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Analysis of opportunities for changing market trends. Modern market trends. Trend analysis in binary options

In the 20th century, especially in its second half, the interaction between market participants radically changed.

For a long time, the authors of economics textbooks portrayed the relationship between sellers and buyers as a perfectly competitive market, which consists of too small enterprises that are unable to influence the market price. Now, according to P. Samuelson and V. Nordhaus, quite large enterprises:

“have a certain influence on the market price. Most markets in today's economy are actually influenced by a few large companies, usually two or three. Welcome to the real world - the world of imperfect competition."

What is this new world? It can be understood if we identify the trends that are characteristic of the development of monopoly and competition in the second half of the 20th century.

Increased market monopolization

The first trend is towards increased monopolization of the market. The scientific and technological revolution caused a transition to much more high level consolidation of the economy. The centralization of production led to the formation of powerful natural networks covering the national economic space (main pipelines for the transportation of oil and gas, routes for the transmission of electrical and thermal energy, etc.). In addition, a public sector that was monopolistic in nature emerged in the national economy.

Increasing competition

The second tendency is towards exacerbation. The scientific and technological revolution has enormously accelerated the improvement of the technical base of production. In this regard, competition in countries with new economies has sharply intensified, especially in the field of introducing the latest achievements of technology and technology. Such competition has become truly global, covering all countries with open economies.

Consequences of current trends

Thus, at the end of the 20th century, a paradoxical situation arose: directly opposite types of interaction between business entities simultaneously strengthen their positions on the market. The question arises: what consequences does the collision of these two trends entail?

  • First, the economic role of many monopolies is changing radically. For the end of the 19th - first half of the 20th century. traditional was the desire of monopolies to slow down the use of scientific and technical innovations in order to prevent a reduction in market prices. But now large business associations are becoming legal monopolies and, for a certain period of time, using patent law to update technology.
  • Secondly, the implementation of the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution requires large material costs. As a rule, small enterprises typical of free competition are not able to carry out such expenses. In contrast, monopolies with their high incomes can achieve primacy in scientific and technological progress in their industry. By doing this, they strengthen their dominant position in the market.
  • Thirdly, in recent years, the participation of large business associations in global competition aimed at conquering the world market space has become important. In many countries, the state provides assistance to national monopolies in mastering the latest scientific and technological achievements, in training scientific and engineering personnel, and also provides them with other economic advantages.

The guideline in this regard is the determination of ratings in global competition. Thus, according to surveys conducted by the International Economic Forum (the indicators of 46 countries of the world are assessed), in the 1990s. The USA was recognized as the most competitive country. Closest to it were Singapore, Hong Kong and small European countries. Meanwhile, from 1992 to 1997 in this ranking, Japan dropped from 2nd to 10th place, Germany - from 5th to 14th, France - from 15th to 19th. Russia consistently occupied 46th place.

So, it is obvious that the modern period is characterized by an unusual synthesis (from the Greek synthesis - connection, combination) of competition and monopoly.

Technical analysis is large and varied. And there is no number of methods and indicators used in it, which differ fundamentally in their popularity and complexity, in the methods of assessing and predicting the situation.

But first of all, every investor and trader begins to draw graphs and lines to study price indicators, the relationship between price and demand, and determine the direction and range of the trend.

Because trend analysis is a necessary skill for understanding and predicting market behavior, the key to your success. Only following the rules of trend trading will allow you to trade profitably.

Dow theory and the essence of TA, the main types of charts and price channels, analysis of trend lines and indicators of trend movement - read about all this in the article.

Financial analysis methods

Financial analysis methods include: horizontal, vertical and trend analyses.

The task of financial analysis is to determine and evaluate the current state of the enterprise, to determine the parameters that are critical and that require management interventions. In other words, an enterprise needs to know its problem areas in order to develop most effectively.

Correct determination of the financial condition of an enterprise is very important both for the owners of the enterprise themselves and for various interested parties: shareholders, potential investors.

  1. Horizontal financial analysis of an enterprise makes it possible to determine trends in changes in individual items in the balance sheet.
  2. This method of analysis is based on determining the growth rate of individual items on the balance sheet or income statement. Horizontal analysis consists of constructing analytical tables with absolute and relative growth rates of balance sheet items for a certain period.

  3. Vertical analysis consists of determining the share of the balance sheet line in the totals. Vertical analysis determines the structure of the enterprise's funds.
  4. The feasibility of carrying out this analysis lies in the fact that the transition to relative indicators makes it possible to compare the economic potential of enterprises of different scale and volume indicators. In addition, relative indicators smooth out inflation processes that distort absolute indicators.

  5. Trend analysis is one of the types of horizontal analysis oriented to the future.

Trend analysis studies the values ​​of indicators over a certain period of time, where the current values ​​of indicators are compared with their past values. One of the main tasks in trend analysis is to establish patterns of changes in indicators over time, as well as to determine its trends.

Source: "beintrend.ru"

What opportunities do horizontal, vertical, trend analysis methods provide?

Horizontal analysis allows you to determine the absolute and relative deviations of individual reporting items compared to the previous period. For example, when analyzing a balance sheet, indicators at the beginning and end of the period are compared and their changes are assessed.

Vertical analysis is carried out to identify the share of individual items in the overall final indicator, taken as 100%. For example, you can determine the share of various asset items in the total amount of funds.

Horizontal and vertical methods of analysis are of interest to users within the company, as they allow them to capture current changes and, to some extent, neutralize the impact of inflation.

For example, a significant increase in accounts receivable while maintaining its share in the balance sheet currency usually does not indicate a deterioration in the payment discipline of partners, and an increase in its share with the same absolute value may indicate problems in the enterprise.

Horizontal and vertical analysis also allow for intercompany comparisons.

Trend analysis can be of significant benefit when making decisions, allowing one to identify trends in changes in the most important performance indicators over a number of years. It involves identifying a base period (for example, the year the enterprise was founded) and comparing the indicators of all subsequent periods with the base one.

It should be noted that in Russian conditions such an analysis is extremely difficult.

Comparison over a number of years is hampered by fairly frequent changes in accounting policies at enterprises, constant adjustments to tax and related legislation, and inflation.

Thus, trend analysis for external users is currently generally useless and may even lead to erroneous conclusions. In internal analysis, it is possible, but its implementation requires significant work to ensure the comparability of the source material.

Source: "economics.studio"

Trend analysis is determining the trend in the market using a chart

In order to make money on Forex, you need only two things: a price chart and the presence of a trend. Understanding exactly these components will give you the opportunity to trade profitably.

Trend analysis (TA) of the market is an important and necessary thing, because understanding how the market behaves is a large part of your success.

The trend is your friend, by following only the rules of trend trading, you can make money, and all you really need is a chart and a few lines on it that show the direction of the trend and its range.

Trend analysis is a type of technical analysis that is aimed at determining the trend in the market using the chart or price indicators of the instrument being studied. Let us immediately note that trend analysis can be carried out not only on the forex or stock market, but also on other markets.

For example, the trend in the housing market is characterized by the balance of supply and demand. In different seasons it may have a different direction or no trend as such. Trend analysis of an organization's balance sheet determines the growth of balance sheet components over a certain period of time.

By the way, it should be noted that this type of analysis always contains a time period (time frame) as one of the indicators. Thus, technically, such an analysis can be carried out with any product that is sold or purchased.


In addition to trend movements, there is a time in the markets without a clearly defined direction, called flat. During this period, you need to be especially careful when trading.

Trend analysis requires practice, but there are important rules that I would like to dwell on in more detail:

  • only 30% of the time the market is in a trend movement, the remaining 70% is in a flat;
  • trade only with the trend and do not fight against it;
  • When analyzing a market trend, always determine the trend cycle (inception, maturity and decay);
  • trend analysis is a technical method that gives an understanding of what market participants want, sales or purchases;
  • analysis of trend directions must be carried out before entering a market position, at the stage of drawing up a trading plan.

If you ask an experienced trader what he likes most about his work besides making a profit, then almost everyone will answer - looking at the price chart during a trend period. The presence of a situation where everything is more or less clear allows you to accurately find the necessary levels of support and resistance, entry points into the market and exit points from the transaction.

How to conduct

In order to carry out the analysis yourself, you need to find on the chart two peak maximum values, or two peak minimum price values. Draw a line through these two points. The direction of the line will tell you the direction of the trend.

Below we have presented two charts and an example of trend analysis on them:

And below is a chart that demonstrates a flat on the Forex market:


It remains to talk about the disadvantages of trend analysis of markets. Since this method uses a price chart, the errors that occur when determining the trend direction depend only on the price. Here are some of them:

  1. False breakouts of levels.
  2. They are confusing because the price draws a maximum or minimum, but it does not fit into the general trend, although at first glance it is an important point through which a trend line can be drawn.

  3. High volatility.
  4. During the release of macroeconomic data, the market experiences a shock, which ultimately causes strong price fluctuations, which in turn are not amenable to technical analysis.

    It is better to wait out such moments while being outside the market.

  5. Since trend analysis is a type of technical analysis, it does not take into account fundamental factors, and therefore is incomplete.

Despite this, during periods of calm trading it can still be taken as the basis of the strategy.

As you can see, conducting trend analysis is not only easy, but also an interesting activity, which will always show in which direction to trade, what trends prevail in the market, and what order should be opened to buy or sell.

Source: "forexidea.ru"

Trend analysis method

A trend or tendency is a price movement up or down, since any financial instrument, or rather its price, never stands still, but moves in waves: sometimes rising, sometimes falling, and vice versa. You should always carefully monitor the price and its changes.

Trend analysis method is the study of price charts and the application of technical analysis methods. The basis consists of events that have already taken place and the prediction of their consequences for events that will occur in the future.

Knowing the market trends of the past, it will be possible to predict their behavior in the future. This method is also used to determine the demand for goods and services, their need for the consumer, for the product sales system, etc.

The essence

As already noted, a trend is a price movement in a certain direction, shown on the chart.

According to most traders, Forex prices are always in motion: they either fall or rise. However, as research shows, prices can still remain in fairly small ranges for a long time.

There are 3 types of trends:

  • Upward (bullish) trend. If such a trend is present, then we should expect a price increase.
  • Downward (bearish) trend. If such a trend is present, then we should expect a fall in price.
  • Sideways trend. If such a trend is present, it means that price movement is occurring in narrow market ranges. Most often, this situation can be seen before a rapid rise or fall in price.

How to do it

Task one - precise definition regarding the future direction of the trend. The second task is to set the strength of action for the trend.

To solve the first problem, it is necessary to use trend lines and channels, as well as indicators responsible for trend analysis. The second task is solved with the help of some indicators and graphic models.

Each trend is accompanied by a certain trading volume. At the moment when the dynamics correspond to the trend, the trading volume in the Forex market increases significantly. When prices roll back, trading volume decreases. If a trend does not correspond to the volume of trading transactions, then it has weak strength.

When applying the trend analysis method, you should follow some rules:

  1. Without exception, all transactions must be carried out exclusively in the direction of the current trend;
  2. You cannot guess the future trend reversal and bet against it. There is no need to rely on your own intuition and hope for the weakness of the trend;
  3. The trend will remain active until clear signs of a reversal are formed. One of the signs is a breakout of the trend line.

All trends can be divided into:

  • Short-term (4-5 days);
  • Medium-term (1-2 weeks - several months);
  • Long-term (1-2 months - 1-2 years).

Every new trader should learn how to build channel lines and trend lines on a time chart (time frames), since these are the basics of trend analysis, which are almost impossible to do without in the future. You need to start with a large time interval, then move to a medium one, and then to a small one.

It is very important for all traders who use the trend analysis method to accurately determine the boundaries of the channel that is responsible for prices.

Four main types of price channels

2 types of channels are designed to reduce the trend in the market, the other 2 - to increase it. The trend channel combines the lowest and highest prices at which current positions are closed.

Another important point is the correct construction of trend channel lines. This is done as follows: draw a trend line, and parallel to it another one. The first line should connect the chart peaks themselves, and the second line should connect the lowest price values.

The purpose of the trend channel is to fix profits or losses and analyze the current state of the trend.

In order to plot a trend channel, even 3 points are enough. A channel can be built by having 2 maximum and 1 minimum points or vice versa. Therefore, constructing a trend channel is a real procedure on any chart.

Today, modern trend extensions are increasingly used in trend analysis. They are compiled by duplicating large trend lines and creating new ones. This way, you can get a detailed overview of the stock market.

Source: "finansovyesovety.ru"

Technical analysis and its components

Charles Dow is the founder of technical analysis. Having created the railway and industrial indices, he developed a system for their analysis, which was based on several basic principles. Using many of the analytical insights of the Dow Theory, one can conduct technical analysis of various financial markets with great success.

Dow theory

Let us consider in more detail the provisions (postulates) on which the Dow theory is built.

  1. Indexes take everything into account.
  2. The essence of this statement is that any factors that can affect the balance of supply and demand will certainly affect the dynamics of the index. It is often impossible to predict or predict these events, but they are instantly reflected on the index chart.
  3. There are three types of trends in the market.

    Dow argued that at any time period of market dynamics, a certain trend can be observed. He identified three types of trends: upward, downward and horizontal.

    In an upward trend, each subsequent peak and trough is higher than the previous one. With a downward trend, on the contrary, each subsequent peak and decline is lower than the previous one. With horizontal, all peaks and valleys are approximately at the same level.

    Dow also divided trends into three categories - major, secondary and minor:

    • He attached the greatest importance to the main one. This trend lasts from a year to several years.
    • The secondary trend lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months and is corrective relative to the main one.
    • Minor trends are corrective for the secondary and last less than 3 weeks.
  4. The main trend has three phases:
    • The first phase is called the accumulation phase.
    • The market has taken into account all the unfavorable factors and at this moment the most informed and analytically far-sighted investors begin to buy.

    • In the second phase, those investors who use technical analysis to determine trends begin to become active.
    • All this is fueled by optimistic forecasts for the economic situation.

    • The trend enters the third phase when a rush begins in the market and a wide mass of players frantically begins to buy.
    • All the media are trumpeting economic recovery. The volume of speculation is growing. And it is at this moment that those far-sighted investors who have been “accumulating” their assets begin to sell. The trend is ending.

  5. The indexes must confirm each other.
  6. The essence of this statement of the Dow theory is that any factors that can affect the exchange rate should be reflected in the dynamics of changes in both indices (here Dow meant his two indices - railroad and industrial).
  7. The trading volume should confirm the nature of the trend.
  8. This means that the volume of transactions must correspond to the direction of the main trend.

  9. A trend continues until it gives clear signals that it has changed.
  10. This statement speaks for itself, and its essence is completely clear from its wording.

In the technical analysis of the foreign exchange market, several components or goals can be distinguished, each of which solves its own specific problem. Let's take a closer look at the main goals of technical analysis:

  • Determine the current trend (direction) of price movement. There are three possible options: a “bullish” trend (the price is rising); “bearish” trend (price falls); sideways trend (flat).
  • Estimate the age and lifespan of a trend. The following options are possible: short-term trend; long-term trend; start of trend; trend maturity; completion (death) of a trend.
  • Determine the volatility (amplitude of fluctuations) of the price in the direction of the trend. Possible options: weak fluctuation; strong fluctuation (more than 1% per day or more than 0.3% per hour).

The success of your trading depends on the accuracy of determining these three parameters when conducting trend analysis. With the correct definition, you can make decisions on buying or selling currency with a high degree of confidence.

Main types of price charts

There are five main types of price charts:

  1. Linear.
  2. This type of chart marks the closing price points for each time interval. It is convenient to use it only at short intervals, a few minutes at most.

  3. Bars.
  4. The bar is a vertical bar with two side bars:

    The top point of the vertical line is the maximum price value, the bottom point is the minimum price value, the left side line is the opening price, the right side line is the closing price. This type of chart is mainly used for time intervals of 5 minutes or more.

  5. Japanese candles.
  6. This figure is a vertical rectangle:

    An empty (white) rectangle has a lower edge that is the opening price and an upper edge that is the closing price. The filled (black) rectangle has the opposite - the upper edge is the opening price, and the lower edge is the closing price.

    The lines at the top and bottom of the rectangle indicate the maximum and minimum prices, respectively. It is recommended to use Japanese candles on time intervals of 5 minutes or more.

  7. Tic-tac-toe.
  8. When constructing this chart, there is no time axis, and a new price column is built when the price changes its direction:

    Each zero or cross means a price change by a certain number of points (reversal criterion), and when the price increases, a zero is drawn, and when the price decreases, a cross is drawn.

  9. Kagi.
  10. In this type of chart there is no time axis, just like in the “Tic Tac Toe” chart. The graph itself is a series of vertical lines connected to each other:

The length and thickness of the lines depends on the dynamics of price changes. The graph is constructed as follows:

  • If the price continues to move in a certain direction, the length of the line increases.
  • If the price changes its direction by the reversal amount (a predetermined number of points), then the next vertical line is drawn nearby.
  • If the price has overcome its previous maximum or minimum, then the thickness of the line increases.

Signals to open positions are: a transition from a thin line to a thick line (you can buy) or a transition from a thick line to a thin line (you can sell).

Trend analysis

A trend or, as it is also called, a trend, is a price movement in a certain direction. Trend analysis, first of all, allows you to determine the direction of the trend, which is the most important condition for successful trading.

There are three types of trends: upward, downward and horizontal (sideways). IN real life price movement in financial markets is never straightforward; the dynamics of price changes is a zigzag curve consisting of peaks and valleys. It is the predominant direction of these very peaks and declines that forms the trend.

Beginner Forex traders need to remember one thing: Golden Rule: “Trend is your friend”! The corollary follows from this: Never trade against the trend.

There are several concepts that describe an existing trend, which are the basis of trend analysis:

General features and contradictions of figures and trend patterns

All trendy models, shapes and lines have some common features or characteristics. Let's take a look at these features below:

  • the most likely direction of the trend is the current direction;
  • only crossing (“breaking through”) a support or resistance level can be considered a signal. Everything that happens up to this point can only be used to determine the emerging trend pattern of technical analysis;
  • for any single signal, even a very strong one, confirming signals of any kind are needed;
  • All trend models can be divided into three types: warning of a trend reversal, confirming the trend, and operating within the current trend. It is more correct to classify the latter type of models as trend-confirming;
  • when constructing graphic models, it is not at all necessary to use straight lines, they can be curves, and even geometric shapes in the form of ovals and circles;
  • do not try to look for trends over short periods of time. The trend in this case will be fleeting and the possible profit cannot be compared with the significant amount of the possible loss.

In this situation, you may encounter a contradiction in trend directions (a longer trend will be stronger than a short one). Contradictions between trend lines and patterns:

  1. when a trend is detected by constructing only one general figure, it becomes difficult to estimate the price of opening a position (in such a situation, it is necessary to additionally construct support and resistance lines);
  2. the contradiction may be in the difference between the predicted trend direction and the current direction. It is especially significant in the event of a trend reversal;
  3. conclusions about a trend can also be contradictory if they are based on the analysis of different time periods (for example, the daily trend looks “bullish”, and the weekly trend looks “bearish”).

If you have any of the above contradictions, then hold off on opening positions until the situation becomes clearer. Be extremely careful when conducting trend analysis.

So, for example, if the breakthrough of a key level goes unnoticed for you, then you will base all your subsequent analysis on false opinions, which will ultimately lead you to very disastrous results. This trend behavior is typical when it accelerates or reverses, when the resistance line becomes a support line and vice versa.

Source: "forex-dostupno.ru"

Forex market trend analysis

Trend analysis is based on the study of price charts, as well as the application of technical analysis methods on them. Trend analysis is based on the understanding that what happened in the past provides some approximation of what will happen in the future.

It is a way of identifying past market trends for possible future determination. In addition, trend analysis methods are used to determine the demand for services and goods, assess their needs, and also forecast the sales system.

Trend as the basis of TA

A trend is the movement of a market price on a chart in any direction.

Most traders believe that on the Forex currency exchange the price either rises or falls. But as it turned out, prices are still in small ranges, sometimes for quite a long period of time.

The trend is classified into 3 types:

  • an upward or bullish trend. The presence of such a trend indicates an increase in price. It received this name as it was compared to a bull throwing its victim upward.
  • downward, the second name is “bearish” trend. The presence of this trend indicates a fall in price. It is believed that the bear puts its entire weight on the price, thereby lowering it.
  • sideways trend or “flat”. Price movement is observed mainly in narrow market ranges. Often, a sideways trend appears before a rapid fall or rise in price.

Main goals

Firstly, it is necessary to accurately determine the future direction of the trend. Secondly, to establish the strength of the trend.

To solve the 1st problem, use trend channels, lines, and trend analysis indicators. To solve the second problem, graphic models and some indicators are used.

Any trend is always accompanied by at least a small trading volume. At a time when price dynamics are in line with the trend, trading volume in the Forex currency market usually intensifies.

When prices roll back (i.e. decline), trading volume usually decreases. The discrepancy between the trend and the trading volume of transactions indicates the weak strength of the trend, however, this is not yet a basis for opening exchange transactions against the current market trend, since there are still no obvious signs that it will change its direction.

Trend analysis of the Forex market requires strict adherence to the following rules:

  1. All trading transactions must be carried out only in the direction of the trend.
  2. A trend is considered active until clear signs of its reversal are visible. Such signs include a breakdown of the trend line, with a further change in the direction of the market trend.
  3. Do not try to guess the future trend reversal and make trades against it. There is no point in relying only on intuition and the weakness of the trend, hoping that its reversal is already close.

Based on their lifetime, trends are classified into long-term, medium-term and short-term:

  • A long-term trend in duration can last from a month to 1-2 years.
  • The medium-term type of trend is from a week to several months.
  • A short-term trend lasts up to several days.

Every novice trader should learn how to draw trend lines and channel lines on any time frame (time chart), as this is the basics of trend analysis. It is best to start with the longest time frame, gradually moving to trend analysis on a shorter time frame.

Exchange trading of a trader with open positions for more than 1 day, in best case scenario, should be carried out exclusively in the direction of the long-term trend (only if otherwise is not applicable in the rules of its trading system). The primary task of a trader using trend analysis is to accurately determine the boundaries of the price (trend) channel.

In trend analysis, there are 4 main types of price channels:

  1. Two types of price channels are designed for the rising market trend.
  2. The other two are for a downward market trend.

The trend channel combines the highest and lowest prices, and the position is closed at them. In trend analysis of the Forex market, a very important point is the correct construction of channel lines. Since they serve as limiters of price fluctuations.

  • the first trend line connects the peaks on the chart,
  • the second is the minimum price values.

The main purpose of constructing a trend channel is that it makes it possible to record profit or loss and even analyze the state of the trend.

To plot a trend channel on a chart, only 3 points are enough:

  1. For example, it is permissible to build a channel using 2 maximum points and 1 minimum.
  2. And vice versa - at 2 minimum points and 1 maximum. Therefore, creating a trend channel is quite possible on any chart.

Currently, modern trend extensions are widely used in trend analysis. They are formed by duplicating large trend lines and creating new resistance lines. Based on this, we have a more detailed overview of the market.

Any price channel line is a force line; we need it to analyze and place protective or pending orders.

At first glance, this trend analysis tool is very simple. However, despite this, trend channels are very important.

A trend channel becomes strongest when there are several price waves within it - 2, 3 or more. Based on practice, the most effective trading method is to trade from the beginning of the boundaries of the trend (price) channel inward, with the installation of stop-loss orders outside the channel.

In some cases, the correct move may be not just a stop-loss, but a reversal, since going beyond the boundaries of the channel has always been and is a fairly strong signal. Such a signal is especially significant when the breakout (or exit beyond the boundaries) coincides with the direction of the trend.

But if the channel is broken through in the opposite direction relative to the trend, then this is rather a signal that the current trend is turning into a sideways trend, i.e. flat, this can also be a signal of a change in trend direction.

Source: "t-traders.com"

Trend analysis in binary options

Analysis of trends in binary options is a fairly significant component, which provides an understanding of the behavior of the binary options market and makes it possible to trade as efficiently as possible.

There are several types of trends; there are also correctional waves in the market, which make up the general wave structure of the price behavior of the asset you have chosen. Undoubtedly, you yourself could see how growth gives way to decline, and rollbacks indicate a gain new strength participants who will drive the price further in the direction of the main price movement.

A trend is a stable price tendency and to make it easier to find, traders, especially beginners, use technical analysis indicators. Some of them analyze not only the trend, but also its strength in order to enter and buy a binary option at the most convenient point.

Trend analysis is a method of technical analysis that allows you to find the main price trends at a given time and there is nothing complicated about it. It is aimed at identifying and analyzing trends in the binary options market. Also, you can analyze the price indicators of the asset and the strength of the trend movement.

A trend always characterizes the balance of supply and demand, since any exchange is a market, and this law works in all equally good markets.

Trends replace each other from time to time, and there are also rollbacks in the markets that correlate with the main trend in percentages Fibonacci: 38.2%, 50.0%, 61.8%. Technical analysis can be carried out on any asset, and it works best on stocks and currencies.

Each type of trading asset has its own advantages, so you can see for yourself where it works best for you and trade specifically on selected currencies or indices, which are available in any binary company terminal.

There are several phases of market movement:

  • Trend;
  • Flat;
  • Correction.

Trend is a directional price movement, which is characterized by an excess of demand over supply or vice versa. Most often, price trends arise due to interventions by central banks and important statistical data.

Flat is a sideways trend, which is characterized by erratic price fluctuations in a narrow horizontal corridor. It’s quite easy to make money on it, which is what many beginners do.

A correction is a small pullback against the main trend, which is characterized by a smooth price return to recruit new participants.

Most often, such pullbacks can be used by beginning trends to gain new positions along the trend. This is the right decision, allowing you to earn quite effectively on the binary options market. Flat price movements are quite pronounced and are not uncommon. During this period, you need to trade extremely carefully, although binary options have a special “Range” contract.

Trend analysis may take practice, but it's worth it. Here are the main features that many brokers hid from you:

  1. Only 30% of the time trading assets are in a trend, the remaining 70% are rollbacks and flats;
  2. Work only in the direction of the main trend, because it will be difficult for you to swim against the current at a waterfall;
  3. When analyzing a current market trend, try to always determine the “age” of the trend: beginning, maturity, old age or reversal;
  4. By conducting a trend analysis, you will gain an understanding of what the majority of participants want. If the price is actively growing, then everyone is buying, and if it is falling, then everyone has started active sales;
  5. It is always important to analyze a trend before entering the market, so as not to worry or experience emotions about a hastily opened binary option.

Try to analyze the market, no matter whether it is based on technical analysis or not, while drawing up a trading plan, which it would be advisable to even write down on paper, because the screen will be occupied by the trading terminal, and not by Word or a notepad.

By learning to trade in financial markets, experienced traders understand which phases of the market bring them the most money. Perhaps you will make money on trends, but, for example, lose on flats. If this is the case, then choose an active trading time, when the main price movements for the trading asset occur in the market.

There are situations when it is worth waiting a little until the price approaches the support or resistance level. As soon as the market situation is completely clear to you, buy a binary option, but hurry with it so that the transaction is carried out with the highest quality possible. Entry and exit points are very important components of a truly good trade.

How to carry out TA on binary options

To conduct trend analysis yourself, you need to mark two peak minimum or maximum values ​​on the chart. Draw a line through these points. The direction of the trend line will indicate the direction of the price trend.

You are facing an uptrend. As you can see, the chart is directed upward and we drew trend lines exactly through the minimum and maximum points.

Also, beginners may make mistakes, so try to “get your hands on it” before using technical analysis on a binary options chart.

Let's look at the disadvantages of trend analysis, as every beginner should know them.

  • False breakouts of levels.
  • They are usually confusing because if the price draws a low and a high and this pattern does not fit into the main trend of the asset, although these points can sometimes seem quite important and you may mistakenly draw a line through them.

    If in doubt, try to compress the chart or switch to a higher time interval. In this case, you will be able to see the trend more objectively.

    Experienced traders can even see a trend without trend lines.

  • High volatility.

When strong news is released or influential politicians speak, financial markets experience a lack of liquidity, traders are afraid to trade and the binary options market experiences shock. This results in powerful price spikes that can change the trend, especially if you are trading turbo options.

A small price range can be destroyed by a powerful candle, for example, during a public hearing on Trump's impeachment. At such moments, try not to trade.

Trend analysis is a subtype of technical analysis of binary options, but it does not take into account strong news and fundamental factors, so it is worth avoiding moments when strong news is released. You can solve this issue using the economic calendar.

Strong news here is news with 3 heads of a bull or dots, depending on who you are. During periods of calm and measured trading, you can not be afraid to trade according to your strategy. The news will not spoil the technical picture, which means the effectiveness of trading tactics will be maximum.

Trend analysis is an interesting and simple activity aimed at improving the effectiveness of a trading strategy. Actually, even the price chart itself can be a kind of strategy if you know how to distinguish between trends, flats and rollbacks, as shown in the example above.

Indicators of trend movement strength

Some binary options brokers allow you to take advantage of interesting technical indicators. Sometimes it is very important to analyze the strength of a trend, since the price trend is, in principle, visible to the naked eye. One such indicator is ADX, which measures the strength of a price trend.

ADX is a unique tool that allows you to determine the strength of a trend from its beginning to its end, so you can use it as a leading indicator.

The main bar of the ADX indicator is in tandem with two others, which are almost mirror images: +DMI and –DMI. The combined use of all indicator lines allows the trader to see the strongest trends or moments of trend acceleration.

Main indicator The ADX indicator can take values ​​from 0 to 100 and the stronger the trend, the higher the values ​​the indicator takes, and vice versa. Most of the time, the indicator values ​​fluctuate between 10 and 50.

If its value falls below 20, then this indicates the absence of trends, which means there is either a rollback or a flat side range in the market, and you can already determine this even visually.

At values ​​above 40, there is a significant acceleration in price movement. It is in these minutes or hours that your profit will be maximum.

ADX is an indicator for analyzing the strength of trend movement in binary options, so by looking at this indicator, you can tell whether the current trend is strong or not.

Indicators above 40 indicate a possible imminent price breakthrough to some extreme; for example, the historical maximum may be updated in a few weeks, especially if it is nearby.

Do not forget that ADX, unlike other indicators and oscillators, shows the direction of the trend and its strength, so when ADX rises, the price can either fall or rise. If the indicators are above 80, do not trade on this chart at all. Such indicators can cause a price reversal

The intersection of the DMI indicator bars (-DMI and +DMI) does not have any significance, since the main line here is DMI. Much more important is their behavior at the moment of breaking through level 40 - the main line of the indicator.

Here you can see that there was a very powerful breakthrough of the local maximum point, which coincides with the high indicators of the ADX trend strength indicator, which exceeded the level of 40 and reached 42.5.

The best trend indicator

Today there are quite a large number of indicators that fit the definition of trend indicators. For decades, many traders have been using moving averages, but there are more and more such indicators now.

By right, the best indicator for determining the trend in binary options is MA50, MA200 and the innovative AutoTrandForecast tool.

Technical analysis in binary options is difficult to carry out without additional indicators.

If you take the same moving average, which shows the average price value for a certain time period, by its direction on the price chart you can even visually determine the direction of the main price movement. It smooths out fluctuations so that the trader sees a clear trend, which is used to trade binary options.

The higher the period of the moving average, be it SMA 20, EMA 60 or EMA 100, the more long-term and stable the trend this indicator will show you; however, the accuracy of the signals will slightly decrease, so you should not choose heavy moving averages, for example, EMA 500.

Use two or three easy moving averages, for example, EMA 8, EMA 13, EMA 21, to trade as efficiently as possible. You will quickly respond to all changes in the market trend, which in 90-95% of cases is predicted by the Moving Average absolutely correctly.

Today there are a lot of indicators without redrawing, for example, AutoTradeForecaster.

Many indicators, especially arrow ones, are prone to redrawing, but your task is to use those that quite accurately show the turning point of the price trend. It's quite simple. The red line is a downward trend, and the blue line is an upward trend. The signals are very reliable and accurate, so take this indicator into your service.

Every company must be able to identify emerging market opportunities. No firm can rely on its current products and markets forever. Many firms will confirm that the majority of their current sales and profits come from products that just five years ago they either did not produce at all or did not sell. Companies may feel that their capabilities are very limited, but this is simply an inability to mentally see the future of the business they are involved in and recognize their strengths. Indeed, in reality, many market prospects are open to any company. An organization may search for new opportunities either occasionally or systematically. Many people look for new ideas by simply keeping a close eye on changes in the market. Company managers read newspapers, attend trade shows, study competitors' products, and collect market information in other ways.

Analysis of market trends and market environment

Knowing market trends is always important, but it is especially important for developing marketing plans. Ultimately, the company will decide which markets to serve that can generate large volumes of sales, both in the short term and in the long term. In the process of marketing planning, it is determined at what stage of development the markets are, which allows for the correct allocation of resources. The study of market trends, resulting in the construction of an overall picture of the market, consists of an analysis of the actual trends and market statistics.

Any organization has factors over which it has no direct control, but which affect the company itself and its business performance. These include social pressures, laws, regulations, policies, technological change, economic booms and busts, as well as more nuanced factors related to the activities of suppliers and competitors. Together they make up the market environment.

Market trends

A market can be defined as a collection of people or companies that require specific products or classes of products and have the ability, desire, and authority to acquire them. A market can be divided into segments: each segment is a group of buyers with similar characteristics, resulting in relatively similar product needs.

To make smart strategic decisions, a company must have quantitative information about market trends. Next, you should look at the potential financial value of the market to the company. Below is a list of major market trends that should be considered during the marketing planning process.

  • * Sales: volume.
  • * Sales: turnover.
  • * Profitability.
  • * Market size.
  • * Market shares.
  • * Number and size of buyers.
  • * Number of main competitors

State of the market environment

The market environment can be defined as the set of external forces that directly or indirectly affect an organization's revenue generation and output. In other words, these forces represent various aspects that are largely outside a company's control, but which can have a tangible impact on how the company conducts business and accomplishes its missions.

Most companies have some understanding of the state of their business environment, but this information is often not communicated to other members of the organization. This type of analysis ensures the collection of information and its use in developing a marketing strategy.

To track changes in the market environment, firms must regularly survey and analyze it. In some companies, this is done by individual employees or entire committees, whose function is to collect and verify data on market trends and various aspects of the market environment. For example, one manufacturing organization has a small committee whose regular meetings discuss all aspects of the market environment. Updates are posted on a notice board open to all staff.

Environmental surveying is the process of obtaining information from observations, secondary sources (primarily trade press and government reports), databases, information services, and market research.

Typically, the market environment is divided into two main areas: the macro environment and the micro environment.

The microenvironment of an enterprise is those entities with which the enterprise constantly and directly interacts. Elements of the microenvironment are those aspects that are characteristic only of individual companies or organizations, and not of the market as a whole. The degree of control a company has over these factors is usually small.

The elements of the microenvironment include:

Direct and indirect competition

The nature and level of competition in a given product area from similar products is very important. In general, it is necessary to assess the degree of stability of the competitive situation. The emergence of several new competitors can radically change the status quo in the market.

Supplier Influence/Power

Most companies prefer independence and try to control their suppliers if possible. Control cannot always be exercised: suppliers, especially when there are few of them or when the products they supply are unique or new, can wield a lot of power. The risk posed by such suppliers can be reduced through cooperation, which requires the development of long-term relationships. The issue of assessing the company's relationship with each supplier should be approached with caution so as not to unnecessarily reassure oneself.

Availability of resources

The resource base - equipment and materials, finances, people, time and reputation - is usually controlled by the organization itself. However, there may be circumstances when market trends and the market environment help strengthen or, conversely, weaken the resource base. For example, it may be affected by new industry practices, legislation, changes in banking procedures, and customer pressure and demand. Any changes that may affect resource availability must be monitored.

Consumer purchasing power

Consumer demands and perceptions must be constantly monitored, especially since purchasing power can be positively or negatively affected by market trends. For example, with the increase in the number of companies offering great value motor insurance, the power of buyers has increased: they can now buy insurance easier and cheaper than before. The results of such changes have a significant impact on the organization's activities, so the likelihood of such things as changes in buyer power should always be monitored.

The macro-environment of an enterprise is factors that your enterprise does not directly encounter, but which, nevertheless, have a serious impact on its activities. The macro environment has two important features:

  • · it influences not only the enterprise itself, but also the microenvironment: competitors, partners, clients;
  • · the enterprise cannot influence the macroenvironment.

Elements of the macroenvironment include:

Legal forces

Many laws affect marketing activities; for example, UK companies must operate within competition and consumer laws. In this sense, the rules adopted in the European Union and within the framework of the North American Free Trade Agreement have a huge impact.

Regulatory forces

Interpretation of laws is important; the same applies to knowledge of the roles of various government ministries and local authorities, as well as non-governmental regulatory bodies such as the General Agreement on Customs Tariffs and Trade of the Atlantic Union, industry and professional associations.

Political forces

Many companies consider government actions to be outside their sphere of influence, while others actively engage in lobbying and influence political and legislative bodies of central and local authorities. Based on this, it is also necessary to understand the possible impact of lobbying by others. You should monitor possible changes in the political arena.

Social forces (culture)

These are the dynamics and activities of society: groups and individual citizens do not notice the actions of companies until they affect their lifestyle and choices. Perhaps the most notable recent example is consumer pressure on companies to make products that are less harmful to the environment, produce less waste, and make their production cleaner.

Technological forces

Technological forces refer to the knowledge and experience required to perform tasks and achieve goals. Technology is rapidly evolving and undergoing constant change, influencing the way people satisfy their needs and driving their lives. This applies to production, distribution, communications and sales technologies. This determines what products firms can offer to the market and how they will present them to customers.

Economic situation

The general state of the economy - recession or boom - affects any market, as well as consumer demand and their willingness to spend money. These are important aspects that any company should consider. The need for close attention to them is also dictated by the fact that such aspects are subject to rapid changes, styles and fashion.

To analyze the macroenvironment of an enterprise, secondary information is used, which can be obtained from publications of the State Statistics Committee and its regional divisions, from newspapers and magazines, and the Internet (including on industry portals, websites of specialized companies, etc.). After collecting the information you need, you need to evaluate each document for the accuracy and relevance of the information it contains, and check the data for consistency with other information at your disposal.

To analyze the microenvironment of an enterprise, secondary information from the sources listed above, as well as data collected at industry exhibitions, can also be used, but it is additionally recommended to collect primary data on customers, suppliers, and competitors. To do this, you can use the two most popular methods of collecting primary data - observation and survey.


Most often, it is necessary to know the future values ​​of such indicators as the price of a product on the market, the volume of demand, the volume of one’s own sales, the volume of production and sales of competitors, market conditions, and the structure of the product range of competitors. The value of such knowledge increases significantly in an aggressive market environment with a changing nature of demand, in conditions of seasonality and cyclicality.

The forecast can be made by an expert, or it can be calculated mathematically using forecast models. The mathematical forecast is objective, open and scientifically based. Only mathematical forecasting models allow multivariate modeling. A mathematical forecasting model is a mathematical model of an economic system: the market as a whole, an individual enterprise or a group of interrelated enterprises. Such a model is developed to calculate the predicted values ​​of one or more indicators of the systems under study.

The use of predictive models is permissible under conditions of stationarity of the system under study. This means that the rules of the game in the market should be known and these rules should not change much over time. At its core, a forecast model is a model of the rules of the game in the market. Factors and strategies of market players may change. These changes are taken into account by the model, which allows it to make accurate forecasts.

A mathematical predictive model is a set of formulas with coefficients that are formed during the development of the model, at the stage of numerical modeling. Factors selected during the development of the model are substituted into the formulas at the stage of qualitative modeling.

Analysis of market development trends.

Effective market activity is impossible without a comprehensive, comprehensive analysis of the current state of the market and forecasting the dynamics of further changes in its conditions.

Market conditions are the state of the market or a specific economic situation that has developed in the market at the moment or for a limited period of time under the influence of a set of forces, factors and conditions.

An important element of market analysis is the analysis of trends in the development of market conditions. Knowing market trends is always important, but it is especially important for developing marketing plans. Ultimately, the company will decide which markets to serve that can generate large volumes of sales, both in the short term and in the long term. In the process of marketing planning, it is determined at what stage of development the markets are, which allows for the correct allocation of resources. The study of market trends, resulting in the construction of an overall picture of the market, consists of an analysis of the actual trends and market statistics.

Any organization has factors over which it has no direct control, but which affect the company itself and its business performance. These include social pressures, laws, regulations, policies, technological change, economic booms and busts, as well as more nuanced factors related to the activities of suppliers and competitors. Together they make up the market environment.

A market can be defined as a collection of people or companies that require specific products or classes of products and have the ability, desire, and authority to acquire them. A market can be broken down into segments: each segment is a group of buyers with similar characteristics, resulting in them having relatively similar product needs

So, the trend of market development is an economic and statistical concept that characterizes the pattern of changes in its main parameters over time.

To make smart strategic decisions, a company must have quantitative information about market trends. Next, you should look at the potential financial value of the market to the company. Below is a list of major market trends that should be considered during the marketing planning process.

Sales: volume.

Sales: turnover.


Market size.

Market shares.

Number and size of buyers.

Number of main competitors

Based on statistical information, dynamic series of indicators are constructed that characterize changes in the main parameters of the market (enlargement of the interval of the dynamic series; moving average method; analytical alignment of the dynamic series), and then the growth and gain rates are calculated.

Enlargement of time series interval. The meaning of the technique is to move from smaller intervals to larger ones: from monthly to quarterly, from quarterly to annual, etc. The levels of enlarged series are calculated by summing the levels for the periods included in the new interval, or by calculating the average level over the enlarged interval.

Moving average method. To determine the moving average, we form enlarged intervals consisting of the same number of levels. Each subsequent interval is obtained by gradually shifting from the initial level of the dynamic series by one level. Then the first interval will include levels y 1, y 2, .... y m; the second - levels y 2, y 3, .... y m +1, etc. Thus, the smoothing interval seems to slide along the time series with a step equal to one. Based on the formed enlarged intervals, the sum of the level values ​​is determined, on the basis of which the moving averages are calculated. The resulting average refers to the middle of the enlarged interval. If there is an even number of levels, an additional centering procedure is required. Moving averages can be calculated over larger intervals of different durations. The interval size must be chosen in such a way as to obtain a clear trend in the development of the process.

Analytical alignment of the dynamics series. Allows you to obtain a description of the smooth line of development of the series. In this case, empirical levels are replaced by levels that are calculated on the basis of a specific curve, where the equation is considered as a function of time. The form of the equation depends on the specific nature of the dynamics of development. It can be defined both theoretically and practically. Theoretical analysis is based on calculated dynamics indicators. Practical analysis - on the study of a line diagram.

The task of analytical alignment is to determine not only the general trend of development of the phenomenon, but also some missing values ​​both within the period and beyond. The method of determining unknown values ​​within a time series is called interpolation. These unknown values ​​can be determined:

1) using the half-sum of levels located next to the interpolated ones;

2) by average absolute growth;

3) by growth rate:

, where 0 and 1 are the levels of the dynamic series of the base and reporting periods, respectively.

More reliable way identifying the main trend in market development consists in constructing and graphically depicting trend models. Their essence lies in the suppression of random deviations from the line that averages actual data and expresses graphically and mathematically the main trend of development.

Trend is a graphical or mathematical expression of a pattern of dynamic development, i.e. reflection of the main trend of changes in the phenomenon being studied.

This method has the advantage that it determines not only the vector, but also the average speed of development, as well as its nature.

Its essence lies in the fact that the change in the phenomenon is considered as a function of time: yt=f(t), where

t – number of the level (period, date) of the dynamic series

To build trend models, equations are used that are selected based on the minimum residual variance. The general formula of the corresponding equations:

and where

y t – leveled (smoothed) value of the levels of the dynamic series;

a is a free term of the equation, not economically interpretable;

b i – i-th parameters of the equation, characterizing the speed or acceleration of market development;

e – the base of the natural logarithm;

t – number of the level of the dynamic series (period, date);

n – number i's parameters in the equation.

To calculate the parameters of trend models, standard computer programs, and for linear models you can use a system of normal equations.

However, in practice, the system of normal equations can be used only to a limited extent: for models constructed using a function of no more than second order. Otherwise, you will have to solve more than three equations.

Basic trend equations.


Investment potential


E. A. FEDOROVA, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management E-mail: ecolena@mail. t All-Russian Financial and Economic Institute, Moscow

The article examines the main trends in the development of the art market as an alternative market for financial investment. An overview of objects of art is presented by location of transactions, by geography of sales, by sales volume, etc. External and internal factors influencing sales on the art market.

Key words: market, art, investing, non-financial assets, business models, development trends.

Any investment market is a complex system where a simple function is to balance the interests of buyers and sellers. This system is traditionally described as a combination of the legislative (including tax) environment, trade and settlement infrastructure, as well as the information field. Investment markets combine government regulation in terms of defining strict rules, tax regime and level of information disclosure, self-government in terms of organizing trade, settlements and information exchange, and private initiative in the field of actually conducting commercial activities.

The more efficiently the market is structured, the lower the costs of its participants for transaction costs and the share of commercial benefits of intermediaries, on the one hand, and the greater the benefits it brings to investors and issuers of investment objects traded on the market, on the other.

An efficient investment market allows its participants to focus more attention on new ideas for a more accurate forecast of the dynamics of the value of investment objects (and,

accordingly, assessing the profitability of investing in these objects) and on new approaches to eliminating or minimizing the risks of the investment process.

Unlike the securities market, the art market, due to its closed nature, caste, and seasonality, lags significantly behind in development. However, it has significant potential and is a good alternative to investing free capital in order to generate investment income.

The behavior of a buyer of an art object is often characterized by a greater degree of subjectivity and irrationality in making a decision to purchase a particular art asset. This has negative consequences primarily for the buyer himself - especially during a financial crisis, when investment decisions must be as balanced and rational as possible.

In the art market, as in any investment market, two general types of participants can be distinguished depending on the business model they use. The majority of them are private, public and professional investors who carry out all kinds of investment, including collection strategies in the art market.

Another category of market participants are companies and individuals who in one way or another serve the process of investing in art objects and, in fact, represent the infrastructure of the art market. The business models accepted on the market are presented in Table. 1.

Table 1

Basic business models of the art market

segment Annual revenue, billion dollars company

Auction trade 2.5 Sotheby's, Christie's, E-Bay, Dorotheum, Bukowskis

Financial services 1 AIG, Allianz, UBS Deutsche Bank, AXA

Information business 0.05 Sotheby's, Christies, Artprice, Artnet

Dealer business (including private galleries and museums) About 3 Tens of thousands of companies, highly fragmented market

The number of publicly traded companies in the art industry that specialize in serving the art market is small. Information about the income and expenses of players representing the infrastructure of the art market is in most cases closed and hardly comparable.

In general, the global art market does not have a single location. The vast majority of transactions are made directly between the owners of paintings and sculptures or through the mediation of professional art dealers and gallerists. Much of the art trading activity can be localized to large art exhibitions around the world, but these exhibitions do not function as organized and permanent markets that can eliminate counterparty risk and ensure liquidity and ongoing market price formation for those trading on them art assets.

In fact, large auction houses are trying to perform the function of organized markets. Unlike exhibitions, auctions have a permanent location, hold auctions throughout the year and act as a clearinghouse, eliminating counterparty risk and also the risk of counterfeiting an art piece.

There are about 30 established and long-established auction houses in the world, but only 6 of them have sold at least one piece of art worth more than $5 million in the last 20 years.

Based on market research, twelve companies have been identified over the past few years that could be classified as art stock companies based on the fact that the majority of their revenues are derived from the production of art-related products and services.

TV market. The market segment of companies trading shares in the art industry is negligible. As of 10/30/2009, this segment showed a total market capitalization of only $1.8 billion, with significant dominance by Sotheby's. This company currently contributes 60% of the total market capitalization of the segment and can be considered a good benchmark for the market of companies trading shares in art industry

Only four companies trading shares in the art industry (namely Sotheby's, Artnet, Artprice and Collectors Universe) have strong demand for their shares in the market (Table 2).

Currently, only two auction houses - Sotheby's and Christie's - account for about 73% of sales on the global art market.

At the end of 2008, Sotheby's took first place with a total annual income of 3.3 billion dollars, while the annual income of its competitor Christie's was $400 million. Sotheby's share in the number of world transactions with art objects is 18 %.

table 2

Performance of securities of publicly traded companies in the art industry

company Listing / currency Price as of 10/30/2009, dollars market capitalization as of 10/30/2009, million dollars

Sotheby's NYSE / USD 15.86 1,067

Artprice (Artprice.com) Paris / EUR 17.56 110

Artnet Frankfurt / EUR 7.44 42

Collectors Universe NASDAQ / USD 7.48 63

Mallett London / GBX 145.62 20

Finart Casa d'Aste Milan / EUR 0.30 15

Gruppo FMR Milan / EUR 7.38 26

Camera Work Frankfurt / EUR 6,906,276

Art Vivant Tokyo / JPY 2.78 43

Seoul Auctions Seoul / WON 2.02 33

Shinwa Art Auction Tokyo / JPY 242.13 15

Stanley Gibbons London / GBX 236.94 60

The economic strength of Sotheby's and Christie's business models can be assessed by their recovery rates: they were on the verge of bankruptcy in 2000, but quickly recovered and regained the trust of clients in 2005.

Thus, the main trends in the global art market can be tracked by the behavior of leading auction houses. The author presents data on Sotheby's, since Christie's has ceased to be public since 1998 and the disclosure of information about the results of its activities also ceased.

After seven years during which prices were steadily rising, the art market experienced radical changes in 2008 due to the onset of the global financial crisis (Table 3).

Prices for art objects in the first quarter of 2008 compared to the fourth quarter of 2007 actually fell by 7.5%. This is the most acute decline in price indicators on the market since 1991-1992. However, a sharp rise can be expected in the future.

Between the speculative rise in art prices in the 1990s. and more recent - in November 2007 there is a big difference. In the early 1990s. Banks and Asian collectors were responsible mainly for the rise of the market, participating in the rapid acceleration of prices for impressionists and works by modern masters. Prices have soared even for works of mediocre quality. However, in 1991 the market suddenly lost its appetite, and by the late 1990s consumer demand had dropped to approximately 25%. Since 2000, buyers have become more discerning, which is reflected in fluctuations in the level of consumer demand: from 31 to 36% during the year.

Table 3

General indicators of the investment segment of the art market at the end of 2008, million dollars.

In 2008, a huge number of lots were presented at auctions - 20% more than in 2007, which in turn was a record year in this regard. Let us remember that in 2000-2005. The average total annual revenue at global art auctions ranged between $2.5 billion and $4.2 billion.

At the end of 2008, the total value of art assets sold at auction was $8.3 billion, which is $1 billion less than in 2007. This is largely due to a drop in demand in the American market. However, this figure is exceptional in the entire history of the market.

Speaking about the enlarged segmentation of the volume of sales of art objects in 2008 from the point of view of the period of writing the works, it should be noted that the following were especially popular:

Contemporary art (43.9%);

Works by artists who created their works after World War II,

Works by old masters and 19th century masters. due to the high cost (in relation to these works, the risk of provenance was taken into account - true authenticity, confirmed by verified sources, beyond doubt based on the history of creation and ownership).

As for the geography of sales of art objects in 2008, 71.3% was almost equally divided between the USA and Great Britain; the leader in Europe is France, which is ahead of China by 1.2% in Asia.

One of the modern trends in the art asset market is that the most significant sales at nominal price occurred in 1990-2008. In 2006 alone, two masterpieces with a nominal value of about $100 million were sold (Table 4).

Table 4

The most significant sales of art assets in the period 1990-2004.

Indicator Indicator

Market capitalization in nominal 13,000

Market capitalization in real 14,200

Number of artists "investment 183

quality", people

The artist with the greatest capital is Pablo Picasso,

tion" 2,070

The artist with the highest number is Pablo Picasso,

works, units 113

The artist with the highest average price of works is Kazimir Malevich, 36.6

Nominal threshold price 5.6

Real price threshold price 6.2

Annual average trade volume 2,480

Pablo Picasso Garçon a la pipe G5.G5.2GG4 1G4 168 GGG

Pablo Picasso Dora Maar au chat G3.G5.2GG6 95 216 GGG

Gustav Klimt Portrait of Adele... G8.11.2GG6 87 936 GGG

Francis Bacon Triptych, 1976 14.G5.2GG8 86 281 GGG

Vincent van Gogh (Vincent van Gogh) Portrait du Dr. Gachet 15.G5.199G 82 5GG GGG

Factors influencing the art market can be divided into internal and external. Internal factors include factors that, in turn, are indicators of segments of the art market. These indicators can also be divided into general and second-level indicators.

External factors include the main indicators of the macroeconomic situation in the world. These are global world indices, national market indices, exchange rates of major currencies, oil prices, gold, silver and platinum.

The purpose of the key indicators of the investment segment of the art market is to display as objectively as possible the current trends in price dynamics and the “depth” (liquidity) of the public market for the most expensive art objects. Also, these key indicators allow us to assess the composition of the market (the structure of market capitalization by industry, similar to the analysis of the stock market) and the distribution of value, trade volumes and growth rates of value by type of art objects.

Let us present the main elements of the system of key indicators of the investment segment of the art market, used in practice (all indicators are expressed in both nominal and real prices, the choice of the type of indicator remains with the user of statistical information). As an example, we take statistical information on 1 thousand of the most expensive works exhibited at auctions and included in the rating of the SKATE"S agency. General market indicators: - capitalization of the market for investment-quality art objects, calculated as

the total cost of all works included in the sample;

Average cost for the largest works, calculated as the average value from the list of selected works;

Threshold price corresponding to the cost of the last work in the compiled rating;

Market breadth index - the number of artists included in the rating;

Market depth index - turnover over the last 12 months. as a percentage of market capitalization. Turnover is calculated as the total value of all new works included in the rating over the past 12 months;

Repeat sales index - this indicator reflects the turnover of the most significant works on the open market and is calculated as the number of repeat sales of paintings from the rating over the past ten years, as a percentage of 1 thousand;

Average annual return - calculated as the change in market capitalization for the corresponding period, reduced to percent per annum.

Some general market indicators as of December 1, 2008 are presented in table. 5.

In practice, to analyze the market for investment quality art objects, it is customary to segment the paintings selected for analysis. Based on them, second-level art market indicators are calculated, which include:

Market capitalization of individual artists - calculated as the total value of all works of a given artist included in the selected list, both in nominal and real prices;

Table 5

distribution of profitability of 1 thousand most expensive objects of art, broken down by period of creation

Years of creation quantity average purchase price, dollars weighted average weighted average

Repeat sales period profitability indicator IRR, % holding period, years

From the Renaissance to 1487-1866 7 5 140 008 -1.39 5.2


Origin and heyday 1867-1887 45 7235 610 1.12 9.2


Neo-Impressionism, 1888-1903 37 5,027,777 0.83 8.3

Viennese Renaissance,

Nabism, Favism, Art Nouveau

Cubism, expressionism, 1904-1921 55 5,543,175 3.29 8.1

Suprematism, Dadaism

Surrealism 1922-1946 28 4 255 457 4.97 7.1

and abstract art

Action painting and pop art 1947-1970 60 3,081,055 6.17 7

Postmodernism 1971-2002 18 2,608,997 23.13 5.4

Others - 11 2,593,400 5.55 11.1

- “yield index” of historical periods - is calculated as the total market value of the works included in the list, created for a certain period.

To date, there have been only 255 repeat sales among the top 1,000 most expensive works (based on data going back to 1985). In other words, only 25.5% of the world's most valuable works have been sold more than once on the market in the last 24 years.

In the entire history of the art market, the most profitable work is “Three Studies for Self-Portrait” by Francis Baikon. It was sold on May 13, 2008 at Christie's auction (Table 6).

Given that repeat sales create at least two indicators of these prices on a timeline, information about them allows you to extract valuable data on the actual (effective) rate of return achieved by investors based on the results of completed transactions;

- “plot popularity index” - calculated as the total market value of works written within a certain standard plot.

The breakdown is carried out according to the following typical subjects (indicating the number of works included in the rating of the 500 most expensive objects of art) (Table 7).

Analysis of the data presented in table. 7 allows us to conclude that the most common subjects for works of investment quality, which by their market value are included in the ranking of the 500 most expensive objects of art, are landscape and abstraction.

This factor is of practical importance when comparing art objects from one

Table 6

Five highest-grossing works of art as of 2009

Table 7

Distribution of the 500 most expensive objects of art by subject

Plot Number of works

Landscape 135

Abstraction 72

Portrait of a woman 64

Nude 42

Portrait of a man 25

Still life 22

Sculpture 21

Other portraits 20

Self-portrait 10

Portrait of a woman with a child 9

- the “index” of popularity of sizes is calculated as the total market value of works that, by their market value, fall into the ranking of 1 thousand of the most expensive works of art, painted within a certain standard size, used by many world analysts;

Thus, based on the results of a review of trends in the art market, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1. In general, the global art market does not have a single location. The vast majority of transactions are made directly between the owners of paintings and sculptures or through the mediation of professional art dealers and gallerists.

2. Currently, only two auction houses Sotheby's and Christie's account for about 73% of sales of the world art market.

Francis Three stages 05/13/2008 28,041,000 86.29

Baikon self-portrait

Joan Petuz 06/18/2007 13,101,568 40.09

Miro (Le coq)

Andy Liz 11/13/2007 23,561,000 33.95

Gerhard Abstraction 05/13/2008 14,601,000 30.60

Andy Abstraction 11/14/2007 8,441,000 28.15

The heyday of a master 35-39, 50-54

Academic maturity 30-34, 40-49

Period of active creativity 25-29, 55-59

Creative period 20-24, 60-79

Individual experiments Before 20, after 80

3. The crisis is affecting the art market; prices for art in the first quarter of 2008 actually fell by 7.5% compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. This is the most acute decline in price indicators on the market since 1991-1992.

4. From the point of view of the period of painting, contemporary art is especially popular (43.9%), followed by artists who created their works after World War II, works by old masters and masters of the 19th century.

5. As for the geography of sales of art objects in 2008, 71.3% was almost equally divided between the USA and Great Britain; the leader in Europe is France, which is overtaken by the Chinese market, which is growing in all directions.

6. The most significant sales were from 1992 to 1998. During this period, more than 318 masterpieces were sold, the present value of which exceeded $2.6 billion (the average price of a work was $8.4 million). And the most expensive painting of that period by Vincent van Gogh, “Self-Portrait without a Beard” (sold for $71.5 million), currently costs $85.6 million.

7. When assessing market value, eight parameters are formed by which the value of an asset is determined:

Contextual cost;

Picture size;

The period of creation of the painting;

The plot of the picture.

The presented analysis may be useful to investors when investing in non-financial markets.


1. Bruno S. Frey, Rainer Eichenberger. Profit rates in the art market: research and assessment. European Economic Review. 1995.

2. Oliver Chanel. Predictability of the art market. European Economic Review. M. 1995.

3. Skaterschikov S., Korinevsky V., Yakovenko O., Pichler K., Zimke T., Hansen N. Guide to investing in the art market. M.: Alpina Business Books. 2006.

4. Art market trends. 2009. URL: http://www. skatepress.com/.


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