
Balm rinse for teeth at home. DIY toothpaste. Homemade Mouthwash Recipes

But why buy unknown products if you can make an effective product yourself?

To maintain oral hygiene, toothpaste and a brush are not enough: various rinses can significantly improve the health of your gums and the condition of your teeth. In addition, a brush is not always at hand, and after eating you can clean your teeth by rinsing.

Mouth rinses sold in pharmacies are effective and useful, but these products are often quite expensive. Why overpay if you can make a healthy mouthwash with your own hands and from natural ingredients? In terms of quality and effectiveness, products made at home will not be inferior to “professional” ones.

What are the benefits of home remedies?

The right combination of natural remedies, healing herbs and essential oils will help get rid of many dental problems: relieve swelling and inflammation, reduce the likelihood of developing caries, get rid of germs and infections, and even lighten your teeth a little.

In addition, the “author” of a unique hand-made mouthwash will know exactly the composition, and there will be no chemicals in it. Not all components of purchased mouthwashes are useful. Triclosan, for example, affects not only harmful bacteria, but also beneficial ones, and alcohol-containing preparations dry out the oral mucosa.

Terms of use

One of the disadvantages of homemade mouthwash is that it does not last long. This pharmaceutical product can stand on the shelf for months: homemade decoctions can last in the refrigerator for a maximum
a week, and more often - just a couple of days. Therefore, stocks must be replenished regularly.

Mouth rinsing time is up to two minutes, and most products can only be used by adults. It is best to consult a doctor before giving mouthwash to your child. It is better to dilute children's portions with water in larger proportions than for adults.

Do not swallow mouthwash under any circumstances. In addition, it is worth remembering: it is not a complete alternative to toothbrushing; oral care must be comprehensive.

Recipes based on natural remedies

A decoction of oak bark will help get rid of bleeding gums and strengthen them. You can supplement the mixture with sage, chamomile or rose hips. If only oak bark is used, it is better to cook it in a water bath: a couple of tablespoons of crushed oak bark are placed in an enamel bowl and filled with water. The dishes are placed in a saucepan with water; it all needs to be heated for about half an hour.

When adding other herbs, a tablespoon of the mixture per one and a half glasses of water is enough. Bring to a boil and simmer a little under the lid, pour into a convenient container and cool. An important point: it is better to store the product no longer than a day, after which all the beneficial substances will evaporate.

For fresh breath, mouthwashes with mint are always useful. For half a liter of water you will need two tablespoons of dry green tea without additives and natural dried mint. Pour the herbs with clean hot water (500 ml),
leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, add a teaspoon each of benzoin tincture and myrrh infusion. Keep refrigerated.

An unusual recipe that will get rid of germs. It is only suitable for adults: add a tablespoon of thyme, myrrh and sage (dry herbs) to a cup of cognac and leave to steep for two weeks. The infusion is filtered and diluted with water (1:1) before rinsing. For a light whitening effect, you can add a spoonful of lemon juice.

A recipe based on a weak chamomile decoction will help soothe gums and relieve bleeding: half a liter of decoction, a tablespoon of natural liquid honey and ten drops of several types of essential oils: orange, mint, pine, eucalyptus, cloves, sage. The oils are first added to the honey, everything is mixed well and dissolved in water. Another advantage of the composition is that it has a good whitening effect, and the enamel is not damaged.

Propolis and calamus will help quickly relieve any inflammation: a teaspoon of propolis and calamus tinctures, five drops of tea tree oil and one hundred ml of water. The solution must be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container.

"Kitchen" products

One of the most famous and simple recipes is a rinse with soda or salt. One teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of soda are dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water, the resulting composition is thoroughly stirred until all particles are completely dissolved.

You can use a rinse with natural apple cider vinegar to combat swelling. You will need to mix a third of a glass of vinegar, a teaspoon of glycerin, 10 drops each of mint and lemon oil, 5 drops of myrrh oil. The mixture should be infused for four days in a dark place, then stored in the refrigerator and shaken before use. For rinsing, half a teaspoon per glass of water is enough.

A teaspoon of baking soda and five drops of iodine will help you quickly get rid of acute toothache: dilute this with a glass of boiled water, rinse for at least two to three minutes, up to five times a day.

Comprehensive oral care includes not only the use of a toothbrush and toothpaste, but also various rinses. Unfortunately, not every one of us can afford them, but homemade mouthwash recipes are quite accessible, simple and not expensive at all.

At home, rinses can be prepared from various herbs and substances purchased at the pharmacy.

Rinse aid is an additional hygiene product and is an aqueous solution of active ingredients that has therapeutic and preventive properties. There are several types of rinses:




Recipe No. 1

Take 2 tbsp. oak bark, pour a glass of boiling water, place in a water bath for half an hour. Then leave to cool and strain. At the same time, take 2 tbsp. walnut leaves, which also pour a glass of boiling water and place in a water bath for 10 minutes, also let cool and strain. Also take 2 tbsp. mint and 2 tbsp. sage, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 20 minutes and strain. Take an aloe leaf, wrap it in a napkin, and put it in the refrigerator for 10 hours. After all, mix all the ingredients received and add 2 tsp. baking soda, drops of tea tree essential oil and 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix everything well, pour into a jar and put in the refrigerator.

This mouthwash will help cure inflammation in the mouth and freshen your breath.

Recipe No. 2

Take 1 tsp. glycerin, add 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Add 100 ml of apple cider vinegar to the resulting solution. Mix everything thoroughly and shake. Pour into a jar and leave in a cool, dark place. This homemade mouthwash will help combat gum problems.

Recipe No. 3

Take a handful of rose hips, pour in 1 liter of water and put on medium heat, bring to a boil, boil for 15 minutes. Then let cool and strain. Add 5 drops of peppermint essential oil. Use this rinse twice a day.

Recipe No. 4

Take 1 tsp. Calamus tincture, 1 tsp. propolis tincture add 5 drops of tea tree essential oil. Pour the resulting mixture into 100 ml. water. Pour this solution into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. This rinse will relieve any inflammation.

Recipe No. 5

Take 100 ml. water and add 3-4 drops of essential oil. Rinse your mouth with this product for about 30 seconds. This rinse has good antiseptic properties.

Recipe No. 6

Take 2 tbsp. sage leaves and 2 tbsp. sea ​​salt, grind in a coffee grinder or mortar. Place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet and bake in an oven at 125 C. Then let cool and stir. Take a little mixture and add a small amount of water, rinse your mouth for 20-30 seconds. This homemade mouthwash will help whiten your teeth.

Recipe No. 7

Take a cup of cognac, put 1 tsp there. herbs sage, thyme and myrrh and leave for 2 weeks in a sealed container. Strain the resulting infusion. Dilute the infusion with water in a 1:1 ratio and add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Leave this rinse aid in a cool place.

Recipe No. 8

Take 1 glass of water, add 1 tsp. soda and a few drops of iodine. This home remedy will help fight toothache.

Recipe No. 9

Take 3 glasses of water, bring to a boil, add 1 tsp. mint and rosemary leaves, as well as anise seeds, boil for 10 minutes and strain. This remedy is useful for gum disease.

Recipe No. 10

As a natural mouthwash, you can use regular milk or juices (grapefruit or orange). You can add essential oils to them.

Recipe No. 11

Take 2-3 drops of essential oil (grapefruit, lemon or cedarwood), add 1 teaspoon of vodka and 500 ml of water. Pour into a jar. Shake before use.

How to properly use mouthwash at home?

1. Use the right amount

Use the correct amount of rinse aid. To do this you need to use a dispenser. Even homemade mouthwash needs to be taken in the right amount. This is approximately 10-20 ml.

2. Oral care should be comprehensive.

Remember that mouthwash is not a replacement for toothpaste. You need to use all oral care products.

3. Rinse only for the correct amount of time.

You need to rinse for 20 seconds to a minute. You should not caress it longer, it can harm your health.

4. Use cautiously in children.

Remember that children need to dilute the rinse in a 1:1 ratio.

5. Do not swallow mouthwash under any circumstances; this may harm the gastrointestinal tract.

6. When you rinse your mouth, try to cover all parts of the mouth. First the left side, then the right and front part of the mouth.

Use homemade mouth rinses and stay healthy!

Mouthwash is an essential part of daily hygiene. Indeed, store-bought Colgate Plax or other similar ones give the effect of freshness and pleasant taste. But are they natural? Do they treat diseases effectively, or only create a visible effect? But products made independently are a 100% result. Shall we try to make some recipes?

Why, exactly, do you need a rinse aid? If we consider in detail, the toothbrush is not able to penetrate into the so-called “hard-to-reach places.” It is impossible to completely treat the palate, tongue, gums, and cheeks. Therefore, it is necessary to cope with this with the help of a water product, that is, a special rinse aid.

Mouthwash: functions

  1. Deodorization
  2. Antibacterial effect
  3. Whitening
  4. Treatment (bleeding gums, caries)

The simplest rinse is a decoction of chamomile and oak bark. But we will create a more complex mouth rinse. To add essential oils and other “fatty” components to it, an emulsifier is needed. You can use Polysorbate, you can use alcohol tincture, honey or even salt, but in very small quantities.

You can buy tincture of calamus or propolis at the pharmacy, and, I must say, they are preferable to honey. Therefore, do not be lazy, put on your Timberlands, go to the nearest pharmacy for tincture or aloe gel, in which esters also dissolve well.

Mouthwash. Recipes

Recipe No. 1

  • 1 tsp calamus tinctures
  • 1 tsp propolis tinctures
  • 5k tea tree essential oil (you can read about its properties)
  • 100ml water

Mix the tinctures together with essential oil, pour everything into water, mix thoroughly, and rinse your teeth every day in the morning and evening. If you are afraid that you will smell of alcohol, then it is better only in the evening.

Recipe No. 2

  • 500ml water or weak chamomile decoction
  • 1 tbsp. liquid honey. Essential oils 10 drops:
  • Eucalyptus
  • Sage
  • Carnation
  • Pine
  • Mint (only 5 drops)

Add oil to honey, mix well, dissolve honey in water. Whitens teeth well and treats bleeding.

Recipe No. 3

  • 100ml natural
  • 1 tsp glycerin
  • 10k mint ether
  • 10k lemon
  • 5k myrrh

Dissolve the oils in glycerin, and then dissolve the glycerin itself in vinegar. Place the mixture in a cool, dark place and shake systematically. Rinse your mouth with this mouthwash morning and evening after brushing.

Recipe No. 4

  • Bring 500ml water to a boil
  • 1 tsp anise seed
  • 1 tsp chopped mint
  • 1 tsp chopped rosemary

Mix the herbs, add to boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, cool and rinse after cleaning every day. Store in the bathroom or refrigerator.

DIY toothpaste is simple and very useful for oral care.

Each of us dreams of fresh breath and healthy teeth. Store shelves are full of toothpastes, balms, dental floss and other dental hygiene products. Particularly popular are those that consist entirely of natural ingredients. The price for them is quite high. Even if you buy a treasured tube of product, you can put your health at risk - many of them contain chemicals that are unsafe for health - foaming agents, preservatives, sulfates. On average, a small package of organic toothpaste will cost you 50-300 rubles, so why spend money on something you can easily do yourself? At the same time, you will be 100% sure of the composition of your own toothpaste. So, let's make our own toothpaste. Here are the main ingredients for toothpastes and powders

In 1674, the Dutch inventor Antony van Leeuwenhoek made two remarkable discoveries simultaneously. He discovered the world of microbes and a way to destroy this very world in his own mouth with the help of salt. One day, under the lens of the microscope he invented, there was a wash from his own teeth, teeming with small creatures. Having wiped his teeth with a cloth with salt, he did not find any microbes on the new wash. After that, he made a vow to himself to brush his teeth with salt for the rest of his life. And Levenguk lived for 93 years.

By the way, a friend of mine, who at 38 years old does not have a single damaged tooth, says that you need to rinse your mouth with salt water after every meal. That's what his father taught him. Eh, it’s a pity that this information did not come earlier! But it’s better later than never, and the main thing is not to be lazy.
According to reviews from those who already practice brushing their teeth with salt. Indeed, the result is obvious, more precisely, on the health of the gums and teeth. The teeth are cleaned of tartar, acquire a natural white color, the gums do not bleed, and the unpleasant odor disappears. But at first you have to endure unpleasant sensations, as stated above. Brushing with salt causes gums to swell and become painful. After about a week, the condition of the gums will stabilize.
Recommendations: start with a small amount of salt, preferably finely ground; to avoid damage to the enamel, dissolve the salt (almost under the tongue) and rub the gums and teeth with your fingers or a soft brush; alternate cleaning with salt with cleaning with a regular paste prepared with your own hands, gradually switching to salt.
Here are three plants that effectively fight bad breath: dry clove buds; cinnamon sticks; cardamom seeds. Try to chew them without swallowing them. The simplest remedy to combat bad breath. Take a few cloves and chew them.
You can prepare simpler and more effective dental care products without leaving your home.
- First remedy: coarse salt, preferably sea salt. You need to dip a clean toothbrush into it and then use it to brush your teeth.
- Remedy two: thyme - dip a brush in finely ground dry leaves and brush your teeth with it. Disinfectant properties.
- Remedy three: activated carbon – finely ground tablets.
- Remedy four: horsetail collected in a damp place will help against caries. You need to dry it, grind it into flour and brush your teeth with the mixture.
- Remedy five: orris root, which needs to be cut into small pieces and dried in the oven, will help smokers against blackened teeth.
- Remedy six: finely ground charcoal will also help against blackened teeth.
- Remedy seven: lemon – it can whiten the surface of your teeth if you wipe them with lemon from time to time
- Remedy eight: to strengthen the gums, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark.

Antibacterial mouth freshener
You will need the following simple ingredients: 1/4 cup distilled water infused with silicon; 25 ml alcohol 60 g; 5 drops of clove essential oil; 5 drops of anise essential oil; 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil; 5 drops of orange essential oil. 1. Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. 2. Shake well before use.

Antiseptic mouth rinse
- You just need to drop 3-4 drops of clove essential oil (a natural antibacterial drug) per 100 ml of water and rinse your mouth for 30 seconds.
- Place 1 drop of clove essential oil into a glass of water, stir thoroughly, and rinse your mouth. Then, rinse your mouth with clean water. Excellently fights unpleasant odors.
Myrrh - An effective disinfectant - add 3-4 drops of myrrh tincture to a glass of water. Be prepared - it's very bitter.
Additional dental care
Some people, for example, have sensitive teeth - they need to be soothed with chamomile, sage, etc. It is convenient to add these herbs to the paste so that the effect is regular.
As for the brushes, there are those that are conventionally cut, and there are those that are cut with a laser. The difference is that ordinary ones scratch the enamel no worse than acid from bacteria. Laser-cut ones have rounded bristles and therefore do not cut the enamel, but they will be more expensive.
Every 2 weeks, dip your toothbrushes in regular table vinegar. It kills most fungi and bacteria.

Calamus root
To nourish and strengthen the gums, calamus root or oak bark, passed through a coffee grinder, is added to the powder. These substances will also help get rid of bleeding gums.

Rosehip (as a rinse)

Ludwig Graeber's herbalist has a recipe from 1563 for using rose hips as a tooth powder to strengthen gums. In Russia, the fruits of rosehip (or, as it was previously called, savorite) have also long been used to treat and prevent bleeding gums and as a means for healing wounds.

Daily hygiene of teeth and gums includes rinsing the mouth with special solutions. Rinse aids can be purchased at pharmacies, or you can prepare them yourself. Their use ensures cleaning of the oral cavity in hard-to-reach places, freshening of breath and destruction of certain types of pathogenic microorganisms. You can easily make a mouthwash with your own hands, and this will be the right decision when you are intolerant to chemical components and want to make your dental hygiene as safe as possible.

How to make a mouthwash

To make a simple mouthwash you will need a few basic ingredients.


  • sea ​​salt, which has a bactericidal effect and is rich in minerals;
  • alcohol or water tincture of herbs;
  • soda, which effectively cleanses bacterial plaque;
  • essential oils that have good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

“Store-bought” mouthwashes contain substances such as thymol and methyl salicylate.

These are antiseptics with a toxic effect, which are contraindicated during pregnancy and are not intended for oral administration. If accidentally swallowed, adverse reactions may occur, especially when there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rinsing your own has many benefits. You can select each ingredient yourself, which is especially important for allergy sufferers. This rinse is natural, it does not contain preservatives or dyes, which means side effects are minimized. It is also a very economical option, which is good for large families.

A DIY rinse can be a bleaching agent if you add a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to it. To prepare, you need to take a glass of water, a spoonful of hydrogen peroxide, 3 drops of eucalyptus oil, a teaspoon of calendula tincture. Hydrogen peroxide is first added to a glass of water, then the remaining components. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which you can rinse your mouth.

For an antibacterial rinse, you will need an infusion of chamomile or thyme; a decoction of oak bark is also good.

Recipe for making an antibacterial mouthwash:

  1. You will need two tablespoons of chamomile, a teaspoon each of salt and soda, 4 drops of tea tree oil.
  2. Chamomile is poured with boiling water, then filtered.
  3. Salt, soda and ether are added to the broth.

A good natural antiseptic is aloe, from the juice of which you can make a mouthwash. To do this, you need to mix 100 ml of mineral water, 20 drops of mint oil, a spoonful of citrus juice, a spoonful of oak bark infusion and 100 ml of aloe juice.


The mint rinse has a deodorizing effect, which also has an antibacterial effect. Mint decoction can be stored for a long time, and it needs to be shaken before use.

To prepare, you will need a glass of water, a teaspoon of baking soda and 4 drops of mint oil. First, ether and soda are mixed, and then water is added.

With essential oil

It is better to prepare rinses with essential oils in alcohol for long-term storage.

There are 2 simple recipes:

  1. Mix 200 ml of vodka, 20 drops of mint oil, 15 thyme, 5 sage and 5 myrrh. A teaspoon of the mixture is added to a glass of water before each rinse.
  2. Mix 200 ml of vodka, 10 drops of lemon juice, 15 tea tree oil, 10 lavender. This product also has a whitening effect. Applies like the previous one.

A good antibacterial rinse would be one with tea tree oil and mint. To prepare, you need to take 200 ml of water, 5 drops of mint oil and 5 tea tree oil. This product will give you a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Other recipes for natural alcohol-based mouthwashes:

  1. 200 g of vodka is mixed with 500 ml of water, 30 ml of glycerin and 10 ml of aloe juice are added to the solution. The mixture is brought to a boil, then 20 drops of mint oil are added.
  2. Add 5 drops of mint oil and 5 mg of cinnamon powder to a glass of vodka. This remedy should sit for several days. After preparation, the mixture is filtered and used for rinsing.
  3. Mix two teaspoons of mint and sage, add 5 tablespoons of red sandalwood powder. The mixture is poured with a liter of water and 200 ml of alcohol. The product is infused for a week in a dark place.
  4. The container contains 50 ml of water, 100 ml of vodka, 15 drops of lemon juice and 20 bergamot oil. The contents are shaken and infused for 7 days. Before use, a teaspoon of infusion is diluted in 50 ml of water.

Terms of use

How to use mouthwash correctly:

  1. It is better to prepare solutions daily to get maximum benefit from them.
  2. Rinse is carried out after brushing your teeth.
  3. The oral cavity should be rinsed for about 2 minutes, collecting 15-20 ml of solution.
  4. The product should be stored in a dark place out of reach of children.
  5. For half an hour after rinsing, you do not need to eat anything to allow the medicinal components to act on the mucous membranes and teeth for some time.
  6. Under no circumstances should spoiled products be used.

For those who are experiencing toothache or inflammatory gum disease, natural rinses with iodine and salt are suitable. Soda is a natural antiseptic, and it also removes bacterial plaque well when there is an ulcer or aphthae. When there are periodontal pathologies, it is more effective to use alcohol tinctures, which can be used to rinse your mouth daily throughout the entire treatment period.

As for rinses for children, they can be used from the age when the child understands that the liquid must be spit out. Before this period, the mucous membrane should be wiped with a cloth soaked in the solution.