for us.

X be it an old lady or a maiden -
Don't look at faces
Let your eyes fall to the ground,
About your sins of sadness
With humility, like a publican
Look at the holy altar,
Where the Spirit of God dwells,
He feeds us with grace.

Listen to the singing and the service,
Break off your friendship with demons,
Don't accept their intrigues
Listen to the Word of God.

And I will say from the heart;
Don’t rush to leave the temple,
Stay in service until the end,
Listen to your father's sermon.
Then venerate the Cross,
Make a promise to Christ
That I intend to improve,
And remain true to your vows,
Don't waste time,
Love God's service
And while the soul is in the chest,
Come to prayer.

Invite your brothers with you,
Dress smarter
Sunday is God's holiday,
Rejoice, he is yours too.
Author – Hegumen Vissarion (Ostapenko), resident of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra

Orthodox church

As a rule, Orthodox churches have three entrances: the main (western, opposite the altar), northern and southern. The entire church building is divided into the altar, the temple itself and the vestibule. The altar is separated from the temple itself by an iconostasis, which in most cases reaches the ceiling. The altar contains the throne and the altar. The Royal Doors (central), as well as the northern and southern doors lead to the altar.

Women are prohibited from entering the altar. Men can enter the altar only with the permission of the priests, and then only through the northern or southern doors. Only clergy enter the altar through the Royal Doors.

Directly adjacent to the iconostasis is the solea - an elevated platform along the entire altar. Opposite the royal doors is the ambo - the central part of the solea. Without the permission of the clergy, it is also not allowed to ascend to the pulpit and solea.

Since ancient times, it has been established to perform divine services three times a day: in the evening, in the morning and in the afternoon - the liturgy. You should know that the church day does not begin at 0 o'clock calendar day, and at 18 o'clock the previous day.

The entrance to the temple from the street is usually arranged in the form of a porch - a platform in front of the entrance doors, to which several steps lead. When approaching the temple, you need to make the sign of the cross and bow from the waist. When going up to the porch, before entering the doors, you again need to sign yourself with the sign of the cross. You should not pray for a long time and for show while standing on the street.

You should arrive at the temple 10-15 minutes before the start of the service. During this time, you can submit notes, put a donation on the eve, buy candles, put them on and venerate the icons. If you are late, you must behave in such a way as not to disturb the prayer of others. If it is not possible to freely approach the icons and light candles, ask them to pass the candles through other people.

During the service, men should stand on the right side of the temple, women on the left, leaving a clear passage from the main doors to the Royal Doors. It is forbidden to sit in an Orthodox church, the only exception being the parishioner’s ill health or severe fatigue.

In a temple, it is indecent to show curiosity and look at others. It is unacceptable to condemn and ridicule the involuntary mistakes of employees or those present in the temple. It is forbidden to talk during the service. One should not condemn or reprimand a newcomer who does not know the church rules. It is better to help him with polite and kind advice. Candles should only be purchased from the temple you came to. If possible, you should not leave the temple until the end of the service.

When visiting temples, you are supposed to dress so that most of your body is covered. It is not customary to go to church in shorts and sportswear. Where possible, men and women should also avoid T-shirts and shirts with short sleeves. A woman's head must be covered. Men are required to remove their hats before entering the temple.

In an informal setting, clergy are usually called as follows:

    Patriarcha - His Holiness;

    bishop - lord;

    priest - father;

    abbess - mother;

    deacon - father deacon.

It is not customary at meetings to greet clergy with exclamations: “Hello, father!” or “Hello, master!” You should say: “Father, bless!” or “Master, bless!”

You should not ask for blessings from deacons and ordinary monks, since they do not have the right to do this. Priests and bishops, as well as abbess of monasteries in the rank of abbess, bless. When accepting a blessing, you should fold your palms crosswise (right palm on top of the left) and kiss the right, blessing hand of the clergyman; there is no need to cross yourself before doing this.

Catholic Church

A Catholic church has generally the same structure as an Orthodox one. The most significant difference that catches your eye is the absence of an iconostasis. Instead, there is a low altar barrier. The church has a central part - the altar, or presbytery - the place where worship takes place and where the Holy Gifts - bread and wine transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Christ - are kept. You can recognize this place by the unquenchable lamp burning in front of the tabernacle.

In addition to the central altar, there may be side chapels in honor of saints. The temple also has a special place for the choir and a sacristy (a separate room for temple servants and storage of liturgical vestments and objects).

Men must remove their hats when entering the temple. Headscarves are not required for women. There are also no special standards in clothing or use of cosmetics. Appearing in the temple in shorts or too revealing clothing is not welcome, and in some temples, including St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, it is prohibited.

At the entrance to the temple there is a vessel with consecrated water, or a crypt, into which the fingers of the right hand are dipped and then crossed.

Immediately upon entering the temple, kneeling (right knee) is performed before the tabernacle. And subsequently, passing by the tabernacle, they kneel or at least bow their heads. Catholics are baptized in a different order from Orthodox Christians - first the left shoulder, then the right. There are no special moments outside the liturgy when the sign of the cross is required.

In the temple there are rows of prayer benches, and at the bottom there are low benches (people kneel on them during worship). Confession in a Catholic church is performed in special confessionals - small booths for the priest and the confessor.

If someone is talking in the confessional, you should not be within earshot, nor should you approach the priest during his conversation with someone - this can be a purely spiritual and personal conversation. One should not interrupt the prayer or silent contemplation of believers; one must wait until they finish.

Actually, this limits the basic rules of conduct in a Catholic church.

The head of the Catholic Church is the Pope.

Appeals to clergy:

    to the Pope - Your Holiness;

    to the cardinal and archbishop - Your Eminence;

    to the bishop - Your Eminence (personal - Vladyka).

For persons belonging to the highest church hierarchy, the title “Monsignor” is also used, added to the title. The rector of the temple is addressed as “Your Reverence.” In a personal conversation, you can address all priests as “father,” monks as “brother,” and nuns as “sister.”

It is very difficult to distinguish one rank from another in everyday life, therefore, when preparing for a meeting with a priest, you need to know his title in advance. However, the presence of a red belt, piuska (a red bishop's cap or a non-black cassock), as a rule, indicates belonging to the highest hierarchy. True, in everyday life the priesthood wears ordinary dark suits with dark shirts and a white stripe under the collar.

In communication with the priesthood, two levels must be distinguished - the one when, during a meeting, the priest is called to perform a divine service or sacrament, and the usual conversation. The conversation is subject to the rules of normal etiquette.

The Catholic priesthood takes a vow of celibacy, so inquire family life interlocutor tactlessly. Another feature is that, as a rule, the priest is the first to offer his hand, including to women.

Adults and children know how to behave in the mosque: Do not make noise or shout, Do not interfere with the prayer.

In the ablution room

Do not create dirty puddles.

And, of course, without a doubt,

You need to be polite.

Rules of conduct in madrasah (

The madrasah has its own order.

You should behave like this:

Don't run up stairs

Take a quiet step down,

You only need to eat in the dining room,

Just throw trash in the trash can.

It is important to listen in class

Answer questions.

For fun and fun

Change has been given to us -

We play and frolic;

There is silence in the lesson!



The center of religious and social life of the Jewish community is the synagogue.

Currently, various currents coexist in Judaism - from ultra-Orthodox to ultra-liberal. Accordingly, synagogue services in different Jewish communities can vary significantly. The ancient traditions are most preserved in Orthodox Judaism.

Services in Orthodox synagogues are usually held three times a day; On holidays and Saturdays, additional prayers are read. For worship to take place, at least ten men over 13 years of age must be present to form a minyan (quorum).

The seats for women in the synagogue are either separated from the seats for men by a partition, or women occupy seats in the gallery.

Men are forbidden to be in the synagogue with their heads uncovered, so during morning prayer they wear a special prayer shawl (tallit), which is a rectangular piece of woolen material with four tassels at the corners (tzitzit).

On weekdays, during morning prayer, men put on tefillin - leather boxes with pieces of parchment with passages of Holy Scripture enclosed in them. With the help of long straps, these boxes are tied to the forehead and left hand of the worshipers.

Prayers are said standing or sitting: those praying are not allowed to prostrate or kneel, with the exception of certain moments of festive services.

When entering the synagogue and reading some prayers, it is customary to bow your head. The prayers are recited in Hebrew, and a number of prayers are recited in Aramite (Aramaic), the language everyday communication ancient Jews.

The order of worship developed over the centuries involves the recitation of certain prayers, the sequence of which corresponds to one or another day of the religious calendar. Any adult Jewish male can lead a service. In large communities, a particularly revered person (khazzan) is usually appointed to read prayers on holidays and Saturdays, sometimes accompanied by a male choir. Some parts of the liturgy are sung by everyone present in the synagogue.

In many communities belonging to other branches of Judaism - Conservative, Reform, Liberal - synagogue traditions can differ significantly. Thus, in reform communities, men and women sit together. Men may not wear a tallit or tefillin, although they often wear a special cap (kippah) on their heads.

The synagogue choir in Reform and many Conservative synagogues includes women. In many countries, part of the service may be conducted in the language of that country, and the ratio of prayers in Hebrew to prayers in another language varies among different communities. The very composition of prayers in the services of various communities is also changing.

Rabbis still lead Jewish communities today, although much of their leadership is in the nature of spiritual mentoring. The responsibilities of rabbis include organizing solemn religious ceremonies - marriages, funerals, etc.

The functions and position of the rabbinate may differ in different countries of the world. Thus, in Israel, rabbis are government officials. They are confirmed in office by the chief rabbis and the Ministry of Religious Affairs and take on some of the important government and judicial functions.

Unlike other religions, where there are certain rules of etiquette in dealing with clergy of various ranks, in Judaism as a whole there are no such rules. The only thing is that when addressing a rabbi by name, the word “rabbi” is sometimes added.

Rules of conduct in a Buddhist temple

What not to do in a Buddhist temple

    If you are not just going on an excursion, but want to attend a sacred service (which is allowed in some churches), under no circumstances should you be late. Being late may be regarded as disrespect for the clergy.

    Before entering the temple, you must remove your hats and take off your shoes. In addition, clothing should cover the arms up to the forearms and the legs up to the ankles. Sometimes, at the entrance to the temple, visitors are given special clothes, but, of course, it is better to take care of your costume in advance.

    You cannot talk on the phone, communicate with each other and solve any of your problems.

    It is better for women not to start a conversation at all and not to take any action towards the clergy - in some temples, monks are prohibited from communicating with women. Or with visitors in general.

    Never sit in front of a Buddha statue with your toes pointing at it (and among the Thais, even towards people, this is considered an indecent gesture).

What to do in a Buddhist temple

    In the central hall, move in the direction of the sun, i.e. from left to right, trying not to turn your back to the altar.

    Make offerings and donations (with this we develop generosity and suppress greed).

    Order a prayer service (usually in the lobby to the left of the entrance to the central hall), entering the names of relatives and friends and making offerings. By wishing well to all living beings, we acquire favorable karma.

    If you need to spend some time in the temple to think about the meaning of life, about good and evil, about moral and ethical standards, you can sit on a bench or on the floor.

Buddhist temple structure

Each temple should be surrounded by a wall with a heavy gate.

Behind the main temple gate there is a multi-tiered tower - a pagoda, in which the remains of saints are kept. As a rule, the pagoda is built in three to five floors, but in some temples it can reach a hundred meters or more.

Behind the pagoda is the central, or “golden” hall. In the hall there is an altar with an image of Buddha, oriented so that his face faces east. In addition to the main one, there may also be smaller sculptures depicting the life paths of the Buddha or his followers. In front of the altar there is a tray for candles and incense.

The pagoda and the Golden Hall are surrounded by galleries in which the monks and people at the temple live.

Upon entering the temple, you can purchase a small traditional offering of orchid flowers, lotus flowers, candles and incense sticks.

We light the candles and place them in a tray at the entrance to the temple. We light incense from the candles and insert it into vases with sand, which are located nearby. To make an offering, in the central hall you need to sit on your knees in front of the altar (tourists do not have to sit down) and fold your hands at your head in a gesture of respect. Then place the flowers on the tray prepared there. Some temples have money boxes.

For an Orthodox person, this whole world is sacred, because it is the creation of the Lord, and therefore full of joy and goodness. However, the world is complex and multifaceted, and such a clear and unambiguous understanding is not always possible, therefore, in order to be able to move away from the worldly and get closer to the heavenly, there is a temple. You need to know the rules of behavior in the church and follow established traditions.

The creation of sacred space is far from being a Christian achievement and, of course, not purely Orthodox tradition. People have always strived to build various sanctuaries that allow them to honor the divine in this world. In modern Orthodox Church

  • believers can:
  • attend a service;
  • pray in front of icons;
  • confess and receive communion;
  • communicate with priests;
  • perform baptism and other rituals;

leave requests (for example, a prayer service for someone).

As is customary in the Orthodox faith, a follower of this tradition needs to periodically visit the temple. Even hermits and saints, who for the most part remained in seclusion and away from the world, periodically came on holidays to attend services, and attended churches more or less regularly. Therefore, a believer needs to be able to, so to speak, use the temple, know how sacred space helps strengthen faith and what position it occupies in religious life.

Fees and entrance to the church

Regarding how a woman should dress in church, there are slightly conservative rules, but they are quite understandable, not even from religious, but from purely cultural norms. Just as you don't wear shorts and bring popcorn to a classical music concert, being in a church for people dressed extravagantly and provocatively is not the best option.

  • So, for women:
  • do not use cosmetics, especially lipstick;
  • You should not wear trousers or open clothes;

The best option would be a floor-length skirt, a simple and discreet top, as well as a head scarf, without knots, secured with a pin or wrapped in a special way.

  • In turn, for men:
  • Shorts and open shoes are not allowed;
  • You should wear simple and not bright clothes.

The rules of behavior in the temple for children, who, although it is more common to dress in something bright, need to be prepared in more discreet wardrobe items before going to the temple, are formed in a similar way. It is better for them to follow your example. By the way, during the period of visiting small children, it is better to simply take small children with you so that they repeat the actions and over time they learn everything and can walk and light candles, as well as pray on their own.

Note! You must initially take into account how not to interfere with other people and not cause any harm. For example, if there is no space for bowing and there are many people in the church, then bowing should be avoided. The Lord will already hear a sincere person, and it is even better if you think about the convenience of your neighbor than to blindly perform some rituals without the necessary amount of understanding.

It is best to go to church clean, although, of course, the main requirement is the purity of intentions and faith with which they come to church . Before the doors of the temple they make the sign of the cross. Next, in the vestibule (the very beginning of the temple), they tune in mentally, renounce worldly moods and enter the temple.

Many people don’t even need to explain it separately. P rules of conduct in church, because when they find themselves there, the atmosphere is calming and puts them in the right mood. Therefore, it would never occur to anyone:

  • speak loudly;
  • run or move quickly;
  • enter the altar, interfere with the service.

The elementary rules of visiting are essentially to behave decently and to be respectful of the house of the Lord. Even if you are inexperienced in something, during the service there is always the opportunity to look at others, and outside the period of service - to ask the priest for advice.

You just need to rely on the recommendations of priests and other clergy; an approximate sequence of actions is outlined below.

Useful video: about behavior in the temple

Sequence of actions in the temple

When, in the process of visiting church, you venerate various images and icons, you need to follow a special order of veneration. For example, to the crucifixion of the Savior they apply only to the feet of Christ, to the icon of the Mother of God they apply only to the hand. Such actions express humility and pious reverence; similar images should be applied to images of saints.

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In the future, when the meaning of actions becomes more tangible and faith is strengthened, following this order will be filled with new content. So, after entering the temple, as a rule, they act in the following order:

  • take candles from the candle cabinet or buy them in the shop at the entrance;
  • they go to the central lectern - a table that stands in the center in front of the altar in the eastern part of the church, there is a festive icon there, they put a candle next to it, cross themselves twice in front of the image, venerate the icon, cross themselves again;
  • go to the image of the Savior or the crucifix, in front of which you need to cross yourself three times and bow to the ground, light a candle;
  • then they pray in front of the image of the Mother of God or go straight to the images of saints with whom there is a personal connection, whom you venerate, they also place candles in front of them, pray for the health of loved ones, for their own various needs;
  • they go to the eve - a small golden table, which is easily distinguished by the crucifix on it, candlesticks are placed in front of the crucifix, and believers place candles there for the deceased, you also need to pray before the eve, that the Lord will have mercy on all deceased loved ones.

This concludes the prayers and installation of candles; we note the need to choose the optimal period for such an action; you need to come when there is no service and give yourself the required amount of time.

Safety rules in the temple

In conclusion, we should briefly consider the rules of behavior in the church, which relate, so to speak, to spiritual safety. Christianity has always denied sorcerers and all sorts of similar individuals who, with the help of demons, gain some abilities and, for the most part, are engaged in harming other people. As a rule, such people cannot sit still and, being subject to Satan, they look for ways to harm others.

Of course, an Orthodox Christian who lives by faith should not be afraid of these influences; in the end, the Lord will protect and protect from everything. However, as the well-known folk proverb, and it’s not worth making a mistake yourself. Therefore, here is what you need to consider in order not to be subject to any influences:

  • It is best to choose a specific temple to visit, where the clergy and flock will for the most part be known to you, and the space of the temple itself will become a spiritual home and refuge for you;
  • You should not make dubious acquaintances in the church, “hang your ears” when someone who does not have clergy actively wants to instruct you on spiritual topics, imposes himself with his communication and “help”, and for no apparent reason starts talking about something: churches sometimes attract various dubious personalities;
  • you need to focus only on the authority of church ministers and communicate on spiritual topics only with priests;
  • if one of the parishioners wants to somehow extinguish your candle, rearrange it, this should be prevented, there is no need to create a scandal, but it is quite acceptable not to allow others to commit impious actions;
  • someday someone interferes with your prayers and lighting candles and acts as if they are casting spells (touching you, touching your candles, etc.) and practicing witchcraft, this should be reported to the priest;
  • alms are given only before entering the temple, but not after they leave;
  • pins and, in general, any objects thrown on the floor should not be touched;
  • if there are any doubts or unpleasant feelings, it is additionally useful to light candles and pray to Saints Cyprian and Justina, who have special prayers against witchcraft.

If you are walking along the road, then watch your step so as not to step on anything, but at the same time you are moving towards a certain goal and strive precisely for this. Don't stop to study the cracks of the asphalt, don't spend a lot of time assessing where it would be better to step. You simply walk, assessing the situation intelligently and exercising common sense. Similar to this example we should treat negative impacts in the temple, especially since witchcraft is the most primitive religious form.

Important! Direct communication with the Lord, which is confessed by the Orthodox, is much more powerful, and believers can always receive help and intercession from the saints, the Mother of God and Christ.

In contact with

1. Enter St. temple with spiritual joy. Remember that the Savior Himself promised to comfort you in sorrow:“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”(Matt. 11:28).

2. Always enter here with humility and meekness, so that you can leave the temple justified, just as the humble publican of the Gospel came out.

3. When you enter the temple and see St. icons, think that the Lord Himself and all the saints are looking at you; Be especially reverent at this time and have the fear of God.

4. Entering St. temple, make three bows to the ground on weekdays, and three bows from the waist on holidays, praying: “God, cleanse me, a sinner, and have mercy on me,” “God, be merciful to me, a sinner,” “Most Holy Theotokos, save me, a sinner,” “All saints, pray to God for me, a sinner.”

5. During the Divine Liturgy - the main Christian service - Orthodox Christians submit notes about the health of their living relatives (baptized, Orthodox) and, separately, about the repose of the dead. They are formatted as follows:

Names are written neatly, legibly - full, in the genitive case: about the health (or repose) of whom? - Tamara, John, Nicephorus, etc. The number of names does not matter, but the priest usually reads a not very long note more carefully and more prayerfully. But these are the kinds of notes that are given when a person often comes to church!

Notes are given before the start of the service, usually at the same place where candles are bought. In order not to be embarrassed, you should remember that the difference in the price of the notes only reflects the difference in the amount of your donation for temple needs. The same can be said about the price of candles.

6. Treat the church candle with reverence: this is a symbol of our prayerful burning before the Lord, His Most Pure Mother, and the holy saints of God. The candles are lit one from the other, which is burning, and, having melted the bottom, they are placed in the socket of the candlestick. The candle must stand strictly straight. If per day big holiday the minister will extinguish your candle in order to light the candle of another, do not be disturbed in spirit: your sacrifice has already been accepted by the All-Seeing and All-Knowing Lord.

7. It’s good if there is a place in the temple where you are used to standing. Walk towards him quietly and modestly, and when passing by the Royal Doors, stop and reverently cross yourself and bow. If there is no such place yet, do not be embarrassed. Without disturbing others, try to stand so that you can hear the singing and reading. If this is not possible, stand in an empty place and carefully perform internal prayer.

8. In St. Always come to church at the beginning of the service. If you are still late, be careful not to disturb the prayers of others. When entering the church during the reading of the Six Psalms, the Gospel, or after the Cherubic Liturgy (when the Transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts takes place), stand at the entrance doors until the end of these most important parts of the Service.

9. During the service, try not to walk around the temple, even to light candles. One should also venerate the icons before and after the start of the Divine service, or at a set time - for example, at the all-night vigil after anointing. Some moments of the service, as already mentioned, require special concentration: reading the Gospel; Song of the Mother of God and Great Doxology at the All-Night Vigil; prayer "Only Begotten Son..." and the entire Liturgy, starting from “Izhecherubim...”

10. In the temple, greet your acquaintances with a silent bow; even with those who are especially close, do not shake hands and do not ask about anything - be truly modest. Do not be curious and do not peer into those around you, but pray with sincere feeling, delving into the order and content of the services.

11. One must stand in the temple and only in cases of ill health is one allowed to sit down and rest. However, Metropolitan of Moscow Philaret (Drozdov) spoke well about bodily weakness: “It is better to think about God while sitting than standing- about legs." But during the reading of the Gospel and in especially important places of the Liturgy, you need to stand.

12. When the clergyman censes the temple, you need to step aside so as not to disturb him, and while censing the people, bow your head slightly. You should not be baptized at this time. It is customary to bow your head when the Royal Doors are opened or closed, when the priest exclaims "Peace to all" or bless the people with the Gospel. During the consecration of the Holy Gifts (prayer "I'll sing for you") If the church is not very crowded, you need to bow to the ground. On holidays and Sundays, prostrations to the ground are not required, and they are not performed after communion. On these days, make bows from the waist, touching the floor with your hand.

13. In church, pray as one participating in the Divine service, and not just present, so that the prayers and chants that are read and sung come from your heart; follow the service carefully so that you can pray for exactly what the whole Church is praying for. Make the sign of the cross and bow at the same time as everyone else. For example, during divine services it is customary to be baptized during the praises of the Holy Trinity and Jesus, during litanies - to any exclamation "Lord have mercy" And "Give it, Lord" and also at the beginning and end of any prayer. You need to cross yourself and bow before approaching the icon or lighting a candle, and when leaving the temple. You cannot hastily and inattentively sign yourself with the sign of the cross, because at the same time we appeal to the Lord’s love and grace.

14. If you come with children, make sure that they behave modestly and do not make noise, teach them to pray. If the children need to leave, tell them to cross themselves and leave quietly, or take them out yourself.

15. Never let a child eat in St. temple, in addition, when the priests distribute the blessed bread.

16. If a small child bursts into tears in the temple, immediately take him out or carry him out.

17. Do not condemn the involuntary mistakes of employees or those present in the temple - it is more useful to delve into own shortcomings and ask the Lord for forgiveness of your sins. It happens that during a divine service someone, before your eyes, interferes with the parishioners’ concentration in prayer. Don't get irritated, don't bother anyone. Try not to pay attention, and if, due to weakness, you cannot cope with the temptation, it is better to go quietly to another place.

18. When you go to the temple of God, prepare money at home for candles, prosphora and church fees: it is inconvenient to change them when buying candles, because this interferes with both the Divine service and those praying.

19. Until the end of the service, never, unless absolutely necessary, leave the temple, for this is a sin before God. If this happens, tell the priest in confession.

20. According to our old customs, men should stand on the right side of the temple, and women on the left. No one should occupy the passage from the main doors to the Royal Doors.

21. Women should enter the temple modestly dressed and with their heads covered. It is unacceptable to receive Holy Communion and venerate sacred objects with painted lips.

22. The main thing is the mutual love of the parishioners and understanding of the content of the Service. If we enter the temple of God with reverence, if, standing in the Church, we think that we are in heaven, then the Lord will fulfill all our requests.

Sending his disciples to preach, Jesus Christ told them: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you.”(Matt. 28:19-20). We are talking here, as the Holy Church teaches, about the Sacraments established by the Lord.

A sacrament is a sacred action in which, through some external sign, the grace of the Holy Spirit is mysteriously and invisibly given to us, the saving power of God is certainly given. This is the difference between the Sacraments and other prayer actions. At prayer services or memorial services, we also ask for God’s help, but whether we receive what we ask for, or whether we will be given another mercy - everything is in the power of God. But in the Sacraments, the promised grace is given to us without fail, as long as the Sacrament is performed correctly. Perhaps this gift will be for us to judge or condemn, but the mercy of God is given to us!

The Lord was pleased to institute seven Sacraments: baptism, confirmation, repentance, communion, marriage, priesthood, and consecration of oil.

From book Deacon Vladimir Sidorov - “First steps in the Orthodox Church”