Dream interpretation

Pregnant woman in heels. How heels affect pregnancy: harm and possible consequences. Why does the foot suffer?

It is always important for a woman to look impressive and beautiful. Even when in a position, many representatives of the fair sex try not to give up their positions and continue to wear fashionable dresses and elegant shoes. For some, giving up high-heeled shoes seems completely unthinkable. It is important to set priorities here: first, the health of the expectant mother and child, and only then elegance and beauty. We will mainly talk about high heels - stiletto heels, with which many beauties “pierce” the hearts of men, gracefully parading through the streets. In this article, we will try to weigh the pros and cons of high heels.

Both for pregnant women and for everyone else, there are a number of rules and restrictions regarding shoes with stiletto heels or high platforms. According to gynecologists and orthopedists, frequent wearing of shoes with heels at least 7 centimeters high is harmful for the following reasons:

  • the shape of the foot changes: improperly distributed load leads to outward displacement of the bone of the big toe;
  • proper blood circulation through the vessels and capillaries in the muscles and ligaments of the feet is disrupted;
  • The gait changes, the center of gravity shifts, which increases the load on the spine and pelvic region.
  • increased pressure on the veins of the legs;
  • the circulation of fluids in the pelvic organs deteriorates;
  • swelling of the limbs occurs.

Agree that such contraindications are undesirable for anyone, especially for those in a position. Moreover, during pregnancy, changes occur in the female body that only aggravate the harmful factors of high heels.

Hairpins in early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, when a woman may not be aware of her “interesting situation,” wearing stiletto heels or a high platform does not seem so dangerous. But is it?

On the one hand, the influence of all the “charms” of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters has not yet set in and the additional burden on the body is not yet felt. In this regard, the contraindications remain the same as for non-pregnant women.

On the other hand, the danger posed by toxicosis should be taken into account. During this period of time, a sudden feeling of nausea, darkening of the eyes and dizziness may occur. Heels in such a situation can cause significant injury not only to the mother, but also to the unborn child.

Important! The first trimester is the most responsible and important period for maintaining pregnancy. During it, the risk of miscarriage is increased. You need to be extremely careful and attentive.

This does not mean that heels during pregnancy are strictly prohibited. If there is any holiday or special event coming up, do not deny yourself the pleasure of showing off in your favorite shoes.

In the initial stages, it is allowed to wear high-heeled shoes, but you should follow these rules:

  1. You can’t walk in such shoes for a long time;
  2. shoes should have a comfortable last;
  3. In case your health worsens, take with you a spare pair of more comfortable shoes.

Ladies in this position should not be discouraged by giving up their favorite shoes, which “got so well with the handbag and that dress.” Over the course of several months, a pregnant woman's wardrobe will still have to change, so it will be possible to choose the appropriate shoes.

Studs in the later stages

Changes in hormonal levels affect the entire body. In particular, joints and ligaments soften and become elastic. Add to this the increased body weight (especially in the third trimester) and understand that heels are a death sentence for the ankle joint. The increased load on the foot under such conditions will lead to rapid deformation. This will increase the likelihood of dislocations, sprains and other injuries to this part of the body.

Starting from the 2nd trimester, the weight of the fetus makes itself felt. For the expectant mother, the load on the lower back increases significantly due to the heavy belly. And by wearing elegant high-heeled shoes, the fashionista puts even more strain on her long-suffering back. Such loads do not pass without leaving a mark on the body. Even if by some miracle a woman avoids pinched nerves or displaced intervertebral discs, this can affect her health in the future.

The above arguments are just the tip of the iceberg. For those expectant mothers who are not convinced by them, here are a number of other good reasons to give up stilettos.

What other risks do high-heeled shoes pose for pregnant women?

  • the risk of tripping and falling increases significantly, and this is fraught with serious injuries that can even lead to miscarriage;
  • the back and abdominal muscles are overstrained, which leads to constant toning of the uterus, which also risks miscarriage;
  • the load on the veins increases significantly, which can lead to the development of varicose veins;
  • guaranteed swelling of the lower extremities: a pregnant woman’s body is already prone to edema, as it retains more water than usual;
  • a change in gait can lead to a change in the position of the fetus, which will be an indication for cesarean section;
  • the tone of the abdominal muscles decreases, and this is a direct path to unaesthetic stretch marks;
  • the level of vibrations that reverberate, including into the uterus, increases, which tones it and increases the risk of miscarriage;
  • finally, the expanding belly changes the gait to a “duck” one, which makes a pregnant woman in heels awkward.

Such risks are caused not only by stiletto heels, but also by a high platform. Although it seems more comfortable and stable, this is a misleading idea. The only advantage of the platform is protection from the cold in winter.

Therefore, answering the question whether women in advanced pregnancy can wear high-heeled shoes, let’s say a firm “no”!

Until what stage of pregnancy can you wear heels?

Sometimes it’s hard for an expectant mother to immediately give up her favorite stilettos. It takes some time to get used to low-heeled models, so you can continue to wear high heels for the first few weeks, gradually weaning yourself off them. But if you feel dizzy, you should stop wearing such shoes immediately.

What kind of heels are acceptable?

Up to this point, we were talking about high heels (more than 7 centimeters). But what about shoes with low heels?

Doctors do not recommend rushing from one extreme to another and switching to completely flat soles. Low-slung ballet shoes can also lead to swelling of the legs, and increasing weight coupled with softened joints will lead to flat feet.

It would be better to choose shoes with low heels (up to 5 centimeters). The main condition is that the heel must be wide and have good grip on the surface.

How to choose shoes for a pregnant woman

The modern market presents a wide range of shoes for every taste and occasion. Having a high heel or platform is not necessary to look elegant and stylish. When choosing shoes for pregnancy, you need to consider the following:

  • shoes should be comfortable and stable;
  • it is advisable to choose natural materials;
  • choose shoes that are sized so that they fit your feet well and do not dangle;
  • give preference to models with a round toe, this will reduce pressure during swelling of the legs;
  • choose summer shoes with ventilation;
  • take winter shoes with a wide and soft top so that the veins are less compressed;
  • Try to choose a textured, anti-slip sole in winter shoes;
  • the heel should not be higher than 4-5 centimeters;
  • for the last trimesters, choose shoes that are easy to put on and fasten, because your tummy will interfere with lacing;
  • It is better not to consider shoes with flat soles, as they can cause swelling and flat feet;
  • It is better to choose and try on shoes after lunch, when swelling of the feet usually occurs.

To summarize: in the early stages of pregnancy, high heels are still acceptable, but in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, doctors categorically do not recommend wearing such shoes. If you want to keep yourself and your baby healthy, and after giving birth, walk around in a miniskirt and fashionable shoes without embarrassing others with venous mesh and stretch marks, give up stilettos during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman blossoms in her own way, and a special sparkle appears in her eyes. And by wearing comfortable low-heeled shoes, the expectant mother will not lose her attractiveness at all, but will only protect herself and the baby.

Why shouldn't pregnant women wear heels? Permissible heel height during pregnancy

A woman always remains a woman. Even during the period of bearing a child, she wants to be beautiful and arouse the admiration of men. She tries to take care of herself as much as possible, wear pretty dresses and smart shoes. This is where many people make the mistake of trying to put beauty first, and only then taking care of their health.

We're talking about heels. About that very weapon of seduction that makes representatives of the stronger sex lose their heads.

But are heels safe during pregnancy? Let's think about whether women in position should wear such shoes or whether it is better to wear shoes with low wedges - simple and practical.

  • Pregnant in stiletto heels: pros and cons
  • Why you can’t wear high heels in the 2nd trimester and in later stages
  • Early danger
  • Allowable height
  • Until when can you

Heels during pregnancy

Before thinking about the question of whether pregnant women can wear heels, let us remember what orthopedic doctors say about stiletto heels or high platform shoes - regardless of whether a woman who is expecting a child is planning to show off in such shoes or one who is not yet plans to have offspring (or has already given birth a long time ago). And they say the following: often wearing shoes whose heel height exceeds 6-7 cm is harmful in any case.

  • changes the shape of the foot: due to improperly distributed load, the bone of the big toe “protrudes”;
  • microcirculation of soft tissues, ligaments of the foot and bones deteriorates;
  • the gait changes, favorable conditions are created for the appearance of protrusions and hernias in the lumbosacral region, because the center of gravity shifts.

Walking in heels during pregnancy is not the best choice for an expectant mother. Processes occur in her body that only enhance the harmful effects of stiletto heels and other types of supporting parts of shoes, boots and shoes that make an indelible impression on a man (as we women think).

Why pregnant women shouldn't wear heels

A gynecologist and a doctor of almost any other specialization will be able to explain why you can’t wear heels during pregnancy: after all, such shoes affect many organs. Let's start with what, as they say, “lies on the surface”: with changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Under the influence of hormonal changes, ligaments and joints become more elastic and soften. The ankle joint experiences serious stress - especially in the later stages, when the weight of the expectant mother increases significantly. The third trimester and high heels are incompatible phenomena. Excessive load leads to foot deformation and an increased likelihood of various injuries: dislocations, sprains.

Many problems can arise from the lower back: in the second trimester and in the 3rd trimester, the back gets tired because the fetus “pulls” the weight on itself. The center of gravity is already shifted due to the large and heavy uterus, and the beauty in heels adds “work” to her body working for two: the joints and muscles of the back are forced to remain in a constantly tense state, and this increases the likelihood of injuries and various troubles such as attacks of lumbago when nerve endings are displaced and compressed.

Are you not convinced by these arguments? Then we will name a number of other reasons that can manifest themselves already in the early stages, and by the second trimester they manage to force most expectant mothers to give up high-heeled shoes.

When wearing high heels, you:

  • you increase the risk of falling, which can lead to injury, placental abruption, and even miscarriage;
  • create favorable conditions for constant tone of the uterus (again due to overstrain of the back and abdominal muscles);
  • create the prerequisites for its development (and if it was diagnosed earlier, then for its transition to a more severe stage);
  • provoke (microcirculation of blood and lymph worsens, stagnation is observed - and this is enough for edema, because the “pregnant” body already prefers to retain “extra” water and is reluctant to part with it).

Yes, the consequences are not pleasant, you agree, after weighing the pros and cons. But maybe everything relates to that period of pregnancy, when the tummy is already noticeable to the woman and noticeable to others? And in the first weeks, maybe it’s not forbidden to wear heels?

Heels during early pregnancy

Heels during early pregnancy may seem like a harmless shoe option only at first glance. Yes, there is not much weight yet, but there is a danger of tripping, falling and losing the child. Pregnant women in the first trimester often experience sudden attacks of dizziness, nausea, and a drop in blood pressure. Imagine that your head is spinning, “the ground is floating from under your feet,” and then there are your heels. What if it happens in winter, when there is ice all around? One wrong move and you could lose your unborn child.

The first trimester is generally considered decisive for maintaining pregnancy. Increased risk of spontaneous abortion. That's why giving up heels is the right decision, even if you just found out that you will soon become a mother.

What kind of heels can pregnant women wear?

Please note: when calling on the expectant mother to give up heels, doctors do not say that this refusal should be complete. Shoes with completely flat soles are not physiological, and therefore the feet will swell and the preconditions will be created for the development of flat feet (taking into account the increasing weight). Therefore, a small platform or a small stable heel must be present.

The height of the heel should not exceed 3-4 cm - this will be the best choice for the expectant mother

The optimal heel height during pregnancy is 3-4 cm. The permissible heel height is 5-6 cm. The main thing is that it must be wide to create good support.

Until what stage of pregnancy can you wear heels?

If it’s still difficult for you to give up shoes with heels, if you’re so used to them that your feet feel uncomfortable in shoes of a different model, you can allow yourself to show off in chic shoes for a while. Heels during pregnancy - until when do doctors consider them relatively safe? This is probably the first few weeks, provided you are comfortable.

It is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • wear shoes for no more than 3-4 hours;
  • buy shoes that are comfortable, not tight, and made from natural materials;
  • have a second pair with you “in reserve” - let them be classic pumps with 3-4 cm heels or shoes on a low platform, in extreme cases - ordinary ballet flats with a low speed.

If you want to maintain healthy legs, not suffer after childbirth from a “bump” formed at the base of the big toe, continue to wear short skirts and not think about the appearance of varicose veins, and also never know what cramps in the calf muscles are, give up high heels for time of pregnancy. Don't put yourself and your child at risk.

A pregnant woman is already beautiful - after all, she is completely transformed, her eyes shine with a deep inner light. Well, and the figure... You'll think about it later. You will still have time to get yourself in order and make a splash among those around you when you go out into the world wearing your favorite high heels with your little daughter or son. You will be the youngest, most beautiful and stylish mother!

Pregnancy requires a lot of sacrifices from a woman, including in terms of appearance. It is no longer possible to wear a tight short dress or a dizzying sexy stiletto heel. But maybe if you wear your favorite shoes carefully, then you don’t have to exclude the heel? NameWoman will tell you whether you can wear heels during pregnancy.

Heels in the early stages of pregnancy: when it’s still possible and when it’s no longer possible

Heels during pregnancy pose a significant danger; those who like to “be taller” will have to jump off them and start getting used to more “down-to-earth” shoes. The thing is that during the period of bearing a child, the main load falls on the legs and back. In the early stages of pregnancy, heels are still acceptable, since the load is still insignificant. An important condition should be that the start of waiting for the baby proceeds steadily, without any problems. Then in the first months you do not have to worry about harming yourself or the baby. However, NameWoman recommends starting to lower your height already during this period, especially if you previously preferred shoes exclusively with stiletto heels and low-heeled options seem terribly uncomfortable to you.

Rules for wearing high-heeled shoes in early pregnancy:

Do not wear heels all day; it is highly advisable to have alternative low-top shoes with you;

Try to do at least a little leg stretching several times a day, which will improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue.

Heels should be removed when changes in weight become significant, the tummy becomes rounded and begins to be visible under clothes. ? The beginning of tangible changes is 12-13 weeks. At this time, the enlarged uterus begins to extend beyond the pelvic bones and rise, and the center of gravity shifts. By 18-20 weeks of pregnancy you should completely forget about high heels .

All about the dangers of heels during pregnancy

When a person stands, the entire load falls on the legs. It is logical that it is advisable to stand as confidently as possible on the maximum area of ​​support. When a woman stands in heels, the center of gravity changes and the main load goes not on the entire leg, but on the toes. In this position, the muscles of the foot and lower leg become extremely vulnerable. Beautiful and dangerous high-heeled shoes are one of the most common causes of varicose veins. During pregnancy, women with a similar problem or a predisposition to it are not only prohibited from wearing high heels, but are also strongly recommended to bandage their legs with an elastic bandage or wear special knee socks.

When walking in heels, the load on the lumbar spine increases. A woman, in order to maintain her balance, instinctively leans back a little, thereby changing the natural curve of her back. Now add the weight of your belly. A pregnant woman in heels arches her back more and leans back more. In this position, it is even more difficult to maintain balance; the risk of simply tripping and getting injured in the form of displaced vertebral joints or stretch marks increases. Posture deteriorates, the spine suffers, and legs suffer.

Have you always amazed those around you with your ability to walk in heels and are you sure that you can’t trip even on a coarse gravel path or steep stairs? Unfortunately, NameWoman has to point out that you now have to take into account not only the new load on the front in the form of a growing belly, but also the fact that during the hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy, the connective tissues in the body soften. This applies to all ligaments and tendons, which are now more susceptible to accidental deformation.

Among other things, with an unnatural curvature of the spine, when a woman prefers to wear heels during pregnancy, the tilt of the pelvis changes, because of this the load on the anterior abdominal wall increases. All this can lead to abnormal fetal position. There are also unpleasant aesthetic consequences for the expectant mother: you will stretch the muscles and skin in the abdominal cavity more, there will be more stretch marks and the problem of a saggy belly after childbirth will become more acute.

Another reason for the incompatibility of pregnancy and heels is that in a woman in a position who prefers such shoes, the muscles of the thighs are constrained and if there is excessive stress on them, the tone of the uterus may increase and a miscarriage may occur.

The permissible heel height during pregnancy is up to 5 cm . It is advisable that the heel be as stable as possible; wedge shoes would be a good option. Remember that comfort and safety are your priority: shoes should fit well around your feet, not fall off or put pressure. It is worth looking for a neat model half a size or even a size larger than your usual one, since swelling during pregnancy is quite likely, and due to swelling, the leg increases slightly and it is important not to interfere with blood circulation in the legs.

Denis VU

A wonderful time in a woman's life is expecting a child. It is not surprising that during this period you want to look even more attractive and feminine. Especially at the moment when your term reaches the equator, week 18–26 (later for some), and your “interesting situation” can no longer be hidden from prying eyes. And now everyone around you is already vying with each other to warn you about your high heels, but you really want to show off a little more... Moreover, you are so used to them that you don’t even remember when you walked on flat soles - except perhaps at a picnic or in fitness room. Well, let's look at the problem from all sides.

First of all: what do doctors think about heels during pregnancy?

There is complete unanimity here - no, no and no again. Taboo. Doctors believe that wearing heels, especially those above 7 cm, affects the position of the baby in the womb, and also leads to large stretch marks on the abdomen, which you may never get rid of. In addition, the center of gravity of a woman’s body shifts, and this causes additional stress on the spine, which is already quite burdened by your growing tummy. But not only the spine suffers: the entire lower part of the body suffers - the muscles of the legs, pelvis, and lower back.

If you used to jump and gallop in high heels until the morning without feeling tired, now even a short walk will not be in vain - your feet will hurt, and very much. Your hormonal levels have been undergoing serious changes for a long time, which means that the ligaments in your legs are relaxed, and they no longer expect such stress. As a result - varicose veins, flat feet, swelling. And this does not even take into account the fact that you can simply fall and injure both yourself and the child.

Why does the position of the fetus in the womb change due to heels?

If you're wearing heels and already have a sizable 20-week baby bump, you're bound to stick it out as you walk. This is because the center of gravity changes and the body seeks new support. Let someone capture your unforgettable “bow” in profile and admire: the poor spine is arched, the stomach sags, and the baby will not understand at all what is happening outside. You may not believe it, but such a little whim of yours as wearing high heels during pregnancy can provoke serious complications, miscarriage, or caesarean section.

The likelihood of injury increases many times over

You seem to listen to what your parents, doctors, and acquaintances tell you - but you don’t take off your heels! You even had to enter into dialogue a couple of times with the gossips near the entrance, who regularly groan and warn you. Maybe everyone around can't be wrong? - a period of dynamic growth and development of your baby. He gains 100 g of weight per week, and you gain up to 400. That is, your physiological parameters undergo changes daily. Even if we ignore all other factors, this alone can disorient you in space when you put on a high heel. And consequently - a fall and injury, as well as very severe pain from cramps in the legs. Another very big trouble that can happen to you is the tone of the uterus: a direct indication for hospitalization to maintain the pregnancy. Do you feel the magnitude of the threat? That's why -

Choose the right shoes for expectant mothers and everything will be fine

For the season, soft, comfortable shoes or boots, always made of genuine leather, should have wide, low heels. When choosing shoes, pay attention to the insole - it should also be made of natural materials, otherwise your feet will feel like they are on a hot frying pan. You can also recommend that expectant mothers change their style to a more sporty one and wear high-quality sneakers or sneakers with laces. You can safely put them on even in the ninth month, provided that there is someone to help you lace them. These shoes will go perfectly with denim overalls for pregnant women or with soft plush suits in a sporty style.

Try on and buy shoes only in the evening, because starting from the second trimester, your feet will swell almost constantly

And don’t rush to pay right away - walk around, feel if you are comfortable. As for summertime, when your feet can be hot and uncomfortable, try not to wear open-toe sandals. Buy ballet shoes made of high-quality soft leather, preferably with holes - this will be a great option for you. For winter shoes, choose half a size larger - again, adjusted for swelling + warm socks.

We will be glad if we managed to convince you of your addiction to look beautiful, despite the warnings of others. Finally, we will repeat to you one very banal thing - there is nothing more beautiful in the world than a woman fulfilling her main mission of continuing the human race. Everything else is transitory.

Expecting a baby places many restrictions on you. And if this is your first pregnancy, it will be difficult for you to get used to the changes. Until recently, you could dance in a club all night long.

But now fast movements need to be limited, and being in a smoky room is contraindicated. Hormonal changes in your body cause stress, and the constant “don’ts” expressed by doctors, relatives and friends increase this stress many times over.

And even your favorite stiletto heels, which have traveled so many roads with you, need to be shelved.

Can pregnant women wear heels?

If you ask the gynecologist monitoring your pregnancy about this, his answer will be unequivocal - “no”. The doctor will explain that your belly is growing and your body weight is also increasing.

In pregnant women, especially in later stages, the load on the feet is very high. The spine also suffers - back pain may begin. And high-heeled shoes can increase the risk of these problems several times.

Don't expect to be allowed to wear fancy ballet flats either.

Shoes with absolutely flat soles are not at all useful for pregnant women - they contribute to the development of flat feet.

The doctor can tell you only one good news - In the first 12 weeks, wearing heels is not dangerous. Therefore, you can wean yourself off them by gradually changing your “shoe arsenal” and the wardrobe that goes with it.

Why are high heel shoes dangerous?

Are you not convinced by the doctor's arguments? Then let's look at what other pitfalls are fraught with wearing high heels “in position”.

Deterioration of stability when walking. If you have a large belly that protrudes forward, your body's center of gravity is greatly shifted. Therefore, you will not be able to walk in heels in the same way as before pregnancy. At a minimum, this is fraught with a “ridiculous” gait, and in extreme cases it can lead to a fall and injury.

Increased risk of developing stretch marks on the abdomen. The reason is the same center of gravity, shifted forward. High heels increase this displacement, reducing the elasticity of the abdominal muscles. As a result, hello, numerous stretch marks and a saggy belly.

Change in fetal position. And this is serious - walking in heels increases the likelihood that the baby will turn over in the womb. Breech birth is very dangerous for a natural birth, so you will most likely have to give birth by caesarean.

Risk of premature birth or miscarriage. Have you ever noticed what happens to your body when you wear heels (not while pregnant)? Most likely, you have not noticed that every time your heels hit the asphalt, your body “shakes” slightly. This vibration is transmitted to all organs of your body. The result may be increased uterine tone, and this is not far from the threat of miscarriage.

Consequences of falls. If earlier, if you fell carelessly, you got away with a slight fright, but now you need to monitor this much more carefully. In other words, you can't fall. The ligaments of the limbs and vertebrae in women are weakened during pregnancy. Therefore, you can fall very easily, even if you used to be a “pro” in wearing heels. A fall during pregnancy can threaten not only joint pain, but also premature birth.

In addition, a girl with a big belly and high heels looks very strange and unsightly.

You've probably seen photographs of pregnant movie stars in evening dresses and high heels. They looked brilliant, but I really wanted to tell them about the dangers of wearing heels “in position”!

But you and I are not stars, so let's pay more attention to safety at the expense of external beauty. After all, there are so many comfortable and at the same time beautiful shoes on sale now, suitable for expectant mothers.

Choosing the right shoes

Rejoice, heel-loving mothers-to-be! You can still wear them, but subject to the following conditions: the heel must be stable, and its length must not exceed 5 centimeters.

When planning to “storm” a shoe store, print out and take with you the following rules for choosing shoes for pregnant women:

Naturalness. Don't buy shoes if they are made of "leatherette" (or "pressed leather" as it is now called).

Ease. Before trying on, weigh your chosen pair of shoes in your hand. Did it seem a little heavy to you? So this is not your option.

Exact size. The shoes should fit snugly on your foot, but should fit gently. Under no circumstances should you buy shoes if they are too tight for you - you shouldn’t expect them to break in. Pregnant women's feet tend to swell, so their size and fullness may change several times during the day. But if the shoes dangle on the foot, this is the other extreme. Such shoes will be uncomfortable to wear and can lead to twisted legs and falls.

Comfortable heel. The ideal heel height is 3 centimeters. You can choose shoes with thick heels, wedges or a small platform. Forget about stilettos!

Dull nose. In “pointed” shoes, the toes usually get tired faster, and the toes of the expectant mother, who are prone to swelling, will not feel well. In addition, shoes with a narrow toe are already going out of fashion. An excellent solution for a pregnant woman can be moccasins, loafers or ballet shoes with comfortable (not flat) soles.

Good grip. This quality is especially good for winter shoes - they slip less. And now it is important for you to avoid falls.

Simple fasteners.Don't choose shoes that have laces or many complicated fasteners. With a big belly in the last months of pregnancy, it will be difficult for you to bend over. Therefore, in the summer, give preference to shoes without unnecessary fastenings, and choose winter boots with a regular zipper or Velcro.

If you have an event coming up where you need to appear in an evening dress, you can’t do without heels. Make an exception - wear heels. But try to wear them less.

Go to the celebration in comfortable shoes - change them on the spot. If this is not possible, go by private car or taxi. Public transport and an expectant mother in heels are incompatible things!